Zodiac Sign:who you spend Valentine's day with

492 16 13

☯January ☯- Xavier

☪February ☪ - Shmateo

☸March☸ - Xavier

✖April ✖ - Malak

✔May✔ - Devontae

✳June✳ - Shmateo

⚜ July⚜ - Devontae

❇ August ❇ - Malak

⚛September ⚛ -Jalen

☦ October ☦ -Jalen

☑ November ☑ -Malak

▶ December ▶ -Shmateo

A/N comment who you got and make sure you follow my other account LeIssaDime

Should I do more of these or stop?

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