The Color He Likes On You

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Comment your favorite color BTW mines is Royal Blue and Periwinkle💝

Malak: red because you get angry quickly although you don't faze him when your angry, your too small to it funny when you get mad and wear red at the same time cause your skin matches your clothes to him that's adorable.

Jalen:Yellow because not everyone wears yellow so its an original color for you although you hate how bright it is, but when you wear yellow it brightens his day.

Devontae: Purple cause he likes to call you his "little grape" it makes you Laugh but he likes the name as well as the color on you,  you say you look like Barney in purple but he insists your waaayyy prettier and slim.

Shmateo:He loves when you where grey for him it's a color that represents a chill mood which is your personality your chill and he loves when you wear crop tops with some sweats a little exposed skin never hurt.

A/N 12 midnight tonight be ready for
Jason McCann ❤

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