the flaw that he has that you embrace

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Malak: there is a small cut under his nose that he hates which is why he never get close to cameras and stuff he often stares in the mirror looking at it and touching it but you insist that it makes him more original cause you've never seen someone with it, it's so small no one can actually notice it unless they really pay attention.

Jalen:Everyone finds Jalen absolutely flawless except him he his eyes he think their plain but you think his intense chocolate orbs are amazing you look deep into them and instantly fall more in love. The eyes are supposedly the key to the soul and all it's secrets and with Jalen' eyes they tell it all, from his biggest fears to his deepest emotions.

Devontae:his braces ever since he's got them even though that's what actually drew you to him although he's getting them taken off in a few days the reason he hates the braces is because there's a small gap at the bottom of his teeth that the braces didn't close which makes him upset cause his teeth are almost perfect besides that he thinks someone might point it out if he smiles but he has to much perfection for someone to point out something so small.

Shmateo: he hates that he's so tall because he's not done growing and if you get too tall it becomes harder to dance and he doesn't want that dancing is his career but you love that you have to stand on your tippy toes to kiss him cause he's so tall he often picks you up to hug you ,you love that he's a giant compared to your small posture.

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