Requested Imagine Jaden Delarosa for Danielle:If nobody got you, I do

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Dedicated to Danielle_lowkey

A/N shout out to Danielle who personally messaged me and asked politely for me to make her an imagine,it didn't matter what kind. I decided to do a nerd type thing because I don't think I've ever done that so I love nerdy boys, I think they are adorable, its a short imagine because I've been writing all day and I'm tired but I'll still try my best Danielle I hope you enjoy.

Jaden Delarosa was a very quiet a reserved boy who stayed to himself he didn't talk to many people ,in fact you didn't think he talked to anyone besides the staff at your school it was weird yet refreshing that he had a good relationships with the adults in the environment.

You weren't a no you weren't cheerleader you weren't filthy rich, you weren't the super smart girl that everyone used. You didn't play no games with no one That earned you respect you let it be known as soon as you walked in the school that you were not the one to mess with.

You were a really sweet girl,until someone crossed you, you didn't back down from nun, you weren't acting tough you had even told people that they didn't have to be scared of you, but some took that as a weakness so you had to shut them down.

That's how you gained your clout (or popularity) by being real and kissing nobodies ass, you had nice style too and a natural beauty which attracted guys to you and made girls want to follow in your foot steps.

You had your own squad of girls that you rocked with but you ultimately were cool with everyone, sure a few haters here and there but if you didn't have haters then you wouldn't be popping.

You were sitting in class talking to your friends and laughing you turned around cause some tapped your shoulder and you starting talking to them too but before you turned back around you noticed Jaden sitting timidly in the corner of the classroom.

You caught his eye and he looked away,you wish he didn't because he was so handsome.

You started talking to your friends again but then you heard something. One of the mean girls in your class was raking selfies and she went over to Jaden and said to her friends "aye take a pic of me and bae" of course she was being rude.

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