Shmateo blurb: in the kitchen (questions at the beginning and end)

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A/N everybody have good Friday ! What are your plans for the weekend?

I'll be at the hotel til Sunday hopefully I will be able to post still ,comment a heart of any kind for good luck on being able to post still 💖 Also comment your favorite emoji mines is ❣


"Boy don't whip my eggs out of the pan" you laughed. "You shouldn't dance while cooking it's dangerous" you said.

"Your right, you should be cooking while I'm dancing" he said walking over to you and putting the pan down.

"No you woke me up at 8 am asking me to get up so you can make me some food,so reverse your ass back towards that stove" you said laughing.

"Do what the apron says first" he said gesturing towards the apron that says
'kiss the cook' you looked at it and read

"You just bought this didn't you" you said hiding a smile he nodded his head you sighed standing up and you got on your tippy toes to kiss him.

He dipped you down backwards while your lips were still connect,your eyes widened as you thought you were about to hit the floor. He brought you back up still with your lips connected.

You pulled away breathless you looked at him and he smirked "wanna play a game?" He said wiggling his eyes brows.

"What game?" You mumbled playing with the top of his shirt.

"Dirty dancing" he said you looked up at him "mm no not in my kitchen" you said kissing his nose ,he kissed your neck peppering small kisses. He kissed your shoulder,the corner of your mouth,for head and nose.

He went to kiss your lips but you put the spatula Infront of his lips "no,no sex in the kitchen.. ....Make my food"

"Then we can play the game?" You winked.

"Boy it depends on how you scramble my eggs add cheese too" you said.

"Right first breakfast" he said putting your on a plate and then in front of you then he went and sat across from you with his plate of food "then desert" he winked at you.

You rolled your eyes "eat boy" you stated.

"Yeah but this is just the pre course" he smirked.

You looked at him blushing "give me strength" you mumbled.

A/N should I keep or delete this one?

Also this girl wants me to make a book about her and Mateo so that means Y'ALL CANT BE IN IT should I make her book?

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