Sippy Cup♡

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Harry walked into his first period, which was Creative Writing, there were a couple of kids sitting down, quietly. Harry glanced around and realized he had a class with a lot of nerd. He honestly doesn't mind,but he doesn't talk to any of them and it's really sad, because he's going to be bored. He walked slowly to the back of the room, looking at the kids reading or writing. There was silly Amanda, the girl that giggles a lot while reading. Then there was Hunter the grunter, he usually grunts a lot when he's in his own little world. The their was a Mickey, he was mute. He hasn't talked since 7th grade. God knows what he'll be doing after high school if he won't speak. Harry made his way to the back of the class and sat down at the very end. He was a bit annoyed about earlier, whoever it was that bumped into him. He didn't even pay attention to his face, only that he had really blue eyes and a rough voice. But Harry didn't pay any mind to it. He flipped his hair back and sighed while taking his phone out and scrolling through Instagram. Finally more kids came in and the teacher walked in. At first Harry didn't really pay attention to the teacher, but once he gave a second glance he realized it was the same person he bumped into earlier. "Ew." He muttered rolling his eyes.

"Alright." The voice strong and stern came from the teacher, grabbing everyone's attention excluding Harry's. He was just on Snapchat using the filters and posting them on his story.

"My name is Mr. Tomlinson. I am your new Creative Writing teacher and also the new English teacher." His voice literally screamed strict. Even if how he talked was slow and calm yet tight and strong. "I am a very serious man and I will not take anyone's bullshit, is that understood?" He asked looking at every kid, seeing the fear in their eyes as he talked.

"And yes, I just said a bad word, and there is more of that. Go ahead and tell the head master I don't care. This is my class, my subject, and the rules will go. My. Way. Understood?" He said raising an eyebrow. "When I ask you a yes or no question, you will address me as Yes?No Mr. Tomlinson. Understood?"

"Yes, Mr. Tomlinson." The class said in unison. Mr. Tomlinson smirked at the fear in their voice. He looked around and glared at a certain student in the back giggling at their phone.

"You! Missy! Get off your phone!" He roared. Harry glanced up and gave him a challenging look.

"Oh, sorry. Are you talking to me? Last time I checked I had a penis, thanks."

"Well, thank you for sharing something you keep in your mouth every weekend, now get up here now."

"Excuse me?" Harry shrieked.

"Your not excused, now get. Here. Now." Mr. Tomlinson ordered. Harry got up and rolled his eyes. He walked to the front of the class, and stood right in front of the man. He actually wasn't as tall as Harry thought, he was only like one inch taller than Harry.

"I think I have a special seat for you, dolly." He said pointing at a desk next to the big teacher's desk.

"Ugh." Harry groaned and sat down. Louis walked to the side of the class and opened a cabinet. He took out a box and set it on a students desk. "Pass these out." He ordered the kid. The boy got up quickly opening the box, to reveal journals. He grabbed a set and passed them around.

"While he passes the journals I'll call role, I expect everyone to say here or present when I call your name."

He pushed up his thick classes and at down typing rapidly on his computer. One by one, he started calling role, making sly comments on how ridiculous names were on there. Made Harry extremely furious. "Michael Clifford!" Mr. Tomlinson called out. Silence. "Michael Clifford?" Silence again. This made Mr. Tomlinson glance up and repeat the name, with more anger.

"Michael Clifford!?" A small hand rose up from the back, indicating that the boy was in fact here.

"Why didn't you do as I told you boy! Do you not speak?" He said harshly.

"My gosh, the boy is mute!" Harry said. Louis looked at Harry and raised an eyebrow. "The boy is mute! He can't really talk, well Im sure he can he just isn't mentally stabled to talk. Gosh you're so rude!" Harry sneered.

"Yeah, well you're a sarcastic little shit, so why dont you stick your ass out of someone else's business, huh dolly?" The teacher snapped.

"Ew don't cally me dolly, you aren't my daddy." Harry muttered. His teacher ignored it and began calling roll again. It was a bit peaceful until Mr. Tomlinson got to the name of the student that's been irritating him all morning. "Harry Styles."

"Here." Harry responded. His teacher looked at him and scoffed while leaning in.

"You can't possibly be-"

"Excuse me do you have problem?" Harry asked leaning closer to him and tilting his head in sass.

The older man leaned back, looking extremely furious.

"That's what I thought." Harry muttered rolling his eyes.

"In the journals given to you, you will open it and make a table of contents." He said, Harry huffed. "You will write down each day of the week, from Monday to Friday. Leave spaces in between the days." He paused for a minute letting the kids write it down. "Now. On Monday, put semi-colen and then write "Quotes" on Tuesday, write "Favorite Book" On Wednesday write, "Song" on Thurday write "Short Story" Friday write "Free Style."" Mr. Tomlinson waited for his students to finished. Once he saw they were finish. He cleared his throat and began to speak again. "Today is Monday, so I want you to write the date, and put Monday next to it, then, pick a quote, it doesn't matter what quote it is just write it.

Harry rolled his eyes and started thinking of a quote, once he thought of one he wrote it down. "Gosh I thought this class was going to be fun." He muttered. Mr. Tomlinson heard him but just ignored him. When the older man went to sit back down he had dropped a box of pens. "You dropped something." Harry commented mindlessly.

"Well thank you Mr. Styles for you remark, if I didn't hear it I wouldn't have noticed it." Mr. Tomlinson said sarcastically.

"Yeah well I like to help the less unfortunate." Harry said smiling fakely.

"Well since Mr. Styles like talking we'll make him read his quote outloud first."

Harry groaned and got up holding his journal. He looked at his teacher, in which the older man indicated him to proceed.

"Bloods still stains when the sheets are washed, Sex don't sleep when the lights are off, kids are still depressed when you dress them up, and syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup."

Harry sat down and huffed, really bored of this class

"Wow how unique! Really basic, but then again so are you." The teacher commented.

"Yeah well I prefer being basic, then someone who's a rude asshole like yourself, Sir." Harry sassed.

"You're staying right after class, I need to speak to you Mr. Styles." Mr. Tomlinson said in a low scary voice, that sent chills down Harry spine. He suddenly felt scared, but didn't dare show it. Was he really going to get his first detention the first day of school.

its 2:30am I haven't been sleeping well at all. Sigh. ~Panda

My Dolly L.S.(teacher/student)Where stories live. Discover now