Mrs. Potatohead ♡

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Harry rolled over and sighed. He knew he had to wake up but he honestly did not want to. He felt the space around him, and opened his eyes realizing something was missing. He looked around with squinted eyes, realizing he was at Louis' place. He sighed and got up, he grabbed his things and began to change. The smell of bacon filled the air making his stomach growl.

Harry stepped out of the room quietly, making his way down the hall. He looked into the kitchen and saw Louis there making food.

"It smells so good." Harry spoke. Louis turned around and smiled.

"You hungry?"

"Mhm." Harry nodded with a cute pout on his face. He sat down at the table and checked through his phone. He texted Ivy to make sure she was okay, getting no reply from her. Harry frowned, but then wiped it off with a smile as Louis set the food in front of me.

"So Louis." Harry started before putting a piece of bacon in his mouth. "You want to do this again tonight?" He smirked at him.

"Actually no, I cant. Im busy tonight." Louis said typing on his phone.

Harry frowned. "Oh okay," He trailed off then smirked. "Ill just meet up with Dylan." He said before putting a spoonful of eggs in his mouth.

"Mhm, okay." Louis said not paying attention. This irritated Harry, he rolled his eyes and kept eating. Louis finally put his phone on the table and finished eating. He stood up and through the rest of his food away.

"Do me a favor dolly, go look decent." Louis said washing the dishes. Harry got up and rolled his eyes. He went back to the room and grabbed a brush, he began fixing his hair. He went into Louis' bathroom and washed his face. Then putting his shoes on, and fixing himself. He then grabbed his things and stepped out of the room.

He walked down the hallway, curious as to why Louis was so distracted. Once he got to the living room he realized there were papers on the coffee table. Those werent there before.

"Here, hold this." Louis said, giving Harry worksheet papers, there was a sudden knock and Louis quickly fixed his hair. Harry looked at him curiously, not knowing what the hell Louis was doing. He opened the door and smiled.

"Briana! Hello come in! I just finish tutoring my student, he'll be on his way." Louis welcomed a fake blonde in, then gesturing Harry to leave.

Harry still confused slowly made his way to the door.

"Erm, thank you Mr. Tomlinson. Ill see you at school." Harry said turning around to face him, but suddenly having the door slammed at his face. Harry raised his eyebrows, and scoffed. He walked away and went home.

Once at home he was lucky the car ride here was fast. He quickly took a shower and started getting ready for school.

He grabbed his phone and rang Ivy.

"Hello?" Her voice croaked.

"Hey darling? How are you feeling?"

"Like shit. I dont wanna go to school."

"Want me to come over?" Harry asked.

"No I dont want you to miss your classes." There was a small pause and suddenly both besties burst out laughing.

"Ill be there in 20." Harry smiled. He changed out of his clothes and put on pajama pants and a tank top. He went to his shelf and took out his homework from his back pack, and replacing them with Tim Burton movies. He then left the house and drove to Starbucks to get Ivy's favorite drink. On the ride there, Harry blasted Melanie Martinez, not caring about school today.

My Dolly L.S.(teacher/student)Where stories live. Discover now