Love Note♡

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Harry was in English and oh how he was running his mouth. The whole class was entertained very well, Tomlinson and Harry were going at it, Harry yelling and sassing his teacher while Mr. Tomlinson cursed and huffed.

"You are not going to tell me what to do!"

"I am your teacher! You should listen to me."

"Oh no I wont. I respect the people that respect me. You never respect me."

Louis was in front of Harry's desk yelling at him while Harry stood there with his hands on his hip sassing his teacher. It was so bizarre how this happened at first it became bickering until Harry said something horrible about his mother to his teacher. Of course, Harry doesn't know the true relationship between Louis' mom and Louis himself. He just made a dumb comment of something he didnt know about just to piss him off. And indeed he did. While all the bickering Harry had said "I bet your mother didnt even want to deal with a kid like you, you are so grumpy."

And that's when the teacher flipped. It kind of shocked Harry a bit but then his teacher ask if his parents knew he was a harlot. And that all resolve to whats happening now.

"Oh yes, because I was the one who walked into a classroom and started to take selfies in the class. Oh wait that was you!"

"Leave me alone! Gosh."

"You are such a child!" Louis spat.

"Says the one who doesnt shut his mouth!"

"Oh everyone here knows you never shut that mouth, especially while being on your knees!"

"Why are you such an asshole!"

"Why are you such a whore!"

That left Harry speechless. His mouth was open but nothing came, it stung it really did. He hated that word, his father calls him that, and he hated it. He grabbed his things and started walking out of the room.

"Harry if you leave this class you will have detention for the rest of the week!" Louis said.

Harry turned to look at him with teary eyes. He looked straight at him and then raised his middle finger at him before leaving and slamming the door behind him.


After Harry left the school early, while hiding away from security. He went to his house and as soon as he got to his room he began to cry. He threw his bag on the ground and then threw himself to the bed. He cried on his pillow for 10 minutes until he finally fell asleep.

An hour later, his alarm went off. He got up and went to his bag that was thrown on the floor. He took out his phone and turned the alarm off. He then sighed and rubbed his face then gets up. He walks to his closet and takes out a black skirt, a pink tank top with the words 'Yes, Daddy' in black letters. He lays them on his bed. He walks to his vanity and grabs the make up wipes. He wipes off his face and goes to the bathroom to take a shower. Once he's done he changes into new underwear and his clothes. After that, he went to his vanity and started doing his make up. Light pink eyeshadow and a long sharp black strip of eyeliner. He then wore a pastel pink liquid lipstick. He then blow dried his hair leaving it all puffy and curly. He smiled at his appearance and then went to put on his black and pink converse. Harry smiled, as he was ready for work. He checked his phone and realized Ivy had called him many times. He unlocked the phone and messaged her.

'Going to work, meet me there, Ill get you some hot wings.'

He then grabbed his things, walking out of his room and locking the front door behind him. He walked to work, suddenly remembering what happened earlier. Louis had called him a whore. He frown but then shook that thought out of his head.

When he got to work everyone greeted him the way they did every day. Ivy came in and everything was good. Harry worked happily keeping his mind off of the events today. Ivy knew he was hurt and she tried getting him to talk. But of course he was all focused on work. That was until, an hour before his shift was over.

Of course, the person that he didn't want to see, came right in. But Harry only smirks and turns around to go to the kitchen. Ivy sat there eating some French fries but she caught that smirk. She looked at her English teacher whoSat at a booth all by himself taking out a couple papers out of his duffle bag, then turned her head to Harry who smiled sweetly at the customers. He had a plan. And Ivy knew he did. No wonder he invited her here. Something was going to go down, and Ivy couldn't wait. Harry went to grab his small notebook and a pen. He walked over to Mr. Tomlinson with a smile.

"Hello, sir welcome to The Cove, what can I get for you today." Harry says brightly.

Louis turned to look at him. "Well look who's in a better mood." Louis commented. Harry stayed silent, still smiling. But in his head he was raging. He wanted to say something bit of course, he didn't want to ruin his plan. Louis arched a brow as if waiting for a response, when he didn't get one. His face turn to cold stone. "What?" He said.

"What can I get for you today?" Harry repeated.

Louis' brows came together slightly. He then shook his head and started ordering. Harry smirked a little. This is what he wanted. For Louis to be confused. Once Louis was done, Harry turned to walk to the kitchen, swaying his hips. The skirt of the uniform he wore would bounce up, and Harry new Louis was staring, especially when he saw Ivy's face as she smirked at her teacher. Ivy has multiple smirks, the mischievous smirk, the flirty smirk, the 'i know your secret' smirk, and the challenging smirk. And right now she had the 'i know your secret' smirk on. Harry went to the kitchen and put Louis' order on the counter. He went back to help the other customers until Louis' order was done. Harry went to get the food and walked to Louis, when Louis thanked him Harry winked at him and went back to the kitchen, where he has a small chat with Niall, until finally his shift was over. He went back to his dressing room where he changed back into his clothes and redid his make up. He went on the stage and started singing songs, from Melanie Martinez, to Lana Del Rey. It was only 5 songs total, then he went home with Ivy.

Louis looked at the pretty boy leave, and he was deeply confused. Why Harry acting so happy in smiley, if they had a huge fight earlier. Louis shook his head and finish his food 30 minutes later. He put all of his work back into his bag and went to pay, he then left the diner and rushed to his car.

Louis' cell started ringing, when he reached for it he realized it was his mother. "Gross." He commented and through his phone to the passenger sear. He started driving to his house, enjoying the silence. Once he his house he found his dog laying on the couch, which made Louis frown because he looked weaker. Louis found his mail on the floor in front of the door. He looked through them and they were all mostly bills until there was a light blue color envelope. It had the words 'For: My Alphabet Boy' in a pretty cursive writing. Louis squinted his eyes, as he opened it. He took the note out and started reading;

Dear Alphabet Boy,

I am mailing you to tell you that gosh you are so hot. You make my parts tingle. Every time I see you I just want to melt. Your lips look so soft, and that ass. Oh boy its amazing. I hope you like the pictures I put in this envelope. Hope you like the view.


Louis started at the note. S? Who is S? He then checked the envelope and there he found 3 pictures of someone showing off 3 different lacy underwear, but they were all just ass view. Louis wondered who S was. He sighed and opened a drawer then threw the pictures and note in there. He then went to his room feeling extremely confused.

My Dolly L.S.(teacher/student)Where stories live. Discover now