Sister, Sister ♡

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"Well this is your last check up until you give birth, but I still can't find the gender of the third baby. I'm pretty sure you'll find out on the day. But they all look healthy as  can be." The doctor said putting the equipment away. Harry wiped his stomach with a towel he was given then turn to look at Louis who was texting on his phone 

"Babe." Harry called out.

"Yeah? Oh sorry bub, I was just setting up a meeting with a group of publisher." 

"It's okay." Harry said, he's notice Louis has gotten a lot more busy with this new job. Ever since his mother let him off from being a teacher at the school, Louis seems different. He isn't as grouchy and as annoyed as he usually was. Now it's different. 

Harry got off from the bed and started to get ready to leave. "Im really excited Louis."

"So am I, baby. We will have little ones just roaming around soon."

"Ugh I can't wait to watch Disney movies with them."

"Does that mean I have to sing Disney songs with them?" Louis asked.

"Yes will that be a problem."

"Im sailing away, away, you're welcome!"Louis sang Harry giggled, walking away from Louis. As they exited the Doctor's offices and towards the parking lot, Louis proceeded to sing random Disney songs. "And then I change their diapers and while doing that I'll sing; 'Let's get down to business! To defeat the huns! Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons!"

"You will have a son." Harry stated. 

"I know, I am curious of the little one that keeps hiding from us. I have a feeling it's a boy."

"I have a feeling it's a girl. Sometimes I think they all don't have any room, but then I remember all those painful nights of them running around in there." Harry rubs his stomach. 

Louis smiled at him, then opens the car door. They get in and begin driving back home. 

"Hey Harry have you talked to your mom lately?"

"She texted me this morning asking how I was doing but that was it."

"Do you want to go see her?"

"Uhm, well. No I think it's okay. I don't want to right now." Harry said. 

"Okay, also Zayn wanted us to come by later for dinner."

"That's fine, I was actually going to go either way because Ivy is finally going on a date with Carter."

"I never liked that kid."

"Why because we used to have sex?" Harry asked. 

"And he was almost the father of my children."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm glad it was you." He said taking Louis' hand. Louis smiled and started pulling up into his driveway. That's when they notice a woman, standing on the porch knocking. She wore a black pants, a large trench coat and brown boots. 

"Who is that?" Harry asked, lowkey scared it was Brianna again after such a long time. The lady turned around, she wore big thick sunglasses, Harry couldn't tell who she was. 

Both Louis and Harry got off of the car, making their way to her. 

"Hello is there something we can help you with?" 

"I-I'm Looking for a Harry. Harry Styles?" She said nervously. 

Harry stepped aside from behind Louis, wrapping his arms around his stomach. "Yes?" 

There was a small silence, suddenly Harry noticed tears running down her face. "Are you okay?" Harry asked, stepping a little closer to her. 

"R-remember when we were young, and you used to tell me that if I became a mother. You were confident you would be a better mother than our mum was." She said softly, while letting a small sob at the end. "Who would have known you'd be a mother before I was."

Harry frowned, his eyebrows pulled together in anger. "Who the hell are you!"He yelled at her. 

"Harry?" Louis went to his side. 

The lady took off her glasses to reveal her face. Harry stared at her for a moment, once realizing who she was he began to shake, tears fell down his face. 

"Harry, Harry baby calm down. Who ever you are! Leave now!" Louis yelled. 

"Gemma?" Harry began to sob. "Gemma is that really you!" He began to slowly get on his knees as he cried. She followed his actions and cried as well. 

"Yes, Haz it's me."

"How! How I thought you died! You were dead! You killed yourself!" Harry cried. 

"No! No! I never killed myself. It was her! She sent me away and told everyone I killed myself." Gemma said. 

"Alright why don't we go inside, okay. Harry you need to lay down, you're too close to your due date you have to stay calm." Louis said

Louis helped Harry in the house and put him on the couch, he let Gemma in and she sat next to Harry. He made them some tea, and after Harry began to calm down they started talking again. 

"So, what exactly happened. Harry told me you killed yourself, and now you are here?"

"When I  was younger my mum was really abusive towards us, I would always put Harry to bed and put him to sleep before mum acted up. She would get mad at me for the smallest things, and one night I overheard her boyfriend talking about Harry and how he thought Harry was gay. Mum didn't think much of it until her boyfriend Mark started calling him a she because of the clothes he wore. There was a time where I even heard Mark say very, very dirty things about Harry to one of his friends. So I confronted him about it and he... he did stuff to me and... I knew after that he would want to do it again. And I was so scared that I tried to kill myself, but I didn't. I was admitted to a mental hospital out in London. Once I turned 20 they let me out, and I started to make a living there in a London. I finally picked myself up now I have money, a job. I was so worried about you. I came back, I found mum. Mark isn't there anymore, she explained how he manipulated her into getting me there. But I still can't forgive her for what she did. I was her own daughter! I understand if it were for a month but it was for years! She kept me there for years and told everyone including you that I killed myself!" Tears were falling down her face. Harry was also crying. He gave her a hug. 

"I can't fucking believe this! Why would she lie? Why the hell would she fucking do that! What mother does that to her children! Im so tired of this. She was the worst mother! And I hate the way she raised us! Im going to tell her what she deserves to hear!" 

My Dolly L.S.(teacher/student)Where stories live. Discover now