Malik ♡

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"Now you will regret this Ivy."

"Why do you hate me so much!" Ivy huffed.

"Hate you? You literally threw your trash at me." Mr. Payne roared. He picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello Tiff, can you please call a parent for me- Yes, infact. Thank you."

He hung up the phone and huffed.

"Your parents will be coming."

"Parent." Ivy corrected him.

"What?" Liam said.

"Parent. I only have a dad. He got pregnant and then got left alone." Ivy said looking away, she groaned taking out her phone. Harry was in detention, so Ivy didnt bother telling him to wait for her.

"Ugghh!!" Ivy groaned getting up from her spot and walked around. "God Mr. Payne, you are an actual pain in the ass." Ivy mumbled.

"Watch your language missy!" Liam fought back.

"Whatever, if im getting in trouble for something stupid might as well make it better." Ivy said rolling her eyes. Liam looked at her, he squinted his eyes and tilted his head. "What?!" Ivy snapped.

"Nothing, just... I remember someone saying that. I just dont know from where." Liam said, he then looked at his computer and started typing. Ivy scoffed, she turned her head to look out the window in annoyance. After about 20 minutes later there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Mr. Payne said standing up. Soon a tall, tan, man with quiffed up hair, that was a mixture of black and a little bit of gray, entered the room. Mr. Payne's figure froze when he noticed the person.

"Zayn?" He asked as he stared at him in disbelief.

Zayn stood there motionless. "Liam." He responded quietly.

Ivy stood up from her seat curiously. "Dad? How do you know Mr. Payne?" Ivy felt anxious. How in the hell does her father know her worst teacher.

"Uh, Ivy.. Wait outside will you?" Zayn asked.

"But dad-"

"Ivy Malik dont make me repeat myself." He warned. Ivy huffed then walked out of the classroom. Soon there was tension in the air. Everything was silent for a while until Liam finally spoke.

"Wow Zayn, I uh havent seen you since high school." Liam stated. Zayn just stared at him.

"Yeah, right after you dumped me on prom night after fucking me." Zayn retorted. Face still emotionless.

"Right." Liam said awkwardly. "Uh, I was young you know. I just wanted to be cool and all you know." Liam chuckled nervously.

"Yes because dating me for a year and a half, then dumping me when I lost my virginity to you, was only to be cool." Zayn snapped. Liam swallowed a harsh lump im his throat. He cleared his throat then but his lip.

Zayn sighed and looked down. "What did my daughter do?" He asked.

"Oh right. She uh, began with making sassy remarks, and throwing trash at me." Liam said picking up some documents then handing it to Zayn. "She will be having school suspension for 2 days."

"Alright, is that all?" Zayn asked.


"Okay Ill be on my way." Zayn stated wanting to get the hell out of there.

"Zayn hold on!" Liam called out. Zayn stopped. He looked at Liam, a bit worried.

"Zayn, I was always a couple months younger than you. So Im 36, then so should you. Ivy is 17.... Then that means you had her when you were 19? But were dating when you were 19?" Liam asked, Zayn stared at him sadly then opened the door and walked out, without another word. Liams eyes widen, at the thought.

"Could Ivy be my daughter?"

A couple rooms down Harry sat quietly, doing his homework as Mr Tomlinson typed on his computer. He would catch small stares Louis gave him, by glaring back at him, making the older man look away. After Harry finished both his Creative Writing and English homework, he huffed and slammed the pencil on his desk. He stood up and gave Louis his assignments. His teacher looked then over and started putting them in the gradebook.

"Alright Harry, you have 15 more minutes left. Go sit down." Without a word, Harry rolled his eyes and sat back down.

Suddenly the door swung open revealing Ivy and her father. Louis looked up at them and gave him a smile.

"Zayn, whats up." Louis greeted him, while he got up.

"Just picking up Ivy." Zayn responded. Ivy had already made her way to Harry.

"Ew Mr. Malik since when are you friends with Mr. Tomlinson?" Harry said scrunching his nose.

"He's an old friend, Harry. I used to babysit him in my teen years." Zayn teased.

"Shut up, prick. What brings you down here?" Louis asked noticing the best friends started talking about something else.

Soon, Zayn's whole facial expression changed. "Ivy got in trouble with her teacher." Zayn responded, Louis noticed the change of mood in his best friend.

"What is it?" Louis asked.

"Remember, when I used to babysit you. I dont know if you'll remember, you were like 5 and I was 18. But I used to talk about my boyfriend."

"Oh right, the love of your life." Louis said playfully. Zayn smacked his lips and smacked him on the arm.

"Well yeah." He then said softly.

"The one you talked about years and years. That I had to go all of my youth years, listening about until you disappeared with your daughter, when you turned 26." Louis said still teasing him.

"Yeah." He said dryly.

"Ok, ok Im done." Louis said then put on a more serious face on.

"Well as you know, we dated for about a year and a half. And also that he's the father of Ivy, right." Zayn said hoping Louis remembers. Louis nodded understand.

"Louis... He's Ivy's teacher." Zayn whispered, looking back at the best friends, giggling and taking pictures. Glad that they werent listening. Louis' face was in full shock, he couldnt believe what he just heard. After all the time Louis has hated the man, for the bad things he did to Zayn. Now he finds out they work at the same place.


"Its Liam, Louis... Liam Payne." He said in a voice so hushed you could barely hear it. Louis blinked at Zayn, as his friend tried his hardest not to burst into tears. Louis pat him in the back and hugged him. Thats when the teens noticed.

"Dad, are you okay?" Ivy said walking up to him. Zayn pulled away and turned around.

"Yes honey, Im fine." He smiled sweetly at his loving daughter. "Well, I have to go. Harry, want a ride?" Zayn offered. Harry quickly gathered his things, Louis glanced at the time and let Harry go since the 15 minutes already passed.

"Have a good one Zayn."

"Thanks Louis, Ill go by your house later, alright." Zayn answered. Soon Zayn and the two teens exited the room. Leaving Louis in his thoughts.

Sorry I haven't updated. Just some personal issues at the moment.

I still love you all. ~Panda

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