Break ♡

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Harry laid in the hospital bed, his eyes were open but his mind was elsewhere. Elsewhere being his kids of course.

The doctor did an ultrasound to check up on the babies. They're fine. He was told that the bleeding was caused from the struggle he went through.

He frowned remembering what happened earlier. The doctor scolded at him for making fast and harsh movements then began to advise him to rest for a few days. Harry agreed.

He then began thinking about Louis. He felt sad, he knows it wasn't Louis' fault. But this isnt the first time Briana has done this. Its beginning to scare Harry not only for Louis' sake but for his kids. He really doesn't want himself and his babies surrounded by someone who is obsessed with his boyfriend.

Maybe its better off if he separates himself. What the hell is he thinking! Is he really gonna leave the man he loves just because of some obsessed bitch? Of course not. That's like letting the psycho win. But will he leave to keep his babies safe?

If Briana were to fight back then the babies could have been hurt. He cant just risk that. And knowing Briana she probably won't stop.

Harry was already tearing up. He wiped his tears once the door opened. In came Louis.

Harry stared at his tummy. Not wanting to look at Louis.

"Harry I-"

"If you're gonna apologize. Don't. I already know its not your fault." Harry said, his voice monotone.

Louis pressed his lips in a thin line. Suddenly the doctor walked in. "Alright Mr. Styles you are good to go. Just remember to not make any harsh movements and rest for a few days." Harry sat up, getting ready to get off of the bed. Thank God Ivy brought extra clothing. He really wouldn't like to be walking away with blood on his ass.

The doctor said they're goodbyes and left the room. There was silence except for the rustling noise Harry made as he got ready to leave.

"I just want to let you know that I love you Harry. And I love our babies."

Harry nodded. "I love you too Louis. But I love our babies more. And I'm not gonna let anything like what happened today risk the life of my children. Therefore I'm leaving, for a while."


"I think we need a break Louis. A lot has been happening and I just-I think a break is best."

"What no Harry! No you can't do that!" Louis yelled. Harry flinched. He wasnt sure if Louis was sad or mad.

"Im sorry Harry I've made my decision."

"No! No Harry I- I won't let you take my kids away from me!"

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "Your kids? Louis they are in me right now. In ME! Not you! So any decision I make, these are my kids. If we don't get back together before the babies are born. Then we can discuss legal matters."

Those words were tearing Louis piece by piece. His heart was racing and his head began to pound. He felt like he was running out of air and running out of time. He didnt know what else to do.

He suddenly fell in front of Harry.
"Please Harry no. I love you. Please don't to this to me. Im sorry. I love you so much Harry. Don't leave me."

My Dolly L.S.(teacher/student)Where stories live. Discover now