Strawberries ♡

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Harry had just finished working, and was on his way home. He decided to he'd spend the night at Louis' house. Already tired of being in the house with his parents.

He has yet to tell them he's pregnant, and he doesn't plan on doing it soon. Maybe when he's a bit more noticeable he'll mention it. But for the moment, he wants to just relax and learn as much as he can about pregnancy. He's actually never seen a man pregnant, he knows Zayn could get pregnant, obviously how Ivy was born. But he's never witnessed a man walking around with a human inside them. So he is extremely nervous.

He arrived at home and began to pack some clothes to sleep over, he wasn't in the mood of doing anything sexual, but then again. Who knew if he would be. So he decided to back some sexy underwear, just in case. He grabbed his pregnancy magazines and shoved them into his bag. After he was done, he began to walk out of his room. His heart began racing once he saw his father come in.

He looked up Harry and scoffed.

"Where do you think you're going, little girl." He slurred obviously drunk. Harry his eyes and began walking across the room.

"Non of your business."

"Excuse me! I am your father!"

"And I'm 18, I dont have to tell you where I'm going." Harry said opening the door. "And don't expect me to come back tonight." He slammed the door and started making his way to Louis' house. God, he really wish he could get out of the house, he's tired of living in that place. He was saving up to get his own apartment, but now that he's pregnant, looks like those saving have to go somewhere else.

Upon arriving at Louis' Harry noticed a car that wasn't Louis', he became curious and walked quietly to Louis' front door. Before he knocked, he turned around and hid his bag in a bush. He was glad he didn't come with slutty clothes on, just in case the person in there was a teacher or someone he knew. Instead he wore sweatpants and tshirt.

Harry knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer. Harry's heart began to race when the door slowly opened, revealing one of Harry's teachers.

"Mr. Payne?" Harry asked.

Liam tilted his head a bit in curiosity. "Harry? What are you doing here?"

"Liam who's at the door?" Louis voice was heard, as he approached them. Louis' eyes widen as he realized it was Harry.

"Oh, well Mr. Tomlinson was suppose to tutor me today, but I guess he's busy." Harry shrugged.

"Right! Harry! I'm so sorry, I forgot to mention that, Im incredibly sorry."

"It's okay, I guess it's better to do this another day." Harry said looking down at his feet, for some reason Harry felt sad, he really wanted to spend the night with Louis. "Goodnight Mr. Payne, night Mr. Tomlinson." Harry turned around and started walking away from the house, once he heard the door close he went back to grab his bag. He texted Ivy to ask if he could spend the night, she said yes, but she wasn't home.

Harry didn't care, he just didn't want to go home today. He walked to Zayn's house and let himself in. Zayn was sitting on the couch reading some papers. He looked up and smiled once he saw Harry.

"Hey haz, Ivy texted me saying you're spending the night."

"Yeah,." Was all Harry said.

My Dolly L.S.(teacher/student)Where stories live. Discover now