Him and I ♡

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Harry rubbed lotion on his hands, then placed them on his big stomach. He rubbed lotion on them, then looked over to see Prince sleeping soundly on the floor. Harry was in a peaceful mood, he loved this feeling. Not having to worry about school, work, nor drama. Harry and Ivy graduated already, and both are pretty happy because of it. Ivy got a job, Carter managed to get her into working at Subway. She was pretty content at the moment, she wasn't thinking of Gavin anymore. In fact, she began talking to Carter more. Harry found out that Carter developed a crush on Ivy, so she suggested for them to date, but because Ivy still loved Gavin she decided to just talk to Carter just to see how it would turn out. So far it's been great, they hang out a lot, to the point where even Harry gets a little jealous. But he is more focus on his babies and his wedding. He was so happy at the moment, and he's pretty sure nothing will change that. 

Harry's phone began to ring, he glanced over to it smiling when he saw Louis' face on it. He picked it up and place it near his ear. "Hello daddy." 

"Hello princess.  How was your day?"

"It was boring, I didn't do much today but watch Orange is The New Black, and eat. How was yours?"

"Mine was fine, I just had a lot of editing to do it was great."

"Oh that's fun."

"Sure." Louis chuckled. "But I'm on my way home now and Zayn texted me asking if we wanted to go to the beach. How does that sound?"

"Oh god yes, I've been so bored and it's pretty hot."

"Okay my love, get your things ready for the beach so when I get home all I have to do its change."

"Okay." Harry hung up, smiling at the thought of sitting near the beach. He got up from the bed, Prince moving slightly when feeling Harry get up. Suddenly Harry's phone began to ring."


"BITCH! We are going to the beach!" Ivy's voice was heard from the phone. 

"Yeah I know, Lou just called me to get ready."

"Should we invite the squad?"

"Yeah why not." Harry laughed. 

"Okay B, see yah there!"

Harry began changing and gathering the things he needed to take to the beach. Once gathering it all, he realized there was still a lot more they needed. When Louis walked through the door the first thing he did was go for a kiss. But Harry interrupted him with saying he had no sun protective cream. Louis stared at him. 



"I love you."

"And I hate you lack of sun protective cream, can we go now?" Harry whined. Louis chucked and kissed him. 

"Yeah let me change." Louis said walking to the room. Harry groaned and opened a bag of onion ring chips. 

Once Louis was done changing, they grabbed their things and left. The car ride was a bit long, but they enjoyed it since the radio happened to play all of Harry's favorite song. 

"But you don't. Judge me. Cos if you did baby I would judge you too. No you don't judge me, cos if you did baby I would judge you too." He sang loudly. Louis rolled his eyes as he laughed. He looked over his fiance and then his belly. It was growing to big. He needed one more month and they would officially be parents. Louis was so proud of Harry, he was so strong and so happy. Louis tried to help the relationship between Harry and his mother, but not a lot came out of it. Harry didn't absolutely hate his mother anymore, and Anne was a bit nicer around Harry. But they didn't talk much. Anne was pretty much distant. Johanna has gotten more involved, and Louis was kind of glad. Even though growing up she wasn't the best at it, Louis has seen a change in her that he truly admires. He was happy, he was genuinely happy. 

Harry gasped, as a new sing changed. "Oh my god I love this song!" He said loudly. 

"Falling in love now, losing control now." He began to sing, Louis began singing with him as well.

As they arrived at the beach, Harry saw Ivy running away from Carter as he had hands full of sand. He got out of the car, his arms surrounding his stomach as he made his way towards Zayn. 

"Oh yes that's fine I don't need any help at all Harry!" Louis yelled from behind him. 

"That's great hunny! You got this!" Harry giggled. "Hi Zayn."

"Hello Harry." Zayn said sitting up. "Where's Louis?"

"He's getting the stuff. Also, Louis doesn't have any sun protective cream. He didn't even wanna stop to buy any." Harry pouted. 

"Yeah I think I've got some sunscreen here." Zayn handed Harry the cream, Harry began putting it on his stomach, his arms, his face and his legs. "Zayn can you put some on my back please."

Zayn stood  and grabbed the sunscreen, they rubbed it all over Harry's back. 

"You arent feeling up my fiance now are you, Malik?" Louis said dropping all of their things on the ground. 

"Don't be gross Louis, Harry's like my son."

"Yeah Lou what the fuck." Harry said. He thanked Zayn then sat down on a beach chair that had a tiny umbrella on it. 

"Hey babe you don't want to go to the water?" Louis asked taking off his shirt.

"Yeah." Harry said putting his hands up so Louis could help him up. 

After helping Harry up they walked to the water hand in hand. 

"Hey Harry!" Ivy and Carter both said at the same time. 

"Hey guys. Enjoying the beach?" Harry asked. 

"Yeah up until Carter tried drowning me."

"All I did was push you into a wave.  And it wasn't even so big." Carter said. 

"HEY BITCHES!" Niall's voice was heard, everyone turned to see the now Burnett boy walking towards them. 

"Hey Niall!" Everyone said in unison making Harry giggle afterwards. 

The rest of the day was a lot of play fighting, and water splashing, watching other people dancing and singing around. For a while Harry took a small nap, but then he went back out to the water to get wet. During the middle of the day Liam came by and hung out with Zayn and Louis. Ivy was feeling a bit awkward but mostly paid attention to Harry and Niall and Carter. 

All was fine, they felt very peaceful that day. Harry was very happy, very fucking happy. 

My Dolly L.S.(teacher/student)Where stories live. Discover now