Character Answer

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Please dont judge my edit -_-

Please dont judge my edit -_-

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Will you ever make a move on Mr. Tomlinson

What? Really, he is sexy and all but hold the goddamn phone gurl, 😂😂

I feel yah buddy... teacher are real bitches,sometimes. Smh

I know right! Ugh he so rude.

Do you think you could fall in love with Mr. Tomlinson.

What? Noooo no. He is a teacher! Cmon!

Why are your outfits goals af omg, I absolutely would like to get some but I need that cash money.

Bitch, I am the most amazing fashion freak, thats why they goal 😘😘😘

Why do you need to argue with Mr. Tomlinson.

Because he's a prick, and just something about him irks me so much.

Is there any other teacher that makes you as mad as Mr. Tomlinson.

Now that I think about it. No. Sure I hate my other teachers but gosh, Tomlinson just irks me so much.

I love your outfits

Thanks boo

FOR MR. TOMLINSON.(dont be offended louis is a natural asshole)

(dont be offended louis is a natural asshole)

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Why are you so daddy?

I dont know, your dad was the first call me that. Ask him.

How much pain in the ass is your student being Mr. Tomalamadingdong (omg can i please use this in an upcoming chapter 😂😂)

Who harry? God is he annoying. Honestly he never keep that mouth shut ever! And my name is Tomlinson, not... that.

Why is your ass so damn hot.

My Dolly L.S.(teacher/student)Where stories live. Discover now