Behave ♡

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Have you ever had that one person, who absolutely changed your life. The person who, hurt you, broke you, and left you aside as if you were just a piece of meat?

Before high school, Harry was the most sweetest innocent kid. He still wore skirts, but he never wore make up. He thought beauty was within. When Harry was quite young, he met a lonely girl, who had jet black hair that always covered her eyes. Her wardrobe was always something black, and never ever, did she show her legs. At first, Harry was scared of her, but he didn't like judging people. So he made his way to the new girl, and introduced himself. At first the girl didn't say anything. She just stared at her feet.

Harry decided she didn't feel like talking, so he just sat next to her quietly doing his own thing.

Until one day, while Harry was blabbing about his favorite flowers. The girl finally spoke. "My name is Ivy."

Harry stared at her with widen eyes. He then hopped up and giggled.

"Like Poison Ivy, from Batman!" Harry said.

The girl nodded. "Why do you wear skirts if you are a boy?" She asked.

"I feel pretty."

"You look pretty. Its different."

"Why do you always have your face covered and where black?"

"I like wearing dark clothes."

"That's cool, you're not like those other girl. Its different." Harry then sat across from her. "Lets be different together?"

Ivy nodded, her dark black hair falling in front of her.

There friendship has gotten stronger ever since.


The day of 7th grade, Harry met an 8th grade kid who came out as Bi. He was
Thrilled because he thought he was the only one who liked boys. And Harry had an absolute crush on him. But Ivy had a crush on him first so he was off limits.

Of course, like every middle school, there was a huge rumor starting. That Harry Styles, and Jason Morales were a thing.

Ivy was furious, but once Harry swore that it was some rumor, she trusted him and stuck with him no matter the rumors. A little after Halloween Jason began talking to Harry.

Harry rook that opportunity to talk about Ivy a lot, so Jason would be interest in her. Of course, Jason was only interested in him. But Harry was to oblivious to realize that. Jason, Ivy and Harry soon became the best friend trio. They hung out all the time, played games and even slept over each other's houses.

December came around and Jason had a big Christmas party, while planning the party, Jason would tell some lies about Ivy to Harry. And of course Harry believed them. He was lovestruck you could say.

Harry and Ivy began to have small little arguments, that would cause them not to talk. Then on that night of the Christmas party.

Jason kissed Harry.

And Harry gladly kissed back, forgetting that he was off limits. Ivy had caught them and then the big fight of the year went down.

And no it wasn't physical, except for the slap Harry received. But after that, in second semester. Jason and Harry began dating. Leaving Ivy torn.

8th graders and 7th graders began to have a rivalry. The 8th graders on Harry's side and 7th in Ivy's. The rumors the arguments, the lies. It ate both of the friends up.

My Dolly L.S.(teacher/student)Where stories live. Discover now