Betrayal ♡

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Harry was out the door as soon as he said those words, Louis ran to stop him. "Harry, Harry baby please calm down."

"NO! She ruined my life! She ruined OUR life. What kind of mother does that to her daughter? I tell you what, a bloody mental one!" 

"Harry please calm down, think of the babies. This isn't healthy." Harry's features began to soften. He felt his stomach. 

"I promise I will never be like her. If I ever, and I mean ever, treat my kids the way she treated us I want you to take them from me and leave."

"No, no stop. You are nothing like her, you will never be anything like her Harry please calm down" Louis grabbed his face and press their foreheads together whispering to him. Gemma stood by the door looking at them, tears still in her eyes. Her face harden when she looked behind them. 

"Harry?" A came out as a whisper. But Harry knew exactly who it was. He turned and there was Anne, crying while holding her purse. "Harry I am s-"

"How could you!" He screamed at her, Louis tried to make him calm but Harry was too hurt to calm down. 

"Harry I'm trying to change!"

"No! You will never change. You will always be the most stupid, drunk, abusive mother there is! You lied to me about her death! You lied to everyone about her death! You locked your own daughter in a mental facility and you claim to want to change? Fuck that! You are one fucked person! You should be the one in a mental facility! You let that gross man in our lives, you made me call him dad! He touched Gemma that's why she wanted to kill herself! Yet you did nothing! You knew didn't you! You knew what he had done to her." 

Anne stayed quiet, eyes red, and shaking. 

"Of course she knew." Gemma said walking towards her. "She always knew, she just pretended she didn't. The way Mark looked at me the little touches he would do. She knew everything! And yet you did nothing! Nothing!" By then Gemma was in front of Anne and slapped her. "He raped me! And I cried out for you! But you did nothing!" She cried. 

Anne touched her face where she was just slapped. She then fell to her knees. 

"Please. Please forgive me! I beg of you! Both of you! Forgive me!" She sobbed. Gemma stood there staring at her with full of hate. Harry has never seen her that way before. But from what she's been through he couldn't blame her. 

"Forgiveness is earned. I dont see you earning that anytime soon." She then walked away from them and crossed the street to get in to her car. She drove away leaving Harry in Louis' arms. He stared at the car until it disappeared, he then looked over at Anne who was crying on the ground. That's when he notice a few neighbors standing outside of their homes. 

"Go home Anne." Harry said, Louis and him then went inside. Harry went to their room and cried until he fell asleep. Louis called Zayn giving a brief explanation of the events that just happened. Zayn asked if there was anything he and Ivy could do, but Louis refused. He thought Harry should rest for the night. After ending the call Louis sighed and got in bed with Harry. He spooned him, then began playing with his hair. Louis was sad because there was so much in Harry's life that was fucked. He grew up in a really bad home, thinking his sister killed herself, and going through a really bad experience in middle school, and being called a slut, and having been lied to. All Louis wanted to do was to protect him and make him the happiest he could be.

After a three hour nap, Harry woke up in a dark room. He stretched a little. He heard laughter in the distance. That's when he notice Louis wasn't next to him. He had a big headache, but he knew he couldn't sleep forever, plus he feels bad because he knows Zayn wanted is to come over. He got up rubbing his eyes and walked out of the room, he slowly went down the hall listening to Zayn and Louis cursing at each other, when he entered the living room he smiled softly seeing the playing a video game on the TV. When Zayn won the game, both yelled. Zayn got up and started doing a funny dance, he stopped once he spotted Harry just standing there. 

"Hello there sleeping beauty." He said. Louis whipped his head to see his boyfriend standing there. 

He got up quickly smiling at him. "How are you feeling?"

"I have a headache."

"I bet. With the events earlier, it really took a lot out of you."

Harry sighed loudly. "I was hoping it was just a very real nightmare." He murmured.

Zayn scratched his head and walked into the kitchen. Louis rubbed Harry's stomach. "Also, she left her number here. If you want to like... text her or something." He handed him a small piece of paper. Harry grabbed it and nodded. Suddenly Zayn came out yelling; "Who wants pasta!" 

He held a big tray of cheesy pasta and set it on the coffee table. Harry then realize he was very hungry and sat on the couch with Louis. 

"Where is Ivy?"

"She's out with that Carter kid."

"Right, ugh damn it I was suppose to help her get ready."

"It's okay Haz, she understands." He nodded taking a plate. They all began eating as they watched an episode of Harry's favorite show The Good Doctor. After they finished there was a knock on the door, when Louis opened it, it was Ivy smiling like an idiot. "Hello!" She chirped. 

"What no spending the night?" Zayn asked. 

"No." She said. "He wants to wait until a few more dates." She said walking in. 

"Hm, I kinda starting to like the kid." He nodded. 

"Come and eat. Tell me everything." Harry said. 

Ivy quickly sat and grabbed a plate. "Well first I want to know if you are okay?"

"I'm better, I'll tell you later."

The rest of the night Ivy talked about her date, they told a few jokes, then played a few video games. It was a bit calming. Yet Harry's mind was still racking over the fact the her suppose dead sister is actually alive, and that the number he was given was just burning in his pockets. 

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