Talking ♡

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Harry was in his room reading a couple articles on teen pregnancy, he was half excited, half scared. Having a kid! It was only the beginning of December, and he wasn't even close to graduating yet! He looked outside as the wind blew  soon enough it'll start snowing, and honestly Harry couldn't wait, he was all wrapped up in what has been happening lately that he didn't even notice he favorite season was beginning.

Harry's phone buzzed making the young boy look down.

Can we talk? - Lou

Harry bit his lip, and sighed. He gathered all of the articles shoved them in his bag.

He slipped on his shoes and started making his way out of his room with his phone in his hand.

Grabbed the keys and locked the door on his way out. He began walking all alone, thinking about his future, he had just found out about his pregnancy yesterday, when all he had in mind yesterday was for Louis to get his dog back.

Now he has to deal with this whole pregnancy thing and figuring out who was the actual father.

He was worried, he didn't know what to do. He doesn't remember anything from that night with Carter, but he does remember that day with Louis. And he didn't know what to do, he was torn between the two, he was scared.

He was going to admit, he had stronger feelings for Louis than he has with Carter, and honestly, Carter and him are friends with benefits, nothing else. But it was suppose to be the same with Louis, and Harry's feelings had to ruin that. He didn't think he would ever be falling for a teacher, but Louis' different.

Upon arriving at Louis' house Harry took in a deep breath, he let it out while knocking on Louis' door.

The door swung open, and there revealed a cozy, sleepy, looking Louis.

"Oh, hey. I didn't think you were coming." Louis said scratching his head.

"Im here." Harry shrugged.

"You are." Louis nodded, he then shook his head. "Sorry uh, come in." Louis said inviting Harry in.

Harry walked in and was immediately greeted by Prince. "Hi there handsome." Harry cooed as he pet him. Harry then walked to the living room and sat on the couch. Louis sat next to him.

"I just wanted to tell I... Im sorry..." Louis began, "Im sorry if I made you feel less of a person for involving me with Briana. I just want you to know that, whatever it was me and Briana had, its over."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "Louis why are you telling me this?"

"Because Harry I... I want-if the baby is mine, I want to be there for them. For you and for the baby." Louis said.

"And if it's not yours?" Harry said in a whisper. There was a small pause.

"I still want to be there for you, if that kid Carter doesn't want to help, I will. I want to."

"Why?" Harry said not looking at Louis but at Prince.

Louis never thought he would ever do this. Never in his life he thought he would tell his feeling to a student.

"Because I like you Harry, and I care about you. And I don't see you as my student anymore..." Louis said. Harry finally looked at him, waiting for him to say something he's been wanting to hear. "I want to be there for you, as in more of a teacher, more as fuck buddy, more as a friend. I want you there for you as a...."

"Boyfriend?" Harry finished for him.

Louis looked away biting his lip, the older man didn't think he would feel this anxious about it.
"Yeah, boyfriend."

There was another small silence.

"But what if the baby isn't yours?"

"This isn't about the baby anymore Haz, this is about my feelings for you, before we found out about the baby." Louis explained, "I just didn't realize it until now. All those times I'd get jealous, all those times I'd smile whenever I heard you laugh, all those times I'd get a funny feeling in my stomach whenever we talked. I just didn't realize that until now, I just didn't realize how extremely important and special you are to me....until now." Louis rambled. Harry had tears in his eyes, he blinked letting them leave his eyes and travel down his face.

Harry scooted closer to Louis, and slowly leaned on him. Louis moved his arm so him and Harry were snuggling together. "I didn't think this would ever happen. I just, I was so against it. So against sleeping with a teacher. But its true what you said Louis, I don't see you as a teacher either. I was already the school slut, I thought messing around with you would just be messing around."

"You aren't a slut Harry."

"But I am! Everyone knows it! Hell, I don't even know who the real father of my child is and I just. Fuck I cant believe I became this." Harry said starting to cry.

"Shh shh, its okay baby. Im here for you alright?" Louis hugged him tightly, giving a kiss on the forehead.

The rest of the night they just cuddled with Prince. Talking about anything on their minds.


The next morning Harry was determined to talk to Carter about it. He needed to tell Carter because if it was him he'd have to did out sooner or later.

"Carter! Carter!" Harry called after him. Carter turned around and smiled at Harry.

"Hey sugar plum, what's up?"

"Listen we need to talk. Like in private."

"Oh no, you aren't breaking up with me are you?" Carter faked pouted, knowing well that they weren't even dating. "Oh are you gonna ask my hand in marriage because I love myself a big rock." He winked. Harry giggled at him and shook his head. He then grabbed his arm and pulled him into the janitors room.

"Woah, doing it in school grounds, well aren't you naughty."

"No Carter its not that listen."

"Im all ears!" He said, "and mouth."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Okay, so... that night at the party remember? When we, had sex."

"Yeah, which we haven't gone for round two by the way."

"Okay so.. listen... I had sex with someone that same day.... before you." Harry said biting his lip. Carter looked at me and laughed.

"Harry you do know we aren't dating, I don't care who you're with nor am I judging." He responded.

"No its not that its...." Harry said. "Im pregnant. And I don't know who it is. And last time I had sex was... that time."

Carter looked stunned as he stared at Harry. "Harry its not mine." Carter said.

Harry bit his lip. "Listen, I don't expect you to care for the baby if you don't want to bu-"

"No Harry its not that. If it were my kid I would totally take care of them, it that I know I wore I condom that night, hell, I even saw it laying on the ground because I missed the trash can that night."

Harry stared at Carter in shock. He then grabbed him and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you! Thank you so much for telling me! God I was so worried I didn't know who it was." He hugged him. Carter chuckled.

"Hey, even though its not mine, still invite me to the baby shower." Carter said then opened the door and left the small room. Harry squealed excitedly and rubbed his tummy. That means the father of his child is Louis.

My Dolly L.S.(teacher/student)Where stories live. Discover now