Missing ♡

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Harry is getting bigger and bigger by the weeks. He doesn't know if he can handle being so big. He's already crying because his cheeks are becoming to get puffy, and his arms are jiggly. He is always hungry and he cries way to much for Ivy's liking. Zayn tried to massage his back but it just isn't enough for Harry. He complains about every little thing. Not to long ago he and Ivy had a harsh argument for some random reason. Of course Zayn knowing what it's like, was helping Harry and trying his best not to upset him. When Harry finally falls asleep Zayn looks over to him like a proud father. And thats how he feels. Harry has been such great support for Ivy he sees him like a son. 

"Hey Harry." Zayn said. Watching as a sleepy Harry walked into the kitchen. 

"You have any crisps?" He yawned. 

"Uhm, yeah, in the pantry. Come sit after, I need to speak with you."

When Harry grabbed the onion flavored crisps, he turned to sit in front of Zayn on the dining table. 

"So.... I went to see Louis."

Harry stopped his actions and looked up at him. 

"He's... not okay. And I've notice that you aren't okay either-"

"What do you mean! I'm perfectly fine!" Harry said. 

"No Harry you are not. You miss him and I know you do. He misses you! Ever since his mother found out about you, he had to stop working at the school. So you don't see him and he doesn't see you and that is hurting you guys. You need to talk to him Harry."



"I don't want to."

"Harry please, it's torturing him!"

"I don't care!"

"Why are you acting like this! Why are you acting like you hate him?! He hasn't done anything to you!"

"He lied to me!"

"About his mother? Louis never tells anyone about his mother because she never cared for him and his siblings! Harry you know this!"

"I Know!"

"Then why do you hate him!"

"Because he doesn't." Ivy's voice was heard. She walked in and sat next to Harry. "Because he misses him. And Harry hates knowing the fact that he can't go a day without Louis because he's miserable."

"You know nothing!" Harry tried denying.

"I know everything. Every single thing about you Harry. And thats how I know that you don't hate Louis. Why? Well because you love him. You love him with all your heart and you know that. You hate admitting it because you don't want to need him. You want to prove yourself that if anything horrible happens in the future you can go on without him. But that isn't working is it."

Harry was silent. Tears streaming down his face.

"Instead of trying to pretend you don't need him, why don't you go, and tell him how much you love him. Because what if something horrible does happen in the future. Imagine how you are going to feel, knowing that you wasted so much time preparing for that, instead of spending the time you do have with him to help you grow and become the family you always wanted."

Zayn smiled at his daughter. She was so smart. 

"Ivy's right Harry. You see me? All of my life I tried running away from the people who hurt me. And thats coming from a detective. But because of that, I didn't get to enjoy my little Ivy, when she was younger. Because I was so busy trying to run, that I didn't notice she was hurting. That was until she met you. She met you and I saw something change in her. She smiled her, she stopped hiding her face. Her dark clothes were less deppressing looking. And I didn't notice that until then. When I saw her come in the house with a big smile on her face, telling me that she met a friend. She looked so beautiful. So Happy. And I didn't notice that she wasn't before. My point is. If you keep trying to prepare yourself for the worse or running away from your problems, you might miss out on the most important events of your life." Zayn looked over to Ivy, then back at Harry. "You haven't even notice how big your belly has grown. You missed an appointment to check what was the third babies gender." 

Harry's eyes widen. Zayns right, he totally forgot about the appointment. 

"Go talk  to Louis. I think you both have suffered from this break for far too long." 

Harry got up and sighed, he turned around making his way to Ivys room. He put everything of his in his suit case then changed into clean clothes. Zayn drove him over to Louis' place. At first Harry didn't want to go in. But then once he saw Louis pass by the window, his heart jumped. He remembered how much he missed him. 

He got out of the car, jogging as fast as he could holding his big stomach. Once up the porch, he turned to look at Zayn. Zayn smiled, gesturing with his head to go on. Harry reached in his pocket to grab the spare key he kept. He unlocked the door, then slowly turned the knob. He opened the door, and gasped lightly seeing Lottie and his principal sitting there staring at him. Lottie got up. "Oh my gosh! Harry." She smiled, running over to him and giving him a hug. Johanna got up and gave Harry a warm smile.

"What are you guys doing here?" Harry asked in a soft voice.

"Just visiting my brother. He hasn't been that great ever since you guys broke up."

"We didn't break up. We- I took sometime off."

"Does that mean your back!"

"Thats if Louis doesn't hate."

Harry said, eyes red from crying earlier.

"Hey mom I couldn't find the yorksh-" Louis stopped when he saw Harry. "Harry." He said in a whisper.

"Hi Louis." He smiled at him. 

His eyes began to tear up. "Uhm, did you.. did you forget something?" He asked. 

"Uh, Yeah." Harry responded. 

"What is it? Maybe I've seen it lying arou-"

Harry walked to him and grabbed his face. "I forgot the most important thing. The father of my children. And the love of my life." He then pressed his lips to Louis'. Louis kissed back, the tears he was holding back came flowing out. 

"Im sorry Louis. Im sorry for making you suffer. Im sorry for making both of us suffer."

"No baby. Shh shh, don't apologize. Please baby don't."

Harry hugged him tight.

"Does this mean you are coming back?"

"That's if you allow me to?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I will my love."



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