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Harry sat down on his bed, finishing his homework for his classes. He was in a bitchy mood all day, it almost felt like he was on his period. He had ignored everyone, he turned off his phone, didn't answer the door when someone knocked on it, he didn't even come down to eat dinner. He just stayed locked in his room, either reading, doing his home work, or watch Netflix.

Downstairs, he heard his mother come in from work. She was blabbing about something that Harry couldn't hear. He sighed and put his homework, in his bag and threw it across the room. He leaned back on his bed and turned on his TV getting ready to watch some Netflix. Soon there was a light knock on the door. Harry got up from his bed and sighed deeply.

"What?" He called out.

"Harry?" His mother called out in a soft voice, Harry swung the door open quickly and looked at his mother with a glare. Now what does she want? To yell at him and tell him more crap!


Her eyes were glossy, and she had a sad look. She passed the phone slowly to Harry and cleared her throat. Harry took the phone cautiously and brought to his ear. "Hello?"



"Harry oh my god. It's Ivy! Ivy was in a car crash!" Zayn cried.


"She's at the hospital. She was in a car crash! Oh my god Harry please come quick!" Zayn sobbed.

Harry gasped, and dropped the phone. He then felt a pain in his chest, making it difficult for him to breath, he dropped to the ground as he began to sob, his mother dropped with him trying to calm him down.

"I-I-I n-need- Ivy oh my god." He sobbed.

"Cmon she's at the hospital lets go see her." Anne ushered. Harry got up, make up ruined because of the tears. They both rushed out the door, and into Anne's car. Harry kept his hands on his face as he was shaking, sobbing, begging that she would be safe. His head was hurting along with his chest, his stomach crunched up feeling as if he was going to puke. His eyes starting to burn with so many tears coming out. Suddenly memories of when they met started playing in his head, memories of when they laughed and when they cried.

After a couple more minutes they finally arrived at the hospital, the first thing Harry did was jump out of the car and ran inside the building. He ran to the front desk asking quickly for Ivy.

"Ivy Malik? She is currently in A&E."

"What the hell is-"

"Harry?" Zayn called out. Harry turned around and ran to him sobbing.

"Where is she? Is she okay? What happened, please tell me she isn't dead, please." Harry sobbed in his chest.

"I don't know! They havent told me yet." Tears were in Zayn's eyes, they were red and tired. Harry just sobbed not letting go of Zayn.

"How did this happen?" He said.

"I guess she was on her way home when a car just slammed into her, I think it was a hit and run because witness say the other driver just drove off." Harry cried harder.

"What if she dies!"

"No! No please don't say that. Don't you dare say that Harry." Zayn responded, voice cracking  and tears falling faster.

"Zayn please calm down." Another voice said, making Harry look in back of Zayn to find Louis standing there. He was about to go up to him and hug him but refrained from that when seeing Jungleworms right next to him.

"What are you doing here!" He spat.

"I happen to be Zayn's best friend." Answered Louis.

"Not you! Her! What the hell are you doing here? You don't know Ivy and you don't know Zayn! You have no business here!"Harry screeched.

"Harry please calm down." Zayn grabbing his arm.

"Maybe I should leave." She said in a quiet voice.

"Maybe you should." Harry responded.

"Harry! We were hanging out before I got the call from Zayn, she offered to come with."Louis explained.

"Oh I'm sure you guys were hanging out!" Harry said making air quotes at the last words. Suddenly Zayn pulled him away and both of them started walking to the restroom.

"Harold what was that?" Zayn scowled.

"What was what? I just dont get it why that slut is here if this is about Ivy. She doesn't even know Ivy."

"Harry please! There is no time to be jealous! Especially at this time!" The older man said.

"Jealous? Me? Sorry Zayn, I might have a lot of respect for you and consider you like my dad but that is the most stupid thing that has ever come out of your mouth." Harry snapped.

"Harold!" Zayn said raising his voice. Harry then shut up, and looked down. He dropped to the ground and cried. "I'm sorry I'm just so worried and stressed because of this. I don't want anything to happen to her. I'm so scared." His voice cracked at the end.

Zayn sighed and crouched down to hug him. Soon both of them left the restroom and went back to where Louis was. Luckily, Jungleworms had left, which made Harry a tad bit happy.

"Sorry, for that." Harry mumbled, attaching himself to Zayn, not wanting to look at Louis.

"Its fine. I understand you're going through something horrible." Louis responded.

A doctor came out of a large two door hallway. He went to grab a clipboard from the nurse then read a name.

"For Ivy Malik?" Harry and Zayn quickly turned their heads and raced to the man.

"Im her father." Zayn said.

"Okay good. Ivy is seems to be alright. The crash wasnt all so bad, so only broke her right arm. Which can be healed in a couple weeks, probably months." The doctor said.

Harry sighed in relief, he put his hand on his face as more tears came out. He felt a soft pat on his back, and he knew who's hand that was. He turned quickly to cling onto him and cry in his chest. Louis took the action by surprise but hugged Harry anyway.

"I would like her to stay for two nights, just in case of any problem-"

"Can I see her?" Harry asked.

"She is getting some rest. It will probably be better if only her father stayed the night."

Zayn gave Harry a sad look. He approached him and rubbed his arm. "Go home and gets some rest. I'll call you if anything happens." Harry nodded and detached himself from Louis. He grabbed his phone to call his mother, but realized she had left him a text.

Got a call from work. Have Zayn give you a ride home, wont be home till 3am.

Harry huffed and put the phone back in his pocket. He felt someone creep behind him and jumped when he heard the voice. "Do you need a ride?" Louis spoke.

Harry turned around and looked at his blue eyes. He nodded, then looked down at his feet. They both started walking once they saw Zayn leaving with the doctor.

Silent tears fell from Harry's eyes. Not wanting Louis to question if they were tears because of Ivy, or because of something else.

My Dolly L.S.(teacher/student)Where stories live. Discover now