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Harry sat down on his couch watching an episode of Sherlock, he'd been like this for about 3 hours, waiting for someone to talk to him. His man was working, Ivy was visiting a college she was interested in, and Niall was also working. He sighed and took out his phone, scrolling through Facebook. He smiled when he saw Mickey post a picture of him and Luke at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. After everyone graduated, Michael basically disappeared. He left no trace of himself until a week later. He texted Niall explaining the plans him and Luke had about travelling the world. And apparently Luke had a lot of money to do that. They have talked a lot and started getting closer, to which caused them to fall for eachother. No one knew about this, Michael did apologize to everyone for have them be worried. But Harry was mostly happy for him. 

He liked his photos and commented on them wishing the best of trips. Harry sighed and got up, putting his shoes on. He got the keys and locked the doors, he started walking to Zayn's place. Once there he opened the door finding it unlocked. When he stepped in, he saw Zayn and Liam cuddled together. Zayn pulled apart and cleared his throat. 

"OH uh, hey Harry." 

Harry smiled at them. "Don't mind me, I'm only here to steal your food and lock myself in your daughter's room." He said going to the kitchen. He open the cabinets and took some potato chips and peanut butter, he then grabbed some sugar and a spoon. He walked through the hallway into Ivys room. He sat down and started doing his make up. He ran out of make up so lately he's been using Ivy's. 

He turned on her radio and began singing along to whatever was on. "Oh I wish that I had Jesse's girl, I wish that I had Jesse's girl. Where can I find a woman like that!" He sang as he puts primer. 

He looked through her make up thinking what to do, they were having a little dinner tonight. Its starting to become a routine now, once a week they set a date to have dinner. He looked at the time, and smiled realizing Louis got off in 30 minutes. He began putting on the foundation. 

"Imagine all the people, living for the day ooh oh ah." Harry sang along with John Lennon's sad song of the world ending. He did his eyebrows, covering it up with some concealer. Next he started putting a light brown eyeshadow, in the inner corner he lightly padded white glitter. He smiled and began putting on mascara making his eyelashes look longer than usual. He put on a natural pink colored lipstick. He began contouring his face. 

"I don't want to close my eyes, I don't wanna fall alseep, cause I'll miss you babe, and I don't want to miss a thing." 

When he finished his make up, the door swung open revealing Ivy.

"Oh Hi Harry I didn't you were here."

"Zayn didn't tell you."

"No he's too busy smooching Liam." Ivy said scrunching his nose. 

"You still haven't warmed up to him have you." 

Ivy rolled her eyes and laid on her bed. "Do you know what we are having for dinner?" She asked. 

"I think Liam is making fried chicken." Harry said looking at his phone after it dinged. He checked that it was Louis asking where he was. Harry responded with him being at Ivy's, in which Louis replied he'd be there in 15. Harry put his phone down then looked up at his best friend who was just staring at her ceiling. 

"Tell me more, tell me more, did you get very far? Tell me more, tell me more, like does he have a car?" Ivy sung along to the radio. 

"Hey babe, you okay?"

"Carter said something to me today that got me thinking."

"Oh god did he say I love you?" 

"Uh, no but uh.. I don't know. He just... he said something that made me think that he wants to Marry me in the future. Or that he sees a future with me basically." 

"What did he say?"

"Well we were talking about you and Louis, and how you guys will be getting married after the baby. And we started talking about a few details and stuff. But then he said 'I bet you'd look in a wedding dress, in front of me.' and I stayed quiet after that because I didn't know what to say." 

"You should have like 'Psh I know I look good in white' it would have probably gotten the awkward feeling away."

"Ugh you're so right."

"Is it because you guys have been dating for only a month?"

"Well yeah, I mean our one month was yesterday on the 26th and see it's not even that , like its more of, I didn't really imagine myself with anyone in the future but Gavin, mostly because he talked and talked and talked about it. But imagining myself  with Carter is so.... intense." Harry nodded. 

A few minutes later they were called out by Louis who just got there. They had dinner and a few laughs here and there. When it was time to go home, Harry crashed on their bed, Louis smiled and laid next to Harry falling deeply asleep. 


Harry woke up abruptly, groaning in pain. His breath felt short, and sharp pains were coming from his stomach. He held his stomach, and realized that he was wet. He pulled covers off and turned on the lamp revealing his wet pants. 

"Louis! Louis! Louis wake up dammit! AH!" He began to panic grabbing his stomach. 

"Hey hey, whats wrong." Louis' sleepy voice echoed the room along with Harry's groans.

"My water broke!" Harry yelled. "I think they're coming!"

It all happened so fast, Louis picked him up and carried him to the car. He called Zayn as he drove them to the hospital as Harry screamed in pain. Zayn woke Ivy up and they made their way to the hospital. 

"Fuck Louis Im not going to make it!" Harry cried. 

"Hold on sweetheart we are almost there. Just hold on!" Louis drove as fast as he could. Once arriving at the hospital he carried Harry into the emergency room. "Someone help! My husband is about to give birth!" Louis said. 

The nurses acted quickly, they grabbed a wheelchair having Harry sit there. They took Harry into the two big doors. 

"Sir. If you're going to be in there you need to wear this suit and disinfect any skin showing." A nurse said handing Louis a blue robe. He nodded taking it, then went to the nearest bathroom. 

He looked himself into the mirror and wet his face. 

"I'm going to be a father." He whispered to himself. 

My Dolly L.S.(teacher/student)Where stories live. Discover now