Baby Shower ♡

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"I can't believe you guys are throwing me a baby shower." Harry said laughing. Niall, Ivy and Mickey were in Harry's house decorating the place. "I love all of you I swear to god." He said putting up some balloons. 

"Where is Louis?" Ivy asked.

"Oh he said he was going to meet up at the place where they want to give him a job. They might need him sooner than they said they would." Harry explained. 

"You know I hate everything right now." Niall groaned, 


"The girl I was dating broke up with me." He sighed. 

"You confuse me." Ivy said. 


"Well what do you like? Girls or guys? Or both?"


"Then why are you asexual?"

"Because I don't like sex. I can like someone but I don't have to have sexual intercourse with them."

"Maybe that's why she left." Ivy shrugged. 

"Ivy!" Harry said. "Harsh!"

Zayn came in with a big case of beer while Liam followed behind with flowers. They went into the kitchen while giggling about something. Harry looked over to Ivy.

"Hows that going?" 

Ivy shrugged. "Hes happy."

"Okay the back yard is all set with beautiful decorations!" Lottie said running into the living room.

"Thank you all so much, now we just wait until people come."

And so they waited, first came Johanna and her husband with their kids. They went out and talked to Zayn and Liam. Then came Niall and his parents who greeted everyone and brought food. Harry was happy, the music that was played was fun. They had a bit of Karaoke, and played baby games. Harry was so excited. Finally Louis came home and of course with good news. 

"I start working next week!" He said proudly. Everyone cheered. After a few more games and soon came Damian, followed by  Carter who came a few minutes later. Finally everyone who Harry was comfortable with was there. And he couldn't be any happier. 

"Okay  I would like everyone's attention." Louis said taking Harry's hand. "I am so glad that everyone is here to see my baby's belly grow. It's been 6 months already and he still looks so beautiful." He says hugging Harry. Harry blushed. "In a week this beautiful boy will be graduating, I can not be anymore proud of him. Or maybe I can, since I am sure he's going to be an excellent mother." 

Louis then took a deep breath, he turned to look at Harry with the most proudest smile. "I love you so much my love." He then looked straight into his eyes and took a small box out of his pocket. He kneeled in front of him and Harry started to tear up. 

"Harry, will you please make me the most happiest man alive and marry me." He opened the box with the ring in it. Harry gasped at how huge the rock was. 

"Louis I already told you I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Yes baby I want to marry you." He cried. Louis got up and hugged Harry, he then put the ring on his finger that fit perfectly. Mickey took several pictures of them, knowing Harry would want to remember this. 

After people finished congratulating them, there was a knock at the front door. Which Harry heard, when he went into the kitchen. He walked to the living room followed by Ivy. "I think their shouldn't be any one else coming." Ivy said 

Harry shrugged and opened the door. His eyes widen when he saw his mother standing in the front porch. 


Anne stared at Harry's huge belly. Its been so long since they talked. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Your uh, fiance invited me." Anne said. Harry blinked away the tears that he had in his eyes. This was suppose to be a happy day for you. He wont let anything ruin it. 

"Sure, come in."

He let her in and guided her to the back, Ivy gave Harry a look. 

"Uhm, everyone.. this is Anne. My mother." 

Louis walked over to her and smiled at her. "Thank you for coming." Louis said. 

Anne smiled, Johanna went up to her and began talking to her. 

Louis went to hug Harry's belly. 

"Louis,, why didn't you tell me you were inviting her?"

"I wanted to be a surprise."

"I think with the proposal would have been enough. You know how she treated me."

"I know but, she wants to try again with you. Just let it happen for tonight okay."

Harry sighed and nodded. 

Surprisingly the rest of the night was calm. Harry had a small conversation with his mother. But it was too much. 

Short but cute.

My Dolly L.S.(teacher/student)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt