More Than One♡

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Harry sat on his bed biting his nails, he was wondering what was taking Louis so long in the shower. He huffed as he got up and stomped his way to the bathroom. He opened the door and heard Louis' voice.

"Just a little change,
Small to say the least
Both a little,
Neither prepared
Beauty and the beast."

Harry blushed and stood by the door in listening awe.

Every just saaaame,
Ever a surpriiiise,
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will rise."

Harry walked in and smiled sheepishly as he watched his boyfriend sing Beauty and the Beast. Louis was in the shower, washing his hair. Once the shampoo was out of his hair he opened his eyes and saw Harry standing there.

"Harry.... what are you doing here?" Louis asked nervously.

"Why didn't you tell me you sang beautifully?" Harry asked.

Louis didn't say anything. Instead he finished washing himself up and got out the shower. Harry just stood by examining his stomach in the mirror. He didn't even look 4 months. It must be all that junk food he keeps eating. His cheeks are getting chubbier.

He sighed and placed a hand on his stomach.

"You ready baby?" Louis asked already dressed

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"You ready baby?" Louis asked already dressed.

Harry turned to look at him and nodded.

"God I haven't been to any of the check ups this is bad. The last one I went was in December." Harry said.

"Well you had a lot of school work darling. Plus I'm pretty sure our baby is healthy." Louis kissed the top of his head and grabbed his shoes. Harry walked out of the bathroom and put a coat on. He slid in his flats and waited in the living room for Louis.


There was a knock on the door and then someone opening it.

"Hello there, My name is Dr. Swan. You must be Harry." The blonde said coming in and smiling at Harry.

"Yes." Harry responded.

"Wow look at you, so big and healthy I see."

Harry blushed and stood by Louis.

"Okay, as much as you love one another and look cute, Harry I'm going to need to you to come up on the bed."

Harry obliged, and slowly got up on the bed. "Okay I'm going to need to hear you're lungs just so they are okay, and you're breathing correctly."

She grabbed her stethoscope and placed it on Harry's back.  "Okay take a deep breath for me and then let it out slowly." She changed position. "Again." She put it near Harry's upper back. "Again." And then changed position again. "One more time."

She put it away and told Harry to lay down and pull his shirt up.

"Okay, so now what we're gonna do is listen to a heartbeat. Now fair warning this is cold." He turned to get a small bag of gel, then squeezed it on Harry's stomach.

Harry slightly wince at the cold substance but relaxed quickly.

She grabbed the small monitor controller and began pressing it gently on Harry's stomach. Harry looked over at Louis and grabbed his hand. He turned back at the monitor, and listened quietly.

There was suddenly a heart beat, but it sounded different. The doctor furrowed her eyebrows and hummed.

"What... what is that?" Harry asked.

"Doctor that doesn't sound normal?" Louis said.

"I should have known." The doctor murmured.

"What do you mean?" Harry worried. The doctor turned and smiled at Harry.

"You're stomach was too big for 4 months."

She began to move the controller around Harry's stomach. "Heres is a baby." She said. Harry gasped, watching the little figure there. Harry's eyes began to water.

"What... you said A baby?" Louis asked.

"And here's another." She proceeded to say, moving it to the other side of."

"Twins!?" Harry gasped. "Oh my god Louis. We're having twins-"

"And down here is one more." The doctor finished. Louis stared at the screen.

"Triplets." He whispered.

"Louis." Harry said, tears falling down his face. "Louis we're having triplets." Harry's voice cracked. Louis rubbed his face.

Louis eyes began to tear up and he smiled. "Yes we are baby." He kissed Harry sweetly, sharing happy tears with one another.

"Now for the genders?"

"Yes!" Harry squealed.

The doctor laughed and began moving the controller. "Okay.... so this one is.... a boy." She spoke. "And this one........ is a girl!"

Harry giggled and waited patiently for the last one.

"Well, the last one is hiding from here I see. I can not see the little one, to determine if it another boy or another girl. He needs to be able to move."

Harry frowned slightly, he was really excited to see his baby's genders. Well atleast he knew 2 of them! He couldn't believe he was having triplets. He was just absolutely excited.

After the doctors Harry went home and he just couldn't wait to tell Ivy. He was so excited!

"Louis can you believe this!" Harry screamed once he was in the house. "We are having triplets! I just! What? I cant Im dying I just? Triplets baby I'm so happy!" Harry laughed. He turned to look at Louis but was met with his boyfriends lips on him.

Louis kissed Harry deeply, and gently pushed him towards the wall. He pulled back to look into Harry's eyes.

"I'm so... truly....madly.... deeply... in love with you Harry Styles." Louis said.

"And I, you. Louis Tomlinson."

Louis grabbed his waist and duck down to kiss Harry once again the younger lad giggling when Harry kissed his neck.

What you guys think?????

Triplets seems fun hahah,

Anygay, thank for you guys voting! The names are still on for voting and will close in September.

Love you!


My Dolly L.S.(teacher/student)Where stories live. Discover now