Comfort ♡

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Harry sat in Damians car in silence. He looked out the window rubbing his stomach, tears slowly running down his cheeks. Damian glanced over to Harry, frowning. "I assume the argument was about me?" he spoke suddenly.

Harry looked over To him. "What makes you think that?" Harry asked in a monotone voice.

"Well from the reaction he had when you said I felt the babies kick... It was quite obvious he was not happy."

Harry sighed loudly. "I'm sorry to call you. I could have walked but my feet hurt."

"Oh don't worry about it. Honestly I don't mind, if anything I wouldn't even care driving you to mine." He chuckled, "But I believe that going to your best friends house is the best."

Harry stated at Damian. "It's very difficult to believe you are related to Jason. He's such a prick but you... You are very sweet." Harry commented.

Damian just smiled and stopped in front of Zayns house.

"Thank you for driving. Ivys dad is at work and she hasn't had a car since she crashed." Harry explained.

"Anytime darling."

Harry stepped out of the car and waves goodbye. He walked up to the house and opened the door to find Ivy on the couch with a startled look on her face.

"Fuck Harry you scared me!" Ivy said. "I really need to start locking the doors."

Harry sighed and went to hug his best friend.

"Oh no Harry what happened?"

Harry explained his day. How he went to work and met with Damian. He felt his babies kick for the first time and was so excited. But Louis got mad because someone else was touching his stomach. Harry was crying, he felt horrible. He couldn't believe Louis would say that to him. After every thing they've been through after all the secrets they told each other, after ever little thing that made them sad, Louis had to go ahead and call him that. It was not fair for Harry not his health. He felt tired and he felt horribly. He started to remember when his father called him a slut. Such horrible memories would appear in his mind.

"Okay okay wait... So youre telling me. That the guy you guys argues over, was the first one you called to pick you up? Harry.. What?"

"I know I felt stupid too. But he has Just drop me off so he was the first in mind! Plus you dont have a car. And I didn't feel like walking here."

Ivy rolled her eyes. "I still think what Louis said to you was uncalled for. Why the he'll would he call you a slut! Knowing God Damn well you absolutely despise that word."

"I've never seen him this way before. He knows being called a slut and a whore hurt me."

Ivy then shrugged. "Maybe it wasn't his intention. Do you think he might have thought of someone else?"

Harry looked over at his friend in confusion. "What do you mean.?"

"Well this night sound stupid but in the book I'm reading has tiny bits of psychological advise or some shit. And in one of them said that kn the middle of rage a person is likely to imagen someone from there past and tell them what they couldn't say back then. Maybe Louis wasn't trying to say it to you. Maybe he meant to say it to someone in his past." ivy explained.

Harry stared at her, then rolled his eyes and chuckled. "You're getting to much into this whole psychology shit."

Ivy huffed. "Hey this is what I'm studying in college so don't even try saying anything. Because at least I know what to do in college."

Harry rolled his eyes."I hate you."

"Talking of such, have you thought about going to college."

"Well honestly. Hasn't even crossed my mind ever since I found out I'm pregnant. I guess I'm more focus on my 3 little beans." Harry said rubbing his stomach.

Ivy smiles while rubbing Harry's tummy.

"What are you gonna do tomorrow

"I don't know probably go back home."

"I just realized this has been your first fight as a couple. Quite impressive if you ask me." Ivy smirked.

"Yeah hopefully it dies down tomorrow." Harry said. "I just wanna sleep Im tired." Harry got up going to Ivys room. She hollered at him saying she'll been there in a bit. Harry didn't care he was just tired. Once on the bed, his last thought before he slept was Louis.


The next morning Harry groaned and rolled over the bed. He felt an empty spot next to him. He got up and realized he wasn't home. He sighed, feeling sad, he stood up from the bed and walked to the living room finding ivy laying there snoring. Harry smiled and went to the kitchen, she jumped when hearing Zayns voice.

"Morning Haz." Zayn greeted.

"Morning Zayn." He sighed.

Zaym poured himself some coffee and made Harry tea. Harry poured himself some cereal and began eating silently.

"I heard what happened last night."

"Yeah I guess Ivy tell you everything." Harry said.

"Actually it was Louis. He called to make sure you got here safe."

Harry frowned, the event from last night replaying in his mind.

"Listen Harry, I'm not going to apologize for him, nor will I say what he said was okay. Because he definitely fucked up. But as the only father figure you have I suggest you guys talk it out. Communicate. You guys are having a baby together. Sure what he said was uncalled for but he said it in the fit of rage. You know people say things they don't mean when they're mad. Louis is just worried you're gonna see him as how you used to see him in the beginning."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "In the beginning."

"Well you hated each other. Remember. You used come over and talk to Ivy about what a horrible person he was. He's scared you're going to believe that again and leave him for someone who is nicer."

"I would never." Harry said. "I love him."

"And I love you." Louis' voice rang through Harry's ears. Harry turned his head quickly seeing Louis standing at the doorway with flowers.

"Baby I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to call you a slut I was just so mad. I was so jealous that I didnt get to feel the kick of our babies for the first time. Just, the thought of you being with someone else terrifies me so much." Louis began tearing up. "I love you Harry. I am absolutely in love with you and I am sorry."

Harry got and slowly walked to Louis. He hugged him and began to cry on Louis chest. "I love you too." Louis grabbed Harry's face and smashed his lip on his.

My Dolly L.S.(teacher/student)Where stories live. Discover now