I lost my first kiss to a rollerskating jerk!

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I sneaked another glance at Neal, the third transfer student and sure enough, he was looking at me. He quickly averted his eyes and cleared his throat.

I bit back an amused chuckle.

I finally came across the soon to be so called Mr popular, in my last class- Physics. He was in my English class too but, I noticed him just yet. He indeed had the stereotypical bad boy looks but the moment he put his geek glasses on, he looked nothing but a cute little harmless fellow nerd. We didn't have a conversation yet but he was stealing nervous glances in my direction and the cutest part? He was hiding behind a book- an upside down book.

Bell signalled the end of class, I grabbed my bag and started packing. Two shadows loomed over me. I expected my brothers and began babbling.

"Ash, we really need to prank someone, like right now. We haven't done it on someone since forever! And Aid, I call an emergency study date tonight. Physics just flew over my head and I am craving ice-"


I turned on my heels and almost tripped.

"Alex? Neal? Shit! I am sorry, I thought-"

Laughter boomed in almost empty classroom and I turned to glare at my brothers.

"Come on, Astrid-bear, that was priceless." I flipped them off and gave my attention to the other two boys.


"I-" both of them began and stopped at same time. What is with pairs of creepy boys?

They glared at each other and began again.

"I was-" again.

I sighed and prompted Neal to speak first. He looked smug as he spoke.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out." There was a slight accent in his speech.

I was taken aback for two things to be exact. No one, I mean no one dared to ask me, as in a member of Parker clan, out. Because if you do, my brothers will kill you. And secondly, three 'No's' chorused before I could say anything. I mean I expected my brothers to do it but Alex too got overprotective.

Twins didn't notice as they stabbed Neal with knifes. Figuratively.

Neal on the other hand, seemed unfazed. He rolled his eyes and gave a look to Alex that yelled 'I know something that you don't want me to know.'

"I want an answer from you not from your brothers."

"I don't know you. You can be a creepy ass gang member for all I care."

I directed last part towards Alex and he visibly flinched.

"I swear, I am not." Neal shook his head and chuckled. I swooned. Damn, that smile!

"Well then, I will think about it after I make sure that you aren't."

He smirked and sauntered out of class after winking at me.


I could feel my brothers murdering Neal in their heads but I was too busy drooling, to care. Until a certain grey eyed boy cleared his throat.

I crossed my arms and glared at Alex "What?" I didn't want to sound snappy but he was doing his best to make it difficult.

"I was wondering if you could give me pointers for soccer trials as you are captain and all. I really want to make it to team."

"Aiden can help you." I narrowed my eyes.

"Nope. Sorry sis. I have to help dad in office today."

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