Pillow talks

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Gotta love Dolan Twins *.*

enjoy the update and don't forget to vote and comment :*


I laughed maniacally along with dad and Asher as Rose gave us live update on Alex's poor condition via Face-time.

I have to admit, I was feeling kind of bad for him but honestly, I didn't care. I am karma's secretary and hence, bitch is naturally my middle name.

My attention snapped to my own house, when Aiden yelled. He will be a victim to similar torture, after all.


"Language, Aiden!" dad winked at me as I stifled my laugh. He is seriously the coolest dad ever!


"No can do, Aiden-boo." Asher laughed as Aiden kept on making struggling noises. After 15 minutes, we came to a common consensus- Aiden have had enough.

Gingerly, I and Asher tiptoed upstairs. Before I could stop myself, I laughed. Asher laughed too. I couldn't help it. Even the murderous look on Aiden's face didn't help me sober.

There on the doorframe, was my dear brother, Aiden John Parker. No, that isn't the funny part. The funny part is the answer to the question- why is he stuck there?

Okay. Okay. Patience is the virtue.

I and Asher, cellophane taped Aiden's whole doorframe and his door opens from inside. So when he opened his door and walked out half sleepy, like a zombie, he got stuck to the door, literally.

He looked like butterfly caught in spider web.

Even though he was stuck, he had a small smile on his face and that sobered me up. I knew why he had that content smile.

I walked up to him and smirked.

"I forgive you, brother dear." He beamed "But-" his smile slipped "-you'll have to forgive me, when I do this."

"Do wha- OUCH!!!!"

I bit my lip as Aiden whimpered when I took off some tape violently.

"Payback is a bitch."

"And apparently, it will hurt like a bitch too." Asher sing-sang. Aiden gave him a death glare.

I have a feeling that I will be safe but the moment Aiden is free, Asher will be dead.

And damn, I was right. Not literally.


I knocked on Liam's window and heard a groan but no one opened the window. I was determined as I checked if the window was locked. It was not.

Silently sliding it open, I swung myself in. I tiptoed to the silhouette of his bed only to find an adorable Liam asleep. But before I could coo and awe, I saw the troubled look on his face and sweat on his forehead. He had his earphones plugged in. Obviously, he groaned because of nightmare not the knock.

I admit, my heart broke a little. I gingerly poked his arm only to be greeted by no response. I nudged again and took one ear bud out.


He grabbed my wrist and before I could even scream, he tugged me forward and flipped.


And bam! I was laying under Liam again. On. His. Bed.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in frustration but soon it changed into amusement when he noticed our position.

"You really love my body over yours, don't you?" I glared at him and pushed him off.

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