Dreams do come true...pain

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Chapter 1

I'd never think that anything like this could happen to someone like me just a girl from Canada. How could my life change so much in less than a year. Let me just give you some background stories before I drive right in and tell you about the best chapter in my life. My life with Liam Payne.

My life was wonderful. I was married to a wonderful guy named RJ. He has this great family 2 younger sisters Menika who is 19 and Patricia who is 15. We lived in hamilton,Ontario, Canada. Life was crazy with them for awhile rjs dad left his younger sisters mom. So life was getting back to normal his Dad , Rick was dating a really nice lady named Steph. One very nice spring afternoon in 2013 life changed. I'll tell you how.

It was a Sunday afternoon, we were all sitting on the couches in the living room at ricks house watching a marathon of our favorite tv show new girl. Rick comes in and asks us if we would like to go for a ride to Barrie which is about an 2 hour ride 1 way. Rj and Menika said they wanted to go. So Patricia and I decided we would stay at home at watch the DVD of this is us. I had been texting Rj back and forth all day. I hadn't heard from him in awhile I figured his phone died.

With one phone call our lives changed. With one simple phone call our hearts and our worlds shattered. We were having one of our famous dance parties when the call came in we barely heard the phone the music was so loud. I remember it exactly we were listening to clarity. Trisha answered the phone and they asked for me which I thought was strange. "Hello this is kaycie Frederick" I said. "Mrs Frederick we need you to come to sunny Brook hospital in Toronto" the voice on the phone said. I asked "why is there something wrong?". The voice on the phone said " there's been an accident" "please just get here as soon as possible and ask for Sargent munch please". I hung up the phone and I said to Trisha " we need to leave right now there's been an accident". I remember the look of terror in her eyes. I don't even remember getting into the van and driving there, but we were there. We went to the emergency room and asked for Sargent munch. They put us into a room and we waited he came in. He said "nice to meet you girls I'm Sargent munch. Can I see your id to make sure you're the right people?" I handed my ID quickly. I asked " what happened and to who?" He handed my ID back. The words I feared came out of his mouth " the truck collided with a transport truck there are no survivors. I need you to come identify the bodies." I looked at Trisha and she look terrified. I knew at that moment she would be a child again.

We had the task of collecting there belongings we looked though the phones and wallets. It was so hard tears fell constantly. Trisha looked at her dad's cell phone and noticed he had been texting the entire time he was driving. He was texting his girlfriend. Who we found out though menikas phone was told he was driving and she shouldn't be texting him. We knew at the moment he had caused this accident. We called steph and told her about it, she said she would be by our sides the entire time. Patricia spoke up and said no you out of our life

Dreams do come true (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now