Preparing for Christmas

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Kaycie's POV

Liam and I have gotten into a nice routine of being together, it wasn't just us alone all the time, Patricia was here on the weekends leading up to Christmas and Harry was around quite a bit as well as Eleanor and Louis. I was now 13 weeks pregnant and starting to get less sick everyday.

"So honey do you normally decorate for Christmas? Or just kind of not?" I asked Liam one morning over breakfast. He looked up "not normally but I'm usually not here either"'he told me. "Well I'd like to decorate for Christmas, even if nothing is here it would be nice to wake up on Christmas morning in a well decorated house." I said to him. "Well then it's been decided, Let's go buy stuff today" he said. I was excited. I love holiday decorating.

We went shopping and got everything and anything, they had one direction Christmas balls, I had to get them, even just for a laugh. When we were out shopping I got a text for El.

Eleanor: hey there pregs, what's happening?

Me: nothing just shopping for Christmas decorations with Liam.

Eleanor: so awesome, hey want some company tonight? Me, Perrie, Zayn and Louis wanted to come over.

Me: yea that sounds great, we could decorate and have hot chocolate and cookies

Eleanor: dinner plans?

Me: take away.

Eleanor: we will grab something and bring it over.

"Hey Liam baby, Eleanor,Louis, Zayn and Perrie are coming over for a kinda stay in night" I said to him, he said "that's ace, I'll invite Harry and Niall as well", he kissed the top of my head and texted the boys.

We arrived home around 4 everyone was excepted to be here around 6, so we starred unpacking the bags. Liam turns to me and says "this is our first Christmas together and next year will be our babies first Christmas" I smiled at the thought "yea, your right, it's gonna be a crazy year I think" I said, "absolutely it is, but a great one, I love you so much" he said to me, I hugged him tightly and said "I life you too"

Everyone arrived just before or slightly after 6 Louis and Eleanor bought pizza salad and wings, It was nice having them all over, Niall looked a little strange, I decided to talk to him after dinner. "Hey Niall what's up with you?" I asked, "nothing" he replied. "Come on Niall, you can tell me" I said rubbing his back. "Well I like this girl and she's with someone else now and it hurts" I think I know who he is referring to but I don't say it, all I say is "it's simple Niall, give it time and be yourself, because you never know whos watching" he smiled hugged me and said thanks.

Liam's POV

The guys are outside on the balcony stringing lights up and the girls were inside making some cookies. "so mates I have some news I'm going to ask Eleanor to marry me on Christmas Eve" Louis says to us. We all sing our congratulations. We start to worry about the fans "this year is a marriage and engagement and a baby" Harry says. "Man the fans are going to go nuts, too many changes" I say, we all agree we have to protect our families no matter what the cost, Niall suggests "let's do like a pre Christmas twit cam, you know something for them to look on at" we all think it's great idea, kinda like 1D day but less production.

We all go inside once all the lights all hung, and sit down on the couches or floor, whatever they preferred drinking hot chocolate eating cookies and listening quietly to some Christmas music, chatting up a storm. Kaycie was sitting with me on the love seat and we all cuddled up. I whispered "thank you for accepting everyone so openly" she whispered back "thanks for letting me on your life", they all left around 11 and Kaycie, Eleanor and Perrie had made plans to shop tomorrow, so the boys and I did. I had to get Kaycie the perfect Christmas present.

The next morning Kaycie and the girls left rather early to catch the sales they had told me. I met the bits in town a little while after. We went into the jewelry store, Louis had already chosen to give Eleanor his great grandmothers ring, but I thought I could find a gift for Kaycie in there.

"So when are you proposing Liam?" Harry asked, I laughed, "what!" He said, "yea" Niall said "you've already knocked her up might as well give her your name" he finished. I sighed "I'm worried it's too fast, I don't want to scare her away", they all smiled at me it was Harry who put his arm around my shoulder and said "mate, there's no way it's going to scare her off no matter when you do" I smiled and said "thanks mate"

They helped me pick out a beautiful custom made necklace for Kaycie, with our birth stones and then a tiny diamond representing the baby. It was perfect, I also decided on a promise ring, which I would give to her in Vancouver I had already decided, it was white gold band with diamonds all along the sides and in the middle was a pink stone for October the month we met.

Kaycie's POV

"Urgg, I can't find anything for Liam at all, what do you get for the man who had everything?" I said to El and Per, they laughed, "we both usually have the same problem" Eleanor laughed. We went into store after store, Patricia was always easy to shop for, I ended up with six bags for her before I got one thing for anyone else.

We went into a jewelry store, i started looking at watches, I saw one that caught my eye, there was nothing high tech about it, just really nice, I picked it up and had it engraved, "to my Liam thank you for coming into my life at the right time your always", it was perfect, I picked him up a few odds and ends, batman cookie jar, a shirt for the baby that says my daddy is a rock star, just small odds and ends. I picked up some things for Liam's parents and mine, and his sisters, Patricia was technically done, I knew I would get her more though.

We went to the pharmacy to fill up on stocking stuffers, always the best part of Christmas. When we were done we had tons of bags, we got into the car and they dropped me off my apartment.

"Liam, darling I'm home I called" while putting the bags into Patricia's room for now. He came downstairs "hey babe I missed you today, did you get all your shopping done?" He asked, "yea it's all done, now just to wrap, did you?" I asked him "yea I did everything is done" he told me while pulling me in for a tight squeeze. "I'm going to get the bags, that I bought for other people and we can wrap babe" I said to him, "let's do this"

We put on Christmas music and wrapped and talked about our trip next week to canada, we would be going to hamilton,Edmonton and Vancouver, a lot for 10 days I know.

"Hey babe" Liam said to me as we were wrapping "yea Liam" i answered. "What about godparents? Are we going to christen the baby?" He asked, "I would like to and as for god parents that's easy Louis, Eleanor, Zayn, Perrie, Harry and Niall" I asnwered "that's what I was hoping you would say" I laughed "Liam, no matter what happens, we are in life together, because of the baby and I also know that the boys will be in it's life, so I couldn't picture better people" I told him. He stopped what he was doing and hugged me tightly and whispered "babe I love you" and began kissing me.

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