Down Under

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Kaycie's POV

We took Patricia home 3 days later, We would only have one day at home before we flew to Australia. She hadn't said one word to Niall since she had seen him, I honestly think she is just ashamed. We arrived back at the house around 11 at night. "Hi babe" Liam said while kissing my lips lightly, "I missed you" He added. I smiled and said " I missed you too, so much, is Graycie already asleep?" He nodded and said "just, she missed her mummy". He looked at Patricia, "Hey Trisha, are you okay?", she just nodded, It was like I would have to start from scratch with her being nice. "Can I just go to my room?" she asked. I looked at her and told her "yes, but you need to pack for Australia while you are in there, Liam got all your clothes back, pack enough for 2 weeks at least please" she simply nodded and walked away. 

"Kaycie, we can't do this all over again, she was doing so good before all this, we didn't do anything to her" Liam said, I sighed, I knew he was right but I have always felt protective over Patricia. "I'm aware Liam, I will talk to her once we are away,Now let's go to bed"  I said, "I'm not even tired though" he said, I laughed and said "there's more then one thing we can do in the bedroom".

The next morning right on schedule, Graycie was awake right on schedule, I went and got her from her crib, she was kicking in her crib when she saw it was me. I picked her up and cuddled her close, I sat in the rocking chair and fed her. After she was done eating, I changed her and her clothes into a onesie that read "Uncle Harry's Chick Magnet" and black leggings. I bought her into our bedroom, woke up Liam, so I could shower and get ready. He laughed when he saw her shirt, "Oh man, why is she wearing this?" he asked, "because she loves her uncle Harry, That's why" i said from the bathroom. 

When I was finished getting ready, I took Graycie and went to the kitchen to make breakfast, I walked past Patricia's door, but I wanted her to sleep, she needed it. I made french toast and ham with a fruit salad for breakfast and made Graycie some rice cereal. I was feeding Graycie when Liam came in the Kitchen, Dressed and ready for the day. We had to be at the airport at 1 and the plane was leaving at 4. It was already 10 so we needed to get a move on. I finished feeding Graycie, and before I ate I woke up Patricia, told her breakfast was ready, that made her move faster. We all ate while Graycie played in her high chair. "so Patricia, I was going to wait until we got to Australia but, this needs to be addressed. I can't have you mopping around for weeks, being rude to everyone that we come across, so let's try and be happy please" I said. i breathed a sigh of relief having that off my chest. 

She and Liam just stared at me, "I'm not mad at anyone, I was tired last night, and I didn't want to talk to Niall" she said confused, I'll take it. Liam said "good then, did I tell you that the lads from 5 seconds of Summer will be on the tour as well", and that was the end, We had a nice breakfast. We all parted to finish packing, The people came to get our luggage at 11:00 and said our car would be here in an hour. 

At the airport in a private lounge, we waited to clear customs, Harry walked in and saw Graycie's shirt "I love it!, that's brilliant" he said while laughing. "take a picture of me and her surrounded by all the boys" So we did, Graycie even smiled for the picture. 


Graycie, Your not doing it right!!! 

I laughed at the tweet. I was reading though all the mentions 

She looks like Liam

Liam's twin

She has blue eyes like Niall and Louis 

I wished they showed more of her and the boys

I wanna see her with the boys in a video, I bet they talk like babies to her 

do British babies have accents 

will she have an accent because her mom is from Canada 

I laughed, I had to tweet


Hey Girls, I saw all the comments on Harry's Pic, so we I get to Australia, I will try and take tons of viedos, maybe make a twit cam? we will see. 

Fans down under, Get ready to meet the one direction princess.

We almost died on the flight to Australia, it took 26 hours, we had to stop in Vancouver to refuel, Graycie did fine, It was a private plane, so we had bit more freedom. It was still the longest flight of my life, Patricia slept though most of it. if she wasn't sleeping she was on her iPad, ear buds in. 

We finally arrived in sydney around 10 at night, Graycie was asleep, We drove to the hotel, went straight to the rooms and crashed. Everyone slept in even Graycie, Liam woke me up to ask if I was coming to check out the venue, "You bet I am, I am in Australia, I am doing everything" I said, I got myself and Graycie ready, Patricia was even coming. 

We arrived at the venue and 5SOS was on stage doing a sound check, It was a huge venue, All the boys said Hi to each, They introduced them to Patricia, Me and Graycie. Ashton handed me a t-shirt for Graycie that read "my other favourite band is 5SOS" it was cute, I thanked him. Patricia was fangirling behind me, she was quiet about it, But I could sense it. Everyone deserved a little fan girl, I fan girl whenever I see Liam sing. 

"kaycie, you know I love them right?, I'm seriously in love with Luke" Patricia said to me quietly as we watched sound check.  I just laughed. The boys did there sound check, the show wasn't until tomorrow. The boys from 5SOS joined us in watching them, Patricia was so chatty with them, even smiling. It was so nice to see her like that. 

They had all planned a night out, I was staying back with the baby and Niall, he didn't want to ruin Patricia's happiness he told me. Niall and I chatted until they all came back. As I laid in bed with Liam, he said "you should have seen Patricia tonight, dancing laughing it was amazing, I think she likes Luke though" I laughed and told him "leave it alone Liam, Let her be almost 17" her birthday was in 3 days. I couldn't believe it. 

Patricia's POV 

I was ready to move on from josh, I wanted Luke and no one was getting in my way. 

Dreams do come true (Liam Payne)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें