Pink or Blue??

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Kaycie's POV

There's only one show left at the O2 and then the boys are off to do the rest of the UK and Ireland. I will be going to most dates, but i have an important doctors appointment that lands when they are in Ireland and it's the gender reveal. Liam is bummed about missing it, but when your super star what can you do. At the end of February the boys will be done the UK leg on the tour and will be going to LA for recording and The Grammy awards. All the families are coming for that. This will be the first time, The boys walk down a red carpet with their girlfriends and not just themselves. BIG DEAL I think.

Liam and I have developed a bit of a routine when he comes home after a concert we eat, and just talk about our hopes and dreams. When Liam came home that night he wouldn't be alone all the boys will be there, So I was busy in the kitchen with Eleanor,Perrie and Gemma.

When everyone arrived home about 30 mins after the show it got loud. Liam found me and hugged me tightly "hey babe, how are you and baby?" he whispered, i smiled into his chest "we are both great but starving" i said, "well lets eat" he said as we went to the dining room.

We all sat around in the living room after eating, talking about various things. El, Perrie and Gemma were trying to prepare for life on the road. Jay, Louis mom reminded them, that my experience will be different as im pregant, and will probaly be sleeping lots of time. 

After everyone Liam and I sat by the fire, he was sitting behind me, and i was in between his legs. "babe, you know, if you feel sick on the tour or get to tired you need to tell me straight away" he whispered to me, I smiled to myself "I know sweetheart, and i will at the slightest bit of sickness" i told him, "good because i cant imagine something happening to you or the baby", he whispered into my ear, "and nothing will liam" i said to him as he held me tightly.

Liam's POV 

The tour has been going well so far, Kaycie has been handling the paps and the fans really well. She started taking videos everyday of just different things that we do during the day, the fans love it. She posted a video this morning that I couldn't help but love, it was video of Niall and Harry singing to the baby about who is going to be a better uncle. It was ace. Kaycie is leaving tomorrow, She has an appointment in London 2 days from today, So I got my mum to come here, to bring her back to London, I don't want her going alone. 

After the concert, Kaycie and mum will be leaving, When I come off stage and go to the bus and then proceed into the hotel room we've been sharing. my heart drops when I see her there all her things packed, shes crying in the middle of the room, mum is consoling her. "what's wrong my love?" i ask straight away. "oh liam" she cries and hugs me tightly. not the baby is all I can think "Nothing is wrong, The baby was kicking really kicking, not butterflies, but kicking and your mom got to feel it kick" she almost screamed. I am relived nothing is wrong. I pick her and swing her around. "I want to feel" i say. Mum comes behind me and says "it was the most magical experience for me to feel my first grand baby move" 

Mum leaves about 15 mins later to gather her things. Louis and Harry come into our room as i am desperately trying to get the baby to kick for me. I've tried singing 10 different songs playing music, just talking even tapping kaycies belly. 

"whats up mate?" Louis asks. "well, the baby hates me, it wont even move for me' i said bluntly. "the baby moved?" harry asked. "yes, the baby moved, it was so sweet. I was playing Karen the video of you and niall singing and the baby would not stop kicking for me, Karen got to feel it." she said sweetly. Harry of course got a huge smile across his face. Louis and him approached kaycie and asked 'may we try?", of course she said yes. they both put their hands on her belly and starting singing strong, by the time tghey got to the chorus, the baby was kicking up a storm, 

"its not fair, my own baby, likes them more than me" i said to them, kaycie laughed "liam it has nothing to do with that" she said. Niall and zayn walked in and asked what was happening. Louis said "we started singing to the baby just strong, and it started kicking up a storm, wouldn't stop, until Liam put his hands on the belly"  Niall of course laughed. "can we try?" zayn asked, "of course you can uncles" kaycie said. 

They put there hands on her belly and started sing one thing, The baby started moving right away, Niall said it felt like the baby was moving with the beat. 

Kaycie's POV 

The baby is kicking up a storm for everyone but liam and he is so sad about it, at the airport we are saying goodbye, he is holding me tight and whispering sweet nothings into my ear. :why wont the baby move for me?" he asked, I laughed a little "i have no idea Liam, Just playing a game i suppose." i told him. He smiled at me and said "well its punishment when it comes out then." he laughed

Today is doctor visit day, I wont find out the gender until 2 days from now when Liam is back so we can go to LA. Karen will know she is going to give the colour to a balloon store and get a box of balloons, and when liam comes home we will be photographed opening the box. 

I was ;laying on table watching the screen, the baby was moving so much. it was almost hard for the doctor to tell what it was until the point where the baby opened there legs. it was a funny moment.

it's been 2 long days!!! Liam was coming home to change and then we were meeting everyone at a park, to open the box of balloons. "Liam!!!" i screamed as he opened the door. He smiled so brightly. "I'm ready to find out if you are" he said. I loved how excited he was to find out. 

We arrived at the park and everyone was already there, We got some shots taken with liams family first. then we walked over to the box, It was a huge box that said boy or girl on it. 

We removed the tape and were told to open it on the count of 3. 1,2,3 we shot open the box and there out shot dozens and dozens of pink ballons. I screamed and jumped into liam, I was so excited. "its a girl, Its a girl" he kept shouting. These would be published on the one direction twitter page in about 15 mins. I quickly called my mom to let her know. Of course trisha was so excited. she even hugged Niall. We took another picture with all the boys and El and Perrie holding pink ballons and me holding a sign saying its a girl. 

I tweeted 5 mins after it went up on the one directions page


It's a girl!! everyone is excited here, any name ideas??? 

I saw the rest of the tweets 


Im having a girl! shes gonna be a daddys girl, no dating allowed 


Looks like a baby girl is joining the band, think we will get more boy fans


Guess Im an uncle to Neice now too, think I can set her and theo up 


congrats on the little girl, shes has good rhythm already ;) 


Im an auntie to baby girl soon ;) baby girl payne 


Yay! a new little girl to spoil and buy pretty dressed for 


My sister is having a girl!!! yay! shes already spoiled 


I cant belive my brother is having a baby, and let alone and girl, #girlpayneswin 

I cant believe all the love im getting. 

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