Here she comes.

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Liam's POV 

Kaycie was out on the balcony with Patricia, relaxing I was inside, the due date was appraching fast, I was nervous, I wondered about the baby, would she have the same problems as I did when I was born? That thought crippled me with fear, I have been assured by many doctor, that she is perfectly healthy, It still scares me. 

Every day that passed, I grew more and more anxious, I couldn't wait for her to come, the due date came and passed, Kaycie woke me up about 3 days after the due date had passed. "Liam, what will she look like?" I rolled over and laughed "I have no idea, but I can't wait to find out, if she ever comes" Kaycie smiled deeply, "I can't sleep, she is moving so much, I hope its any day now" she whispered. 

Harry and Zayn and Perrie came over the same day, we were all sitting in the living room chatting about various things. "have you seen twitter lately?" harry asked us. Kaycie shook her head, I answered "no, why what's happening?" harry smirked "oh the usual, you had the baby named him larry, because louis and I came out together, or you've been in labour for 6 days" he said. I laughed "oh man, I'm going to tweet just to update everyone" i said, I looked to kaycie to get approval, she nodded/


Still no #babypayne we are waiting not very patiently 

I added a picture of Kaycie and Perrie sitting on couch, I took just today I added to the tweet


We will let everyone know when she is here, someone will release her name and maybe a pic

also to add, thanks to all my fans for letting us have this private time with my new family, you've been awesome, cant wait to share this new chapter of my life with all of you. 

Kaycie was in the kitchen with Harry when I heard laughing and then and gasp, I ran into the kitchen, "Liam, don't freak out, my water just broke, we need to go to the hospital now, grab my bag and get harry bring around the car, text everyone else" she said in a very calm voice, I told harry what to do as Kaycie went to get changed, I sent a mass text to Louis,Eleanor,Niall,My parents and sisters, Kaycie's parents. 

We are on the way to the hospital. the water broke :)

Kaycie called Patricia who was at josh's in the car and told her the news, she wanted to rush home, kaycie told her spend time with him, we will keep her updated and she can come home after. We arrived at the hospital, we were sent to a large private room, with it's own waiting room.

Soon after arriving, Kaycie was examined and she was already 5 cm dilated. Everyone started to arrive Niall was first after harry,zayn and perrie. Kaycie was so nice about letting everyone come to the birth, she wanted everyone to be there. My mum and dad came into the room, there were just beaming with excitement. I snapped a pic of Kaycie, My mum and Eleanor. 


baby girl had decided she isn't going to be shy, she's coming soon. will update, I attached the picture of kaycie my mum and El. 

Kaycie's POV 

The contractions got stronger and stronger, the pain was getting stronger as well, Liam sat at my side and every time the pain would come, he would rub my back and hum softly to me.  I didn't want any meds, I was going to do this naturally, It was getting harder to think this way. 

the doctor came in to check me, Niall was in the room at that point, poor Niall looked so nervous everytime I moved in pain, now he had to watch the doctor, examine me. "well we are about 30 minutes we will be ready to push, so rest up, your 9 centimetres dilated" he said before walking out of the room.  I saw Niall on his phone, when my phone went off it was a tweet from Niall 


here she comes @real_liam_payne @kaybry.

Everyone left the room and it was just Liam and I, before the nurses came in, he held my hand and rubbed my back. "I'm nervous as hell, Li" I confessed to him, "so am i, right nervous, but once she is here life will make sense" he said. I nodded just as the nurse and doctor came in. "alright ms bryant are we ready to push that baby out?" the doctor asked. 

Screaming and pushing though every single contraction, I would just get a break and I would have to push, "one more push and her head will be out" the doctor said, somehow I mustered enough energy and the doctor said "3,2,1 push" and I pushed. 

There she was they put her directly on my chest after they cleaned out her passages, she was screaming, It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard, I looked at Liam, he was beaming with excitement, his eyes brimming with tears. they took her away to clean her. "she's beautiful, absolutely beautiful." he smiled at me while kissing me. "she's here, now we have to name her" I said with a smile. He laughed, "let's see her one more time first" he said, as he motioned to the doctors bringing her back to us. "she's 6 pound 3 ounces and 20 inches long, everything looks great, the time of birth was 6:32 pm July 20th" as they put her in Liam's arms for the first time, I grabbed my cell and took a picture of my little girl laying in her daddy's arms for the first time. "she's gorgeous, she's such a princess" he said his eyes bursting with tears. He placed her gently in my arms, and said "let's name our angel" I smiled and said "okay" we talked about names for about 15 mins. until we decided on one. 

We asked everyone to come into the room to meet her so we could reveal her name, I held her as she slept. "she's so sweet, little angel" Karen cooed at her. "well here she is everyone her name is Graycie-Ann Karen Marie Payne, born at 6:32 and weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces and perfectly healthy" Liam beamed at everyone who stood in the room with us. She was passed around and taken millions of photos of. I saw the tweets pour in. The first was from the official one direction page. 


@real_liam_payne is a daddy, Graycie-Ann Karen Marie Payne was born today at 6:32 pm, tiny girl weighs 6 pounds 3 ounces, She's beautiful


I'm a uncle, to little graycie-ann, she's a beauty, congrats to Liam and Kaycie 

(attached a picture with him and Graycie)


holy Graycie-Ann is our little princess now, she's so quiet, mom and baby are doing wonderfully


I already got way too many dresses for little Graycie-Ann. she's going to be well styled 

(attaching a picture of her Louis and graycie)


Graycie-Ann is such a beauitful princess, thanks for including me in this day kaycie and Liam


Perrie and I are thrilled to have Graycie-Ann in our life she's perfect

(attaching a pic of Graycie with Liam and Zayn)


My niece is the most gorgeous human in the world. Graycie-Ann I love you already. 

She was finally here and It was perfect, I was in a room filled the people I love my new daughter but Patricia was missing, I couldn't help but to feel guilty and missed her, but I knew things would work out for her. 

Dreams do come true (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now