The Tweet

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Liam's POV

I felt the sun hitting my face a tiny bit as I awoke, I looked beside me and Kaycie was still there and our hand were still Intwined. I kissed her forehead ever so lightly and she opened her eyes and smile and "said I'm so glad that wasn't a dream," "me too" I smiled and kissed her lips. She grabbed her phone, I remembered the tweet I sent out last night, oh man. She tried to turn it on, "weird it's dead I thought it was fully charged last night". I had to tell her, there was a light knock on the door just then, I got up and answered it. It was Patricia and Louis. They sat down on the couches.

Kaycie's POV

I sat up from bed when I heard Patricia's voice, when she saw me in Liam's bed, she let a little laugh out, I put my fingers to my lips and said "shh". Louis says to me "your twitter must be in fire, I hope you turned your notifications off", I said to him yea Liam followed me last night and 2 hours later I had 2000 new followers". I noticed Liam mouth something to Louis, strange I thought. Patricia said "yea and that picture Liam posted of you 2 in bed last night didn't help!" "What picture?" Looking at Patricia and then to Liam, Patricia threw me her phone, I opened twitter and went to Liam's, there it was my hand holding his, with the caption and my twitter name. I looked at all the replies right away. There was 20000 retweets, #liamsnewgf was trending, I thought how could this happen so fast. I went to my favorite update account, and there was pictures of me and tweets I've made, screenshots of my facebook and Instagram accounts. I looked up at Liam while I handed Trisha her phone back, I said to Liam " I guess you want to go public now" with a small laugh. He came back over to the bed and grabbed my hand and said " I'm sorry babe, I was just so excited to be with you" he kissed me on my cheek. I noticed Louis look at Patricia and raise his eyebrows, I noted that I'm going to need to talk to her later. Louis stands up "well let's leave these two to get dressed and they can meet us for breakfast and discuss the day", with that Patricia and Louis got up and left. I smiled at Liam and said "don't worry about it, we will deal with it, I just don't want Patricia to get hurt, in the past 18 months there has been too much of it for her." He smiled at me and said" no one will be hurt". I picked up my clothes and shower stuff and makeup, I walked over to the bathroom, I said to him just before I went in, "you know you never did ask me to be your girlfriend". With that I shut the door and turned on the shower.

Liam's POV

Shit I was thinking to myself as I turned on my phone, she's right I kinda just assumed she would be, I knew I had to do it big now, massively romantic. I put my phone down to let my texts come though and get dressed. I plugged kaycies phone in for her. I looked to my phone I didn't even bother with twitter right away, I looked though my texts, several from my mum and sisters, Andy and Zayn and Harry. I looked at the ones from my mum.

Mum:Liam I think it's late where you are but Roo told me about what's on twitter, care to explain

Mum: Liam please reply back to me when you get this.

I quickly replied knowing she would call me if I didn't

Liam: mum everything is great, I'm falling for a girl, you'll love her, she perfect for me. I'll call later xo

I saw the ones from my sisters I replied to them quickly.

Andy: li, what's happening on twitter? My feed is blowing up with questions? What do I say? And you didn't even tell me about this girl!

Liam: Andy my man, all will be explained, if you want to answer just say he's extremely happy, dude I'm talking bouncing off the walls happy. I'll text you later

I didn't bother replying to Zayn and Harry as I would see them soon.

I put my phone down as I heard the bathroom door open. There was Kaycie, freshly dressed, looking more beautiful then I remember. She stood there for a minute "what are you staring at Liam?" I walked up to her and kissed her more passionately then the night before. When we pulled apart I said "that's what I was staring at". Looping her arm in mine, I asked "ready to face everyone?" , she looked up at me and said "only if your by side".

Dreams do come true (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now