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Harry's POV

I have no idea, why she's here but she is and she's crying, she's crying a lot. I held her for a good 2 hours while she cried, she looked at me when she pulled herself together a little and asked "can I stay here for a little while, until Eleanor or Perrie get back?", my heart broke for her, I answered quickly "of course, your welcome here as long as you need, as is Patricia"

I got a room ready, while Kaycie drank a tea on the couch, I quickly texted Liam

Me: what happened

Liam: with what?

Me: I saw Kaycie and she was crying

Liam: I think she broke up with me, I don't know what happened

Me: seriously?

Liam: yea I don't get it, we were talking about having kids and she snapped

Me: I would come over but I have company

Liam: Kaycie?

Me: yea...hope your okay with that

Liam: just take care of her before she comes back to me, because she will be back

Me: I'll talk to her but give her a few days.

I went back out to the couch,l sat with Kaycie I asked her what happened, she said "can you keep a major secret?" "Course" I answered. "I'm pregnant Harry, I found out today and Liam was talking about having kids, he wants them, but not now, I've been ready forever but yet here I am finally pregnant and no one to share it with" I smiled at her and said "congratulations, I'm taking it Liam doesn't know", she looked at me red and swollen in the face and said "no and he won't, sorry Harry but this is my child, i I intend raising as mine, no before you ask I don't know if I'm going back to Canada or not but Liam will never know"

I agreed with her but I can't keep a secret like this from my best mate, what a pickle of a situation.

Kaycie's POV

The next few days was hard, Liam texted me non stop. Harry was being rather annoying, I love him but 3 days of him not leaving me alone about eating and exercise was getting on my nerves, we were playing a game on the xbox, when I got a text from Patricia

Patricia: what's up?

Me: nothing just playing xbox

Patricia: I'm going to stay at Lottie's this weekend if your okay with it

Thank god I was thinking, what a relief, one less thing to worry about

Me: yea have a good time, see you next weekend though. Love you

I decided Harry was right, I needed to get out of the house. I walked and thought about everything. I ended up at Zayn and Perrie's, I saw the car in the driveway, so I knocked on the door, Zayn answered "hi Zayn" I said "come on in" he responded. Once inside I asked about Perrie, she had little mix business he said.

Zayn knew about Liam and me I told him because I knew Perrie would, I said to him "let me get this all out Zayn, then you can talk" he nodded "I'm pregnant, Liam doesn't know, I don't want him to, this child is mine and only mine, he's not ready for kids, I don't know where I'm going to live, but I'm done with Liam, I love him, but I love my child too, I need to provide a life for my child that makes me happy too and being with someone because he has to will not make my child happy, now you can talk Zayn"

Zayn looked at me with those piercing Zayn eyes and simply said "no one knows there ready for anything, until they have to be ready, Liam loves you more than you know, he has a right to his child."

Zayn gave me something to think about, while I walked back to Harry's. The next day I had a doctors appointment that Harry was coming to with me to check out the baby.

It was early morning and the paps still caught me and Harry walking into the hospital, that was going to be a terrible article. It was early they had to give me a scan so early because they needed to date the pregnancy. I dressed in my gown and laid down on the table and Harry stood beside.

They did an internal ultrasound so awkward with Harry there. There was my baby a tiny heart beat, I was 6 weeks pregnant. Harry looked on with tears in his eyes, he kissed me on the cheek, the nurse left the room Harry said to me"this is not just your baby, this is a one direction baby, it's my family too, and if Liam doesn't want to help I will be there for you every step of way" that's when he kissed me on the lips and it lingered. I just stammered and said thanks. I got my picture of the baby which was due in late July.

Harry walked out holding my waist, even though the photographers were surrounding us, this is going to be bad I just knew it.

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