Mirror, Mirror why are you so evil.

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Kaycie's POV

I woke up to the sound of Liam's cell ringing and him saying are you fucking kidding me, he got out of bed and got dressed. "Liam,come back to bed" I said to him, he told me "babe, I can't I have some things to deal with and you will too so get up and wake Patricia up.

Strange I was thinking, the whole time getting dressed. Liam called Patricia and I out to the living room and their PR person was there, along with some other management and Harry,Louis and Niall Zayn was with Perrie on vacation. "Hi" as I said walking in and sitting down beside Louis with Patricia towing beside me.

One of the managers asks "Patricia do you know people named Sarah and Char?", "yea why?" Patricia asked, the man continued "Kaycie do you know a man name Nick hollen?", the name bought chills to my spine "yea why?" I asked. I looked to Liam for answers. He shook his head. That's when they placed the magazines in front of us.

The cover read "the secret lives of the new lady of Liam Payne's life", ugh I groaned thinking about what was written, the caption under it read " secrets told of a former flame, a secrets told about her sister". I didn't even want to open it, Liam knelt down in front of me and spoke quietly "you don't have to read this, it's your choice" I nodded and opened the magazine and started reading, everyone was silent as I did.

The magazine read about my life before Liam and even before Rj. It showed pictures of me when I was 15 or 16. All the stories were false, not completely made up but made to make me too like a criminal. Then I got to the pages about Patricia, when I saw went her friends wrote about her I swear, I was going to fly back to canada to kill something, they said Patricia and I live a life of Starbucks and diet pills which aided in our weigh loss, which was false we worked so fucking hard to look this good.

Patricia's POV

I'm going to kill these bitches, my life is ruined.

Liam's POV

I saw the tears fall from Kaycie's eyes, I asked immediately "what can we do about this?", the managers told us some options, many of them they would be dealing with. But they told us we should use social media to out advantage, so that's what I was doing tweeting to my fans, many have already shot down the article knowing the mirror,was full of shit.

@real_liam_payne today the mirror has gone to far, they attacked my girlfriend and her 16 year old sister. They wrote stuff from sources who are out to hurt the people I care about. They have hurt people in my band as well. I urge not to buy the mirror and tell your friends not to do buy it either. I can't and will not stand for it, the mirror has nothing to do with one direction or it's members ever again

That's when I read Kaycie's tweet

@kaybry I would like all of one directions fans to please listen to me for a minute, the magazine article written about myself and my 16 year old sister is written by vindictive people who want to be "famous", please think twice before reading the mirror. Please ask me any questions you have about my life I'd be happy to answer you.

Everyone was leaving and Kaycie was just standing there with Louis taking, Patricia was in her room, listening to Taylor swift loudly, Louis left I walked over to Kaycie and hugged her tightly "I'm sorry my queen, I didn't think anyone would do this", "its okay" she said quietly.

I never let her leave my arms that night.

Patricia's POV

The house was quiet for the next couple days, I was starting school this morning, Kaycie and Liam are driving me there. I'm nervous but excited to get away from it all and be around Lottie and Fizzy.

We arrived at the school Kaycie checked me in and showed me to my room. They were leaving, Kaycie hugged me and told me she would see me on the weekend and we would something fun, just the 2 of us.

When they left I looked at the calendar November 4, it's been a month since the concert. When I think about my life now and then, I can't believe my luck, even if shitty things happened, in the end it works it self out.

Liam's POV

Driving back just Kaycie and I in the car was nice, we haven't spent much time alone, so I was looking forward to the next week. We were listening to music quietly when Kaycie asked me "do you have any regrets about us Li?", I answered immediately "not a single one, do you?". "Not a chance, Liam i love you", I smiled and told her i loved her. I was going to talk to her about having kids but I didn't want to ruffle any feathers just yet.

We arrived home shortly after lunch, we cuddled on the couch, when I got a text from Harry.

Harry: party this weekend? Eds in town.

Me: yea sure, dinner and drinks my place?

Harry: I'll let everyone know

"Kaycie, is it okay if we have a small get together at the house on the weekend,Ed is in town, you don't have to cook", Kaycie smiled, "Ed as in Ed Sheeran, and I'll cook" yes I smiled at her, "Ed as in Ed Sheeran and I'll help you cook"

We had been together for just over a month now, I was more in love with her everyday, to celebrate I bought her flowers and a charm for her bracelet. We had a great day, spent it together, I think she knew how rare these long breaks are, I know I was enjoying this, it was nice to be a family. I wanted to start a family with her, I know she wants to as well, but I'm scared to tell her, because I know that her and her dead husband talked about it shortly before he passed away, so I don't want to scare her off, so I'll wait for right time.

The next few days went quickly after the weekend I would be leaving for tour for a week alone before Kaycie joins for a week, and then we are off until after Christmas with small gigs here and then. We had fun alone, basically stay in our pjs all day and cuddle and other things.

On Friday we picked up Patricia from school, she was as equally as excited about Ed Sheeran. She was starting to come around towards me a little bit.

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