Life with a newborn

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Liam's POV

We left the hospital just 2 days after Graycie was born, I was excited and nervous to get her home and all to ourselves, she was breathtakingly beautiful, she wasn't overly fussy, but she did have a great set of lungs. Kaycie was an absolute natural with her, she seemed to always know what Grace needed. 

I packed everything in the hospital room up while kaycie was feeding Grace, We were alone for the first time since Graycie was born, we had a constant parade of visitors. So I was savouring the moments I had alone with Kaycie. "you look so beautiful with that little angel" I said staring at them, "oh Liam, you are just so sweet" she replied smiling at me, "all right are you ready to bring Grace home?" I asked, She nodded. After signing out of the hospital, we went to the SUV, Kaycie climbed in the back while I held Graycie, we put her in the car seat and thankfully she didn't even cry. We had a perfectly quiet ride home. 

The next couple hours were spent changing and feeding Graycie and then putting her to sleep, "I want to just stare at her all the time, how did we create such a perfect angel?" Kaycie said to me as we were leaning over her cradle. I put my arm around her and said "it helps that we are that much in love" she smiled and kissed me. 

Kaycie was asleep she was exhausted, when Patricia came home. "Hi Daddy Direction" she mocked, I laughed. "Where's Graycie-Ann?, I need to see my niece" she asked quickly, "She's sleeping but I'll get her, sit on the couch." I opened the door to find Kaycie asleep, I whispered "patricia is home, I'm going to get Graycie and let her hold her" she smiled and said "take pictures please", I nodded and kissed her head, I picked up Graycie and bought her out to Patricia, "Here is the little princess" I said while putting Grace in Patricia's arms. "she's so pretty" Patricia exclaimed. I smiled and said "kaycie will kill me if I don't get pictures of you holding your niece for the first time" She rolled her eyes and nodded. I took several pictures before putting my phone back in pocket. 

"Kaycie must just be in heaven with Graycie, This was all she wanted for as long as I can remember, She always wanted to have a baby and my brother as said, not now. So now she must be just so happy to have a happy healthy daughter" Patricia said to me, I nodded and said "oh she is so happy, but I am happy to, I can't believe she is here and healthy"  she laughed "she looks like you Liam, minus the eyes for now" I nodded "she does look like me, with a little bit of her mum in her too" 

Kaycie joined us after Graycie started fussing a little, "time for a feeding, I guess" she said while Patricia handed Grace to her, "oh um Trish, I'm breastfeeding and don't have a cover so go get one or go upstairs" Kaycie said, Patricia said "on that note I'm going upstairs, by the way when is the big party, and can josh come?", I answered "it's on Saturday and yes he can come, but you need to socializing not sitting in a corner with josh" she nodded and went upstairs. Kaycie laughed as she started to feed Graycie, "soon you'll be saying that to Graycie-Ann" she laughed. "don't get me started, shes 3 days old" I said to her as i planted a kiss on the top of her head. 

Kaycie's POV 

Today was the meet Graycie-Ann party, everyone was going to be here and then tomorrow was her christening, we were announcing the god parents today. We arrived at the restaurant where we were having the party to about 2 dozen of Liam's fan outside, Liam instantly got angry, and wanted to rush us inside without stopping. "li, they want to see Grace and you, Let me say something about being quiet and then come out holding Graycie, get pictures taken no harm no foul" he nodded reluctantly. 

I stepped out of the SUV "hey girls, we have the baby inside, Liam will come out and you can take pics and such, but she's a week old so let's keep it really quiet so you can get pictures" I said to the girls, They instantly stopped screaming I motioned for Liam to come out, He stepped out with a sleeping Grace in his arms. she looked darling in a pink princess dress that Perrie had gotten her. Patricia and Josh got out of the car and went inside the restaurant, Liam took some photos and signed some stuff. 

Inside everyone was there already, Graycie was content being passed around to everyone, We let Lux and brooklyn hold her as well. I tweeted the picture of Lux and Graycie. 


Meet Lux's new BFF Graycie-Ann 

I was standing with Trisha when Niall approached us "I can't do this today Kaycie" she said quietly, "oh stop it, he's apart of our life too" I said to her, I hugged Niall and made small chat, he asked to hold Graycie. I handed her to him straight away, Denise made her way over with Theo, Niall knelled down to get a picture with him, Graycie and Theo. Patricia whispered to me "I'm going to find Josh" and she left. Liam came over just as I got Graycie back. "ready to go thank everyone and make anoucments" he said to me, I nodded slowly and went with him and graycie to the stage. 

"well we would like to start off by thanking everyone who came to the meet Graycie-Ann party today, Thank for all the warm wishes and presents, she's pretty spoiled already" Liam said, I nodded as well "we have an important day tomorrow, we are christening Graycie, and we had to make a tough decision on god parents. Kaycie and I made a list of about 30 names who could be godparents but we narrowed it down a little bit. " he continued "and when he says a little bit, he means a little bit" i said. "To us after many discussions god parents mean they help your child though life, they support you and your child always, so with that I would like to name Graycie-Ann god parents, Also Roo and Nicola and Patricia, no blood relatives are allowed, so the god parents are Zayn,Perrie, Louis, Eleanor, Niall, Harry, Lou and Joannah." Liam said. after we hugged the godparents we did a bit more socializing before calling it a day. 

The next day went off without a hitch, everything was perfect. Graycie got a special gift from all her godparents, Niall gave her a string of pearls, Harry gave her a journal in which he wrote a letter to her in, Perrie gave her a Tiara, Zayn painted her a sculpture of a unicorn, Louis gave her a soccer ball with her name on it, Eleanor gave her a ring with her birthstone on it, Lou gave her a braclet that was handmade and engraved with her name, and Joannah gave her a quilt with pictures of all her god parents on it. It was prefect. 

The next 2 weeks were a lot harder than the first one, Graycie didn't sleep as well, she wanted to eat all the time, she cried a ton. It was hard on us. It was getting to be crazy.

Dreams do come true (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now