Not really what I wanted to see

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Patricia's POV

We returned to London and I was going to Josh's for a little Christmas celebration, I was excited to meet his family. Niall was over while I was packing, I still haven't talked to him, I wasn't mad anymore, but it got to him that I wasn't talking to him so I did it for the fun of it.

Kaycie was at the table with Niall and Liam when I came to sit down at the table, "so you excited for Josh's?" Niall asked me, I starred blankly "Patricia" Kaycie said to me, "that's so rude answer the question", I smirked "why yes Kaycie and Liam, I'm very excited for Josh's, what are you going to do for 3 days without me?" I answered. Liam just laughed, "Patricia Marie, you know that is not what I meant" Kaycie said to me. We starred at each other for awhile I know she wants to ask me what is happening with Niall but she won't, "yea we are doing a bunch of nothing, we are going to finish shopping and wrapping, and we have a signing soon" Liam asnswred. The buzzer rang it was josh and I was outta here.

Kaycie's POV

What the hell has gotten into Patricia, I know she was mad at Niall, but now she's just being spiteful, then I realized her crush on Niall, I had forgotten. She's still so young and acts strange around boys she's likes


Patricia was hitting a boy she liked brad, she wouldn't stop, every time she saw him she would punch or hit him. "What are you doing" I would ask, "that's the way we flirt" she answered. I laughed "boys don't like that, especially ones you want to like you, be nicer, right now he treats you like a sister"

I laughed at the memory, thinking this was the same situation, I would have to ask her about it, life was going on as usual, the boys had rehearsals for the tour, promoting the new album, I went to most things. When I didn't I stayed with Eleanor or Perrie.

Patricia was due back today and we were heading out for the whole day the boys had a signing and then recording some bits for the tour and making a video diary. I got a text on my way out the door with Liam.

Trisha: hey, what's happening today?

Me: same as usual, lots of one direction bits

Trisha: will you be gone all day

Me: yea, pretty much, why what's up?

Trisha: nothing just wanted to tell you I'll be home after supper

Me:k that's fine, just not too late, we are driving to Wolverhampton early tomorrow morning.

Strange, she never asks unless she's up to something, Liam squeezed me hand "babe,what's up you feeling okay?" He asked, "yea,just Patricia being strange" I said. "Well she is 16 and they are strange" he said as we got into the car.

Patricia's POV

"Hey josh, we can go to my house, no one will be there" I said to him. "Sounds great, we can try some things" he said. I was ready for this, I wanted to be because josh wanted me to be.

We arrived at my house, it was empty as planned. We watched tv and had some lunch, before any of the stuff happened, we were watching a Christmas movie, I'm not sure which one, when josh started kissing my neck, soon enough we were laying on the couch. He took his shirt off and mine as well, we were making out when he undid my bra. And I undid his pants, here we are laying on the couch with barley any clothes on, when. I heard a high pitched screamed and a holy shit.

Kaycie's POV

"Ahhhhhhhh" I screamed as I walked into the living room, with Liam,Niall,Harry,Gemma,Lou,Tom,Lux,Zayn and Perrie following us in, "holy shit" said Niall. There was Patricia, my little Patricia, laying on the couch practically naked, with her hands down Josh's underwear, I wanted to die, Patricia sat up putting a blanket around her, "your not supposed to be here" Patricia shouts at me, Lux yells "why is she have no shirt on" to which everyone laughs, not me, I'm too shocked, Liam says "I'll take everyone upstairs to the media room".

"GET DRESSED" I yell at Patricia and josh, stomping off to the kitchen. Remember to breath I told myself, try to remember being 16, relax, Liam came into the kitchen first "so umm, what are you going to do?" He asked, "I have no fucking clue,what to even say to her" I said trying to hold back tears, "Kayc, she needs a parent your going to have to do it, your going to be strong, and tell her that it's wrong to do that, when your 16 in the living room, your going to have to tell her about safe sex and stds and pregnancies" he said. "I know" I mummered into his chest.

Trisha and josh appeared in the kitchen about 5 mins later, fully clothed faces pitch red and I suddenly felt confident, "first things first, I never I repeat never ever want to see that again, josh I will be telling your parents, and here's the kicker Patricia I don't care how embarrassed you are, we are having company over and you are staying and talking to them and being polite, let me repeat that means no going to your room and going on your phone. And we will discuss your punishment later, but there will be a punishment, and we will be having the sex talk. Do you understand me?" I spoke clearly, josh nodded quickly, said bye to Trisha and left. Trisha started to storm off "oh no, no, no you can help me in the kitchen,while Liam gets everyone down here" I said.

I directed Trisha on what to do, I made her get tea ready, get snacks out, she never spoke to me once, just did everything I asked, "bring everything out to the living room and be polite, because I'm warning you, if your not the punishment gets worse" all she did was nod, I was hoping the boys would raz her a little, because that was embrassing.

I joined, the little chat session, sitting next to Perrie,Gemma and Lou, Perrie asked "so how was the conversation" I laughed a little "not over yet, but can you guys help me tonight, I need to make her realize sex isn't a casual thing at 16" they all nodded. I got out my phone and texted Harry,Zayn,and Niall

Me: hey guys make sure to embarrass the piss outta her

Harry: why?

Me: because I want her not to do that again,like go to the bedroom at least

Zayn: will do

Niall: she will be more pissed at me

Me: don't worry, the rule is she has to be polite the whole night

Niall: lol I'm in

Harry: boys let the fun begin

I laughed to myself as the boys teased her about it, she just sat there, Harry took his shirt off and sat beside her and said "I heard the couch is the best place to have no shirts on" everyone laughed, Trisha sat there getting more and more red. It was funny Liam took the boys upstairs, while the girls and I had a little conversation with Patricia. We explained to her the dangers of unprotected sex and stds, and pregnancy. She sat there staring blankly into space.

When everyone left Trisha asks me "can I please go to my room now?", "go ahead, and call josh too" I said. She got up and left. I sat there, Liam came from behind me and hugged me tightly, pulling me into his chest tightly, saying "babe, everything will be fine", "I know it will be, I need to talk to her" I said.

I knocked on her door lightly, "what" she answered, "can I come in?" I asked "whatever" she said as I opened the door, she was sitting on the bed her eyes had tears in them, be strong I thought.

I sat down on the bed, "Trisha I'm sorry that we scared you, but you scared me so bad, when I walked in and say that, my first thought was of RJ, to be perfectly honest, he would have lost it right then and there. I know you only see me as your sister, but I feel protective over you, I don't want your life to be harder than it has to be, and besides that was plain embarrassing I hope your not too mad" I said, she looked up and said "I'm sorry, this is so awkward, it won't happen again. I love you and I'm sorry." I hugged her tightly, "get some sleep Trish, tomorrow is Christmas Eve and the fun begins"

Dreams do come true (Liam Payne)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora