This can't be real!!!

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Kaycie's POV

The next morning I still couldn't shake this feeling about Patricia, although I prayed it was her friends test or something. I was feeding Graycie but I was distracted. I finished feeding her and handed her to Liam. "whoa, whoa, you never give her up this easy? are you okay?" he said, "I'm okay,just worried about Trisha, I'm going to text her" I said while pulling out my phone

Me: Hey Trish, how are you?

Trish: I'm good, how's the family?

Me: We are all good, when are you coming home?

Trisha: I was thinking about today. Why is there something going on?

Me: nope, just haven't seen much of you. come home today. 

Trisha: Okay give me a couple hours

"She's coming home today, I just don't wanna freak her out" I said. Liam nodded "you know your probably making such a big deal out of nothing, it simply could be one of her friends, so when you talk about it, be direct and don't scream, because if she is anything like you she will run" he said, I rolled my eyes "ha ha Liam, your so funny, making a joke of me leaving" I said sarcastically.  He hugged me and said " Well don't do it again" he said playfully. I kissed him on the lips and whispered "never,your stuck with me, even if we are in a sexless relationship, I'll still be here" I laughed before pulling away. 

For the next couple hours I busied myself with doing stuff in the house, I swear I must have checked the time about every 15 minutes. Time seemed to drag. I had just put Grace down for a nap and Liam had went to the studio when Patricia came home. My first thought was she didn't look like herself. "hey" I called from the living room couch. "hey, let me put my stuff in my room, and we can talk" she said. I was instantly nervous, how do I ask a 16 year old if they are pregnant? 

When she sat down I casually asked her about different things, She answered, we had some laughs, but I couldn't take this anymore. "Trisha, like keep in mind I don't think it was yours but I have to know, I found a pregnancy test in the garbage in the bathroom, I was just wondering do you know who's it was?" I said as sensitive as I could. She looked up at me and started crying. Just crying so hard. I knew who's it was. It was my 16 year old sister. She was having a baby. My heart broke. 

"trisha, Is it yours?" I asked quietly, "yes" is all she said in a whisper, and I cried with her. All i thought about is how I failed. I failed her brother. "does josh know" I asked. "No" she confessed. I hugged her and told her we would get though this. "first thing is first, we need to talk to josh and his parents with Liam and I, so set that up for tomorrow please, but right now I'm calling the doctor and we are going in" I told her she nodded, I called the doctor and got her in an hour from now. 

I texted Liam to let him know what was happening 

Me: So it was Patricia's test 

Liam: are you serious?

Me: oh I am serious, I'm taking her to the doctor, I'll take Gracyie with us and I'll be back in time to make supper

Liam: oh my super girlfriend! take it easy ok

Me: I will try, oh and tomorrow Josh's parents and Josh are coming over to break the news to them and Liam we need to talk about what to do with her tonight

Liam: Sounds okay, be calm love you xoxo

Me: Love you too Li, xoxo 

We arrived at the doctor and got in right away, The Doctor confirmed that she was in fact 3 and half week pregnant. I tried to hold myself together as she was telling Patricia about everything she needed to know, I wasn't listening. This was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. 

Niall's POV 

"what's up Payno, you look upset?" I asked Liam as he was staring at his phone, He looked up at me and said " Patricia is pregnant", I laughed because I didn't believe him. "don't joke around with me" I said to him, "niall, you think I would joke about this, Never, she is pregnant, 3 and half weeks, they've just been to the doctors" he said. "That's the craziest thing I've ever heard" said Harry, "it blows my mind" said zayn, "her life just changed forever" said Louis. I didn't know what to say. The girl I had been slowly falling in love with was pregnant at 16, I couldn't believe it. " can someone come over and watch Graycie tomorrow? we have to talk to Josh and his parents who don't know yet" Liam said. I wanted to volunteer but I couldn't, "I'll do it" Harry said. This can't be real, why her?

Patricia's POV 

I had been sick all day, All I told Josh was that Kaycie and Liam wanted him and his parents over for tea. I didn't want to tell him. This baby ruined my whole life. I didn't feel any love towards this demon child. Kaycie told me I had options, but How could I do those? How could I abort a baby? how could I put a baby that I will have grown in stomach for adoption, my only choice was to raise this baby. I saw the disappointment in Kaycie's eyes every second she looked at me. I could hear her thinking, "what would you brother say, how would I explain this to him?" she didn't say it out loud but I knew what she was thinking.

The door bell rang but thankfully It was just Harry. Even he could barely look at me, "alright yeah?" is all he said to me before picking up Graycie from her swing and cuddling her, I nodded. The doorbell rang again and I knew who it was. I was shaking. Liam put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze, while Kaycie welcomed Josh and his parents in. We all went to the dining room, where Kaycie had set up so much food, she had busied herself all day so she wouldn't cry. 

I sat across the table from josh and his parents, on the same side as Kaycie and Liam. "right, well Patricia has some news she wants to share" Liam said on my behalf after the normal dinner conversation had died down. "let's go to the living room shall we?" said Kaycie, we all nodded and followed. I sat on a couch beside josh. Kaycie was standing behind Liam who was sitting on a chair, and josh's parents were on the bigger couch. "well get on with your news" Josh's mom said. 

"well, ummm there's no other way to say this, but to say it, I'm pregnant 3 and 1/2 weeks to be exact" I spat out. I looked at josh who sat there looking confused, and to josh's parents who looked equally confused. Harry broke the silence who came out with a crying Graycie "I think she is hungry" he said to Kaycie, "excuse me I have to feed grace" kaycie said while leaving the room. Harry left as well. 

Josh's dad spoke first "well at least i'll be a young grandpa" he said laughing, I looked at josh who looked relieved by his dad's comment., "well what are we going to do about living situations" josh's mom said. Liam answered "well i guess that would be up to Patricia and josh", I cringed but I looked at josh who was smiling, "well can we move into the guest house mum and dad" he said looking to his parents. they nodded "that would be wonderful, the second bedroom can be the nursery" said josh's mom. I suddenly saw my whole life in front of me. stuck with josh, no one direction just josh me and the demon baby in a small guest house. This was my fault though. "yea that sounds great" i said meekly. Kaycie came back into the room while we were talking about it. 

"sounds like an idea, when is this happening" she said after we explained it all, Josh looked at me and said "the sooner the better, like today would be great" he said with a laugh. I looked at Kaycie, I didn't want to see her in this pain anymore. "yea, that sounds good, can I Kaycie, Liam?" I said, "well trisha since your old enough to be a mom, you make your own decisions, same rules for your money though, when the baby comes I'll increase it though" Kaycie said to me. Just like that my lide was over. I went to my room and packed a suitcase and a box and told kaycie and Liam i'd come back for the rest. and I gave Kaycie and Liam a hug and Graycie as well and I left.

Kaycie's POV 

Just like that, my life with Patricia as I knew it was over, I leaned into Liam who kissed my head and whispered "it will be okay" but I knew it wouldn't be, she would never be a normal teen again. 

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