The hotel

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Chapter 7

Liam's POV

Paul is going though the usual security and tour stuff same old same old, I barely listened I was sitting next to kaycie my hand was lightly rested on the small of her back. She was listening intently to what Paul was saying. She looked at my for a second with her blue eyes, my heart instantly softened right away. We arrived at the hotel, we all got off the bus and used the private elevator to the top which was rented for us. I stood in the hallway with kaycie,Trisha,Niall,Harry and Louis. We decided to go into nialls room to eat some food. We ordered a bunch of food. I was happy to have Niall, Harry and Louis there, they were loud and crazy and making Patricia laugh like crazy, which you could tell made Kaycie feel more relaxed. She was sitting across the couches from me smiling and enjoying the conversation. She caught me staring at her. I motioned for her to sit in the empty spot beside me. She got up and moved beside me, I noticed she was on Twitter, I pulled out my phone and asked " what's your twitter? I want to follow you , but I'm warning you your twitter will explode when this happens." She smiled shyly and said to me "bring it on." A knock on the door came Niall ran to answer it knowing it would be food,there was tons of it.

Patricia's POV

Food I think finally. I saw Niall get so excited about it, I can't help but think how much of their personality is so real. I'm excited to eat but I'm too nervous, I don't want myself to look like a pig in front of them. I had a small plate, Niall looks at me and says " you better eat more if you want to hang around us!" I smile the biggest smile I felt myself ever smile, Kaycie says to me " don't worry it's okay just eat." Without hesitating I grab more food and load up my plate. Niall and Louis high five me and say" good job little lady."

Liam's POV

I make a plate of food, I can't keep my eyes off Kaycie as she eats or says anything to one of the boys, Liam I think your falling so hard so fast. The door has a small knock. Harry gets up and answers it, it's Lou and lux. We introduce them to Kaycie and Patricia. When Kaycie is introduced to lux she kneels down on the floor and speaks to lux " hello miss lux I've been dying to meet you, I've seen many pictures of you." Lux smiles at Kaycie and gives her a hug and shows her dolls, Kaycie is sitting on the floor in a dress playing with lux happily. Lou come up to me and says "ding ding Liam I think you found a keeper". I look at her and say "now if only I knew how she feels about me and everything else she is in for".

Kaycie's POV

I'm sitting here on the hotel room floor, playing with Lux and her dolls, and strangely although I've never met these people before I instantly feel at home here. I notice Liam whispering to the boys and Lou , they all shake their in agreement. Louis speaks up first " I was thinking Kaycie if it's okay with you, Trisha could stay with lux and Lou, Lou wants to get to know Patricia and style her hair." He looks at me, I look at Trisha and she nods in agreement. I look to Lou and say "are you sure?" She nods at me. Liam speaks up and says "I have an extra bed in my room. We can go and talk." I stand up and smile" yes of course, but Trisha and I need to go to our van to get our extra clothes." Liam says to me " go then love but take Paul it's quite late, I'll meet you back here and take to my room." Okay I smile. I look to the boys and say "goodnight and I'll see you in the morning I guess, not to early for Niall and Harry's sake though" lux looks at me and starts to whimper I look down at her and say " it's okay I'll see you in the morning but I'll send my sister to play toys with you" she hugs my leg and say " night night". Patricia and I walk out of the room to see Paul waiting for us, we walk the short walk to the van talking about how this is happening to us. We get back to the hotel and say goodnight to each other, she hugs me and says " be yourself and let him in, Niall told me, Liam wants to know the real you so just do that." I whisper back " I will and text me if you have any problems." I smile up at Liam and say "lead the way" he takes my hand and says "let the journey begin". It's a strange feeling but in that moment I knew my life was changing.

Dreams do come true (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now