Leaving Down Under

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Kaycie's POV 

It had been quiet the rest of the time in Australia, I hadn't seen Patricia much at all, she was busy with Luke and stuff, we had one last day in Australia, and we planned a beach day. Niall was doing much as of lately, He truly was the nicest person I have ever met. We arrived at a beach and set up umbrellas and sun shades, Liam was dying to get a surf in, so he went with Louis. Eleanor, Perrie and I took Graycie into the shallow water and swam around a little, eventually Niall, Zayn and Harry joined us in the water. The boys from 5SOS showed up minus Patricia and Luke, who were apparently out enjoying their last day in Australia. They would be coming to London with us for a week, to do some recording with the boys.

Everyone was eating dinner on the beach I asked "who wants to have Graycie for a whole weekend in 2 weeks?" everyone shouted me me me me me. I laughed along with Liam, "Well I'm sure you will all have a turn, but Harry and Niall will not wake up in the middle of the night to a crying baby, so Lou, El or Zayn or Perrie, who does it work better for, we will leave Friday night and be back Sunday for dinner?" I asked them, "well I have something Saturday night, so Lou and Eleanor will have to take this time" Perrie said sadly. "Okay Eleanor your up" I said, she laughed about how happy she will be to watch Grace. 

Patricia's POV 

Tonight was my last night in Australia with Luke, The time here had been fantastic so far, I would see him for one more week, Then he would leave and I would leave shortly after that. We were both determined to make this relationship last the distance.

We went to where everyone was having some drinks and dinner, I sat with Kaycie and Liam to talk to them for a little while. “Where’s Graycie?” I asked, “Oh you remember your niece?” Liam said laughing. “Ha, ha, ha very funny Liam” I said to him. “She’s asleep,  of course, it’s like 8:00” Kaycie told me, It was true, I had probably see Graycie about 2 times since I had been with Luke, and both times, she was playing with Niall, So I ignored her. I needed to spend more time with her before I left for my gap year. “I want to take Luke to Canada sometimes soon, do you think I can arrange that with you guys?” I said to Liam and Kaycie, She shook her head no, “I have very little interest in anything in Canada minus my parents, but they were just hear and I will see them again in the new year, go with him” She said, “that is fucking stupid, I want to go back home, during one of my vacations from gap year, Why is that so fucking hard, honestly, I wanted to show him graves and stuff, and where I grew up, you did it with Liam, and I had to be there” I said very angrily. Kaycie rolled her eyes, “number 1, your allowed to go places alone number 2, I don’t need to visit the graves every single time I’m in Ontario, I’m trying to move on with Liam, Number 3, You never ever had to come with me to do anything. You always had to the choice to stay with your mom or someone else” She spat at me. “I don’t have to sit here and listen to you right now, talk about my brother like he meant nothing to you, like you’ve just fucking moved on” I said as I got up and left.

I walked toward the beach and just walked, I knew that would hurt Kaycie allot, but I didn’t care, she was right she shouldn’t have to come to Ontario with me, I was just fucking pissed off. As I was walking I saw someone on the beach sitting down by the water, I walked closer. It was fucking Niall, of course it was Niall, He is always around when I don’t fucking need him to be. “Hi” he called out in his familiar Irish accent. “Hello” I said sourly, I tried to be as tough as I could around Niall, because truth be told he will always make me week in the knees.

I sat down next to him, “you seem angry, and I didn’t do it this time.” He laughed, “Yea laugh it up Niall, because next time will probably be about you” I said to him, “what happened?” He asked, “Well I wanted to take Luke to Canada, on one of my vacations from gap year, but of course Kaycie doesn’t want to go and it pisses me off so much.” I told him. “I think you’re missing a major part there Patricia, Kaycie just had a baby, things are finally starting to calm down for her, she just wants to be a home, have as much as a normal life as she can, before we have to start a new tour” He said, It was true, it was like a whirlwind for Kaycie and Me this past year and half, It was the craziest. “Your actually right for once Niall” I laughed, I could feel myself, getting softer already but I didn’t want to stop.

We walked along the beach for a while, I told him things about Luke and me, what I was planning for after gap year, Things like that, we walked until almost we got back to the restaurant on the beach where everyone was. “I never planned on telling you this, but I was always kind of hoping you would wait for me, so we could date “He confessed to me quietly, I was blown away, I was always bad at telling when guys liked me.

“well I didn’t, I honestly had no idea Niall” I said to him, He came closer and closer to me, Until his lips were on me kissing me, I was kissing back I couldn’t help it, then Luke popped in my head. I pulled away “how dare you Niall, How fucking dare you, you fucking bastard” I slapped him right across the face as hard as I could.

I ran back towards the restaurant right towards Luke, and cried in his arms, while everyone was staring at me. I felt Kaycie rubbing my back, I tuned to hug her “what happened?” she whispered, I simply said “nail kissed me” Luke heard me say this “are you joking, you must be joking?” he said. I turned back into his arms and whispered “it’s not a joke, we were talking and he took things a step too far.” 

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