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Liam's POV

I surprised Kaycie with a trip to Nicé France, it would be just a 4 day quiet get away, we would need it, this weekend we would be meeting Patricia's boyfriend, josh. I think I was more nervous then Kaycie was.

We got to France at about 12 noon local time, we went straight to the hotel, "Liam this is honestly so gorgeous, I've never been anywhere as beautiful as this" she told me, "well I've been here before, but not with someone as beautiful as you or someone who is having my baby" I said to her, she blushed. I really love the thought that she is having my baby, our baby would be here in 30 weeks or so. I couldn't wait.

Kaycie had a little nap before we did any sight seeing, I logged onto twitter and did a quick follow spree and tweeted that I was on vacation with Kaycie.

When Kaycie woke up it was almost dinner time, "hey sleepy head" I laughed, she smiled at me and said "hey I'm sleeping for two here, and babies need lots of sleep", "so do want you to eat for two now?" She shook her head yes while walking towards me. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and pulled herself closer towards my face and kissed me sweetly and whispered "I love you Liam, so much, more than you know" I smiled kissed head and said "babe I know, because your my everything"

We had a romantic dinner by the ocean, it was perfect, I starred at her and wondered when could I ask her to be my wife, I would love to now, but she might think it's because of the baby, she interrupted my thoughts and asked "whats on your mind Li?", I smiled and answered "how wonderful life is", she lifted her glass and said "to forever and always", I lifted mine and said "to infinity and beyond doll"

Kaycie's POV

I woke up the next morning, with Liam still asleep, I went on my phone until he woke up, I was on twitter, I saw Liam posted a picture of us at dinner last night with the caption "romantic dinner with my beautiful lady" I smiled, for some reason I decided to look at the replies on it, the majority were so sweet, there was a couple wish it was me, then a couple more, I'm gonna kill her, she's going to regret meeting Liam, I starting tearing up, it broke my heart to hear things like that, Liam looked up and said "why you crying doll face?" I didn't want to tell him, but I had to. I handed him my phone.

"Don't freak out Liam, just relax" he was reading though the mentions. "I can't believe this bullshit" he said, he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed tightly, "baby this is not okay and I will deal with this" he took pictures of the tweets and sent them to his phone and wrote on twitter.


This is not okay to say to anyone, why would you think that it would be okay to say to someone very special in my life, this my friends is bullying and I don't stand for it.

He attached the screen shot.

"You didn't have to do that" I told him, "I know but I wanted to babe, it's not fair, and your not to be under stress, so let's shower, and go eat breakfast, then leave our phones here and relax on the beach" he said to me, "great idea, who's showering first" I asked, he answered quickly with a small smile "together my love" taking my hand and leading my to the bathroom.

The next 3 days flew by and before I knew it, I wasn't in sunny France anymore I was in rainy old England. But I was happy being home with just Liam and I and Patricia on weekends. This weekend was special, Patricia's new boyfriend was coming to meet us, I was nervous but excited for her, she seemed smitten. Liam on the other hand was crazy, going around the house putting everything in it's place "so what role do I play?" He asks me, "what in the world do you mean doll?" I asked, "you know, the protective guy, the laid back, the semi serious guy" he said to me. I smiled and said " baby, listen to me, just be you, whatever you are will be the best thing you can do" he smiled and kissed me as the buzzer rang.

Patricia's POV

I walked into the apartment, Kaycie and Liam were standing right there waiting this is going to be crazy. "Hi Trisha" Kaycie greeted me and giving me a hug, here we go" Kaycie, Liam this is Josh" I told them pointing to josh who was extending His hand to shake Kaycie's and Liam's hand.

After the introductions, we went to the living room, josh would be staying for the weekend, he would be in a guest room. Kaycie left to get everyone tea in the kitchen, so I followed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her, she smiled patted her tummy, "this baby, is okay, gives me terrible morning sickness and wants me to sleep and eat like I'm Niall" she laughed "but how are you?, how's the relationship with josh?" She asked. "I'm excellent, the josh thing is great, he's an awesome boyfriend, we kissed the other day, it was pure magic" I told her. "Awwwwww that's so sweet" she chorused, she hugged me.

When we went back into the living room, josh and Liam we're having a nice conversation about soccer. It was nice to see.

The next day Kaycie and Liam informed me of Christmas plans "we are going to canada for 10 days before Christmas, Niall Harry and Louis and Eleanor will be coming" Kaycie said "and then we are coming back here for Christmas with my family, and the 27th is the one direction Christmas party. And New Years is going to be at Louis and Eleanors" Liam added. I shook my head and asked " 2 questions on the 21,22 and 23 can I go to Josh's? And can josh come with us to the one direction party?"Liam answered for me "absolutely" I smiled at him.

The rest of the weekend was smooth, josh stated many times how much he loved my family, I was starting to fall in love with him, if only I could get Niall out of my head.

Dreams do come true (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now