Still Down Under

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Kaycie's POV

Today was the boys first show down under, I was excited. During moments they changed Graycie's ultrasound picture to one of Me and Graycie. Patricia was in an awfully good mood as we arrived at the venue. She was smiling at everyone, It was nice to see. Every time she laughed at one of Luke's jokes, Liam died a little inside, Luke was only a bit older than her so to me it was fine. 

Eleanor and I were in the dressing room while the boys were performing, doing wedding stuff, Graycie was asleep in her playpen. Patricia barged in and sat down beside me, "what is it Trisha? I know you just didn't come in to say hi" I said. she laughed "oh kaycie your so funny, funniest person I ever met" she said. I knew she wanted something, "get on with it, El and I are busy" I said to her. "well the guys are having like a party tonight and staying over in the venue tonight, they wanted slash I wanted to know if I could go" she spat out. I rubbed my head Liam would freak, but she needed this. "well no sex Patricia and respect yourself don't throw yourself at some famous guy" I said, she laughed "why it worked for you" she said, "get out of here before I change my mind" I told her, she hugged me and left, I looked at Eleanor and said "she's so happy right now, I don't want it to end, but it will be interesting if she gets involved" she laughed and said "well, hold on then, because it's going to be a roller coaster" I sighed. 

Patricia's POV 

I was hanging out with the boys from 5 seconds all night, It was perfect, I loved their accents, It made me so happy, Things were finally falling into place, I hadn't been this happy in a long time. Luke asked me to be his partner on a scavenger hunt we had planned. I agreed happily.

We walked around the buildng looking for things on the list, "so do you have a boyfriend" Luke asked me, I was floored I didn't know what to say because I had a husband not a boyfriend but the lawyers were working on an annulment right now. "umm well it's a long story" I said to him, "well I have the time if you do" He said. my heart fluttered, I explained to him the whole story of my life basically, I told him about my parents and my siblings, I told him about Niall, I told him about josh and the abortion, I told him everything. 

"your amazing you know that right" Luke said to me in his accent, I shook my head "no but I like when you tell me I am" I said to him laughing. I looked into his eyes and we moved closer to each other and we kissed, after we pulled away, all I could think of how perfect that was. "wow" we both said in unison. We stood up just before Ashton and Callum came around the corner announcing they had won the game. We left the venue around 6 am to catch some sleep. I was checking twitter before I drifted off to sleep.


Buzzing after tonight

I smiled and thought of the possibility of me and him, and I couldn't help but think of how perfect it would be. 

I was woken up by knocking on my door at 9 am, God damn it i thought, It was kaycie with the baby "can you watch Graycie for a bit, I wanna go shopping for somebody's birthday pressie" she said, "yea, but I wanna tell you something first" I said to her, "tell away sista" she said, I smiled "well luke and I kissed last night, then he tweeted this" I said showing her my phone,she laughed a little and said "your telling Liam, and protect your heart, is all I'm going to say, now watch your neice, she will need some food in about an hour, it's all in the bag", When she left I held Graycie and looked though twitter. 

Kaycie's POV 

Trisha was all ready so deep, but it was nice to see honestly and I refused to tell Liam about this, Liam and I went shopping with Louis, Eleanor and Niall. After the show tomorrow, we were having a party for Patricia, everything was all ready arranged for that, I needed to get her a gift. We went though the mall wondering what to get for her, I settled on a necklace with a black diamond in it representing her new found strength. I also got her a claddagh ring with her pink birth stone in the middle.

I told Eleanor about Patricia and Luke, she laughed and said "who's tell Liam?" I laughed and said "my deal is she tells him", We arrived back at the hotel and the boys left for sound check, I grabbed Graycie from Patricia, "so what's up?" I asked her casually. "nothing, do you know when fizz and Lottie will be here?" She said, "They will be at the show, so soon" I told her, "well I'm going to sound check and then maybe hang out at the venue, tell them to text me when they are here" She said. and then she left. 

Liam's POV 

"where is kaycie?" I asked Patricia who was at sound check for some reason, "at the hotel, I'm sure she will be here soon" she answered "okay, why are you here?" I asked, "Oh I wanted to see sound check and the 5 seconds sound check" she answered, I thought nothing of it "well I have couple interviews to do, so have fun watching the boys perform: I said to her. I saw Luke backstage "hey what's up man?" I said to him, He looked strange to me, "she told you didn't she?" he said, "who told me what?" I said confused to him, "Patricia, she told you I kissed her" he said. 

I rubbed my forehead after that conversation, he told me he likes her I give up with her dating. I was sitting with the rest of lads, "so Patricia and Luke might be a thing" I told them, "seriously?" niall said, "yea, they are pretty close in age, so i guess it's okay, plus she's 17 and already been married, I think she learned from her mistakes", Harry said "That emo could be dating her that is mental", we all laughed. 

Niall's POV

I was heartbroken again, I thought I would have the chance I thought she would wait to start dating, but she didn't now I was left alone, I broke up with the girl I was dating. I was alone and heartbroken. 

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