Management and hearts

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Kaycie's POV

While Liam was driving to the office I was so nervous, I couldn't sit still, he must have noticed because he said to me "babe there is nothing to be nervous about, you know I'm not going to let them do anything" I was relived by his statement, Patricia was sitting in the back texting, she seemed to not even care. We parked at went into a big office building and up the elevator until we got to the office.

In the office everyone was super friendly, asking Liam if this was the girl he had been talking about for 2 months there. We finally got to the office, I knew we were going to be talking to their team of publicists and managers. Louis was standing by the door, when we got there. "What are you doing here mate? In trouble again" Liam said to him, "no, I came here to make sure no one tries to pull the wool over your eyes Liam" Louis responded, I hugged Louis and said "thanks for coming I'm so nervous" "no problem love, now let's go kick some ass in there" Louis said, I nodded and grabbed Patricia's hand.

Everyone was getting introduced, even Simon was there, it was a little intense. Patricia,Liam, Louis and I sat on one side of the table, everyone else on another. "So ladies, I hear you've been giving interviews to fans" simon stated, Patricia spoke "yea I don't get the big deal, we didn't give secrets away, or there addresses" "yea so there" said Louis highfiving Patricia. Another person spoke "you girls don't get it do you?, this group of fans are very creative, they can take one word and turn it into this massive thing", another person spoke "you aren't in trouble, we wanted to tell you it's better to write stuff down, rather than speak, because that way. Nothing gets said wrong" Patricia and I both nodded, but she also spoke again " you guys don't get it do you?, we both know, what being a fan is, only 2 months ago, that was us well mostly me, trying desperately to interact with the boys on a small level, I think those fans wanted to know the boys and the saw us, we answered, the boys aren't mad at what we said, so it doesn't matter" Liam spoke now "exactly it's not a big deal, they will use twitter from now on"

All the management agreed, Liam spoke once again "also we have something to tell you, we are excepting a baby in summer", management looked stunned but congratulated us. The nagging question came up again "how to tell the fans", Simon said the fans need to know me more, I need to tweet more let them into our personal world a little, doing twit cams with Liam, be more present at signings all of that. Louis spoke next "well telling the fans is going to be interesting, but here's an idea, the first show back in janurary, at the o2 , we twit cam a song, maybe moments or story of my life, we each bring someone special and put pictures in the background, when Kaycie comes up we put a scan picture up and Liam will talk after." I smiled big a Louis, and said "that's so perfect Louis, thanks for the idea"

Liam agreed the idea was brilliant. So they were going to start making plans, towards this.

Liam's POV

I could tell Kaycie was relieved as we were leaving, she made plans to go baby shopping with Eleanor and Perrie, they were meeting in an hour. I was taking Patricia back to school, and telling her about the surprise trip I have planned for us.

"Wow" Patricia said getting into the front seat, "i never get to sit in the front", I laughed at her. We were driving along listening to music and I turned it down, "so we are going somewhere next week, cuz you have it off" I told her, "where?" She asked. "Ireland, I know how you and Kaycie have been dying to go there" "are you serious? That's exciting" she said. "Yea, we are staying at nialls, I think, he wants us to." She smiled at that, I knew he was her favorite member but I was hoping the feelings didn't continue. Mostly because I knew how he felt about her.

Kaycie's POV

We all wore hats and scarves while shopping because we didn't want anyone to notice us shopping for baby ites, the rumor mill would go crazy. We didn't buy anything really that big because, it was still early and I didn't know the gender yet.

I got home and Liam was on the couch laying down on his phone. "Hey baby", he held out his arms and called me over. I went to him and laid down opposite of him. "So how was shopping babe?" He asked me. "It was good, got a couple things nothing big, not a lot because we don't know the gender" I told him. He looked at me strangely, "we are finding out the gender?" He asked. "Yea I want too, I always have" I told him. "Hmm, I've never thought of it" he told me. "Well, I'm calling it we are finding out" I laughed, he agreed.

After a relaxing night the next morning I woke Liam and told him to get ready we had to go to the doctors, he was excited. He kept telling me that I needed to hurry.

They called us into the drs room, she checked me over asked about how I was feeling, then they part that Liam was asking about, the heartbeat.

She put the Doppler on my tummy, and searched until she found it. There it was strong as ever. I looked over at Liam who was recording on his phone, he had tears coming down his cheeks.

Liam's POV

That's my baby in there, after the doctor left and told us everything was great, I kissed Kaycie and then her stomach and whispered "I love you already".

I sent the recording to everyone.

The next couple days went so fast, on Friday I told Kaycie about Ireland, she was excited. Patricia came home that night and we left on the plane.

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