6 weeks

42 0 0

Kaycie's POV

Graycie was the perfect baby, she is already sleeping 11-7 in the morning, I'm not going to lie things have been hard and since Trish was in Spain things were even harder. I felt lonely all the time. Today was Graycie's 6 week check up and mine as well. I wanted Liam there, I needed him there. I just didn't know how. 

I was at the doctor's office and we got in quite quickly. She did all Grace's stuff first, grace weight 10 pounds 6 ounces and is 27 inches long. She had her needles and didn't even cry. Then she did me she asked about my emotional state. I told her about Liam and our situation. She nodded understandably but then explained to me "in the weeks after giving birth your body goes though several changes, including several emotional changes, it's postpartum It can make you feel all different things" 

It made sense at that moment, She explained that usually breastfeeding helps, but sometimes supplements are needed, so she gave me a prescription for a natural hormone helper and I left the office with Graycie and we went and did a little shopping. I needed to clear my mind. 

I went back to the hotel and Put Graycie in an outfit that said I love my daddy and took a picture and tweeted it.


Graycie-Ann and mommy love her daddy @real_liam_payne 

simple and to the point, within 2 minutes my phone was ringing, "liam" i said excitedly "nope, Its Harry, are you trying to kill liam?" he said. I was disappointed that it wasn't Liam, "no, I just miss him, I understand what was happening, and I hate myself for taking Grace away from him and me taking myself away from him." I told harry, "makes sense, I'm with him now, can he text you?, you know to start off slow" he said, "yea, please do" i said before getting off the phone with Harry, almost immediately a text came though.

Liam: Hey Kaycie, how are you?

Me: Liam, I'm sorry, I'm doing okay missing you and your daughter misses you too 

Liam: Kaycie, don't do this, if you can't commit to this we can't even have this conversation. I want you and our daughter home but you are right everything happening so fast. 

Me: It happened, all we can do is build on our relationship

Liam: Let me take you on a date tonight, just you and me, around 7 I'll get Harry to watch Graycie sounds good?

Me: Yes sounds great see you in a couple hours 

 It was just about 7 and I paced around the room, Thinking of all the what ifs and what could bes, I was making myself crazy as I bounced Graycie up and down, There was a knock at the door just before 7, "hey Harry" i said "where's Liam?" he smiled at me as I passed Grace to him, "he's downstairs in his car waiting for you, he was afraid you were going to change your mind, but looks like not" he said. I laughed and then proceeded to show him all of Graycie's things and where they were, and what to do with her. He laughed and said "stop stalling and go put Liam out of his misery" I laughed and kissed Graycie and hugged Harry and I was on my way to see Liam for the first time in almost a month. 

He was waiting outside his car with his head down, "hi" I whispered to him, He looked up and said "hi babe" It made me melt, He opened my side of the car and I slide in the seat, "where are we going?" i asked quietly, "home, I ordered in I wanted it to be private" he said. I was happy about that. We arrived home, It was clean really clean. 

I sat down at the table, the food was already set out. "before anything else is said Kaycie, I want to tell you, what you did and said to me ripped me in half, I love you and I put 1 million percent into this relationship. I know that we moved too fast, but I'm going to be honest I wouldn't change it for a millisecond, the love we share or I thought we shared is strong, our daughter created from that love, If you say you don't love me that's fine, but Graycie is a constant reminder of the love I have for you"

I stared at him, took a slow drink of my water and said "Liam, I was going though some form of postpartum depression, very mild, but my hormones were crazy, I felt we just weren't connecting but we had a 3 week old baby, It's just hard, But I'm willing to put in the time and energy into our relationship if you still want me" I smiled up at Liam "babe, I wanted you when I first saw you, when you told me we were having a baby I wanted you, When I watched you give birth to our beautiful daughter I wanted you and everyday in between, Let's pick up where we left off and make time for us, a date night at least once a week, we live with a built in babysitter" he said. I stood up from the table and hugged him tightly. He lifted me up and kissed me deeply, and that's when I realized that's what I have been missing. 

We picked up Graycie about an hour later, we came home I let Liam feed her and put her in her crib and we went to bed, It was the first night we made love in 2 months, and it was so emotional. 

Liam's POV 

I fed Grace another bottle when she woke up at 7 while I let Kaycie sleep in, It was awesome to be at home with Grayce and Kaycie and soon Trisha would be back, life was coming together. I had to wake Kaycie up because we had a photo-shoot to go to with Grace, she smiled at me and said "thank god that wasn't a dream" I laughed and kissed her. 

We arrived at the studio and everyone was already there, Kaycie and I hugged everyone. This pictures were for our new book that was coming out. All the boys got pictures together, then we added Graycie to the pictures, then did individual ones with Graycie, Then so and so forth. It was awesome to have everyone together, It felt normal. 

Life was normal for little while, we were off mostly until October, when we were all off to Australia, but we had plenty of time before that to just be a family. 

Dreams do come true (Liam Payne)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin