Home isn't home anymore

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Patricia's POV

Louis,Eleanor Lottie, Fizzy , Harry and Niall were all waiting for us at the airport to board the plane to canada. We would be stoping in hamilton first, then Kaycie's parents live in Edmonton, then we would be going to Vancouver. I was glad Fizz and Lottie were here, I was missing josh so much already, I knew I had to stay away from Niall, as much as I hoped my feelings for him would fade they haven't yet!

On the plane Kaycie and Liam were sitting together, talking with Eleanor and Louis quietly. Niall and Harry were in separate seats but laughing loudly as usual I was Lottie and Fizz was on her iPad typing away. It was a long flight poor Kaycie still was having some sickness was in and out of the bathroom. I sat with Liam while Kaycie was in the bathroom, "you know what they say, morning sickness throughout the pregnancy means it's a girl" I told him, he laughed "wouldn't that be something a little girl to spoil" he said to me, I laughed and said "and you know that Kaycie will spoil that baby regardless". He turned to look at me and said "I know and I know she will be the greatest mother in the world" he smiled, I nodded. It was nice to have these moments with him, because he was in my life now forever, no matter what happens with Kaycie and him, the baby bonds us all together forever.

We arrived in hamilton just after 11 local time, we would be staying at a hotel since our house didn't have anything in it. Kaycie came into my hotel room I shared with Lottie and Fizzy, "Trisha, I want to go to the graves, put Christmas things on it and I want everyone to come" she told me. I nodded my head, I thought to myself how strange life is, after a quick getting ready time, we went into the huge van,bus thing we rented. Kaycie and I got out at the flower shop and grabbed flowers, Kaycie already had Christmas things.

We drove though the cemetery at told Louis to park, we walked closer and closer to the graves, we noticed someone standing near them, we thought it was strange until I saw who it was.

"For fuck sakes, Kaycie did you invite them?" I asked, she shook her head no and said "obviously know, I feel the same way. But I want you to ignore them for a minute, while I ask them to leave" she told me.

Kaycie who was clutching onto my hand went closer to them while everyone else stood back, "hey guys, I was just wondering if we could have some private time right now, you can come back another time" she spoke softly, you could hear a bit of an accent in the voice. When Stephanie and my "aunt" Sandie looked at us standing there, I wanted to scream! I held back and Kaycie squeezed my hand.

"We have as much right as you to be here" Stephanie spoke, that doesn't sit well with me, "you don't so leave" I said in a harsh whispered. I let go of Kaycie's hand knowing this was about to go down.

Kaycie spoke quickly knowing that this could escalate quickly, "just please! Give us some time alone with them, this is not the place to do this" when sandie spoke I felt myself tense up straight away " we want to be here so therefor we will, you girls just took off whenever it suits you to live some fantasy life, Kaycie I'm disappointed in you, you moved on and fast, it's not right at all, I have been talking to Trisha's mom who says we should go for custody of her." I watched Kaycie I knew she was hurt. She looked down at the ground, I turned behind me and motioned for Liam and them to move closer to us.

Tears fell silently from both our faces, Liam grabbed Kaycie's shoulders, Lottie and fizzy were on either side of me resting their hands on my back. Kaycie said to them "everyone is entititled to their own opionon and that's yours we don't share it" Stephanie spoke "you really are a piece of work aren't you, they aren't even cold yet, and you've already fallen in love, and moved across the country with them, and in with them, got news for both of you, it's not going to work out end of story." That was it, Kaycie was crying, she was pregnant with Liam's baby, they didn't know that and they wouldn't find out.

"That's it!" I screamed at them stepping away from Lottie and fizzy and closer to them " you killed them!!! YOU KILLED THEM!!" I screamed, "you kept texting my dad he was driving menika asked you to stop you kept going and going and going, RJ told you take it easy, no you kept going. you killed them you stupid whore" I screamed! She stood there taking it all in so I kept going "you took our whole world away from us because you wouldn't fucking listen to a word anyone said, you took away my dad the only parent I have, my sister Jesus Christ, Menika hadn't lived a full life, she was 19, she just started living life, you took away my brother, he was my protector, he did everything for me, you took him away from his wife, god damn it they were going to start a fucking family, you took them all away in a selfish act because you were talking to my dad about your dumbass kids, I'm so sick of feeling like I'm the bad guy, you did this now live with it" I felt someone behind me, it was Harry he was rubbing my back.

She starred at me as did Sandie, Stephanie spoke first "how dare you blame me for any of this, why should I have listened to a bunch of kids telling me not to text my boyfriend, you two make me sick" she scowled.

I added "and as for the moving on part, RJ would have been happy for Kaycie, he would never want her to be sad. And don't act like it's too fast, you especially you were with my dad 1 week after he left my mother, don't even speak." I told her

She looked at me and rolled her eyes and spoke sourly "you were always your dad's biggest disappointment and I wish it was you who was in the ground" that was it I lost it I couldn't hold back my tears any more, my tears turned to sobs, I couldn't breath, Harry pulled me in for a hug and was rubbing my back as I sobbed.

Kaycie's POV

"That is quite enough I think you've done enough damage for one day" I said to Sandie and Stephanie. Liam who was beside me spoke "I know it's time for you to leave now, you have upset everyone enough" Stephanie and Sandie walked towards me and whispered very harshly "you'll get what's coming to you, you didn't deserve Rj and you don't deserve him" with that they left.

I walked to Trisha who was sobbing into Harry and touched her back, I told her they were just lying to get a rise out of her. She stopped crying and said "let's decorate for them"

We started with her dad who we layed flowers on and put a couple Christmas decorations up around, next was Menika, our precious sister, we put beautiful pink flowers up and more Christmas decorations. Next was RJ, he meant a lot to both of us, we put blue and white flowers there for his favorite team and then some Toronto maple leafs decorations up as well. I whispered very quietly "I'm going to be a mum, the thing I've always wanted in life, thank you for helping me Rich, I'll always love you for what you did for me "

Shortly after we left the graveyard we all went out for supper, it was such a strange feeling being back in hamilton, suddenly or maybe not to suddenly the place that had been home for all my life didn't feel like home, just a place with memories some great and some painful, it was at that moment I knew no matter what happened hamilton would never be home again. M

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