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Kaycie's POV 

It had been 3 days since Patricia left, It had been hard but it was for the best, I know. We were leaving for Greece today, Patricia had declined to come, there was nothing I could do about that. She was starting her own life, Liam reminded me of that all the time. It shoudln't have been so early, This was her gap year, I pictured her going to south America and volunteering somewhere, not having a baby. 

I looked around at the apartment before we left to make sure we got everything. We locked the door and went into the big bus which would take us to a private plane and then onto Greece. It was awesome, It was just the boys, Eleanor, perrie me and graycie and some security. It was nice, I was looking forward to 4 days on a yacht. 

We arrived in Greece in a little under 4 hours, we went into another bus which took us to the yacht. We finally boarded the yacht and took of right away, We popped a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Graycie was always being held when she wasn't with Liam or I she was in someone else's arms. She loved all her aunties and uncles. 

A couple hours later, I couldn't find Niall and Graycie, I didn't think much of it, It was almost dinner time for Graycie so I went to find them.  I heard Niall's voice talking to Grace, "I really wish your auntie Trish didn't get pregnant, I was just waiting for her to get older, Then She was going to be mine" He said while bouncing Graycie, I knew Niall had liked her we had talked about it before, she was too young though, he said when she was 18 he was going to ask her out. "Niall" I said quietly, He looked up at me he had tears in his eyes.

"you heard me didn't you" he said, I nodded. "Niall, I know the feeling I didn't want her to get pregnant at 16 either, I wanted her to have a life and a career, She's not ready at all" I said rubbing his back. He looked at me, Tears almost falling from his eyes "I just didn't want it to turn out like this, I wanted to be with her, but I was respecting everyone's wishes and waiting until she was at least 18, I wasn't putting my life on hold but just I was hoping when it would happen, It would just happen" He said. "I know Niall, we haven't lost her but it feels like we have, because she isn't here" I said to him. "but let's go join everyone else and try and make this feeling go away" I added, He nodded, and we went to the main part of the deck where dinner was being served. 

After dinner, I was sitting on the deck with Eleanor and Perrie enjoying the sunset, Graycie was asleep in her playpen, near us and the boys were playing some card game at the table. We talked about Eleanor's wedding, the usual stuff the colours the cake and the dresses. It was an amazing distraction, That was until I got a text from Patricia. 

Trisha: Hey got a second?

Me: all the time in the world for my fave little sister 

Trisha: I'm your only little sister :S 

Me: lol, get on with it. 

Trisha: So I've decided to marry josh, I need you to sign a paper saying I can 

My heart sank, I didn't want her to do this, This was going to tear Niall up 

Me: You don't have to get married just because your pregnant you know, Look at me! 

Trisha: I know but josh proposed and I want to marry him,

Ugh, was all I could think, How was this possible how could she want to marry him, I couldn't say no, because then she would just emancipate herself and do it anyways,drama was not needed. 

Me: Yea I'll sign when I get back from Greece. so in 3 days, come to the house on Saturday and I will sign the papers.

Trisha: Your the best, Love you:) 

I didn't know what to tell Liam, "earth to Kaycie" Perrie said, I looked up, "sorry, I just got a text from Patricia, She's getting married" I said to Eleanor and Perrie, I was mentally preparing myself for Liam though. "Are you serious?, why would she want to get married, because of the baby?" Eleanor said, "I suppose so, she said it's because she wants to, I said I'm not married and I have a baby, but she wants to marry him, My hands are tied, she would just do it another way anyways" I told them , They hugged and Perrie said "go tell Liam, I'll listen for Graycie", I smiled and nodded and went to get Liam. 

"Li, Darling, do you have a couple minutes to talk?" I whispered in his ear while he was playing cards. "hey guys let's take a 5-10 minute break" He said, they all agreed, I took Liam into the room we were sharing, "what's up my sweetheart?, everything okay?" He said looking at me, I couldn't hold it anymore, I broke into tears, "She's getting married" I said sobbing. "who is getting married? Patricia?" he said rubbing my hair, "yes" was all i could manage to say, "oh babe, it's going to be okay, We will deal with this, I promise" He said hugging me. "I know, It's just like yesterday I was taking her to stores trying on clothes for a 7 year old, and now she's almost 17 pregnant and getting married" I cried to him, " I know sweetheart, but it will be okay, Let go, you'll feel better" He said, "they are coming on Saturday to sign the papers" I said, "don't stress babe, it's all going to be okay" 

The next 3 days flew by, I tried hard not to think about Patricia getting married. I tried to enjoy my time in Greece with my little baby and boyfriend, but as soon as we got home reality hit me like a ton of bricks. She came over with josh and his parents, She looked happy, I couldn't believe it. she came in and said "Hello Kaycie, Here is the papers can you please sign them?" I looked blankly, Liam rubbed my back, I nodded and signed them. She said "thanks for being so awesome about this, also since I'll be married now, I want full use of my account" I wanted to cry but I was holding Graycie to make me stronger. "okay, that seems fair, but Please be careful with it" I said to her, She nodded, and I signed her bank paper. She kissed Graycie and hugged me and said "goodbye, I'm off to get married", "wait, your getting married today as in now?" I asked, "yes, in abut an hour, so I'll talk to you later yeah?" she said. I nodded and said bye. 

I looked at Liam,who held his arms out to me, I fell into his arms while holding our daughter. "Liam, she didn't even ask me to the wedding" I said crying, "I know sweetheart, I know" was all he said, as he comforted me. "That's enough crying for me, I have a baby and boyfriend to take care of, I can't worry about her anymore" I said to Liam, "good attitude" he said smiling. With that we put it out of our minds and went to dinner with Graycie. I knew something wasn't right but I had to make myself happy. 

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