I can't....

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Kaycie's POV

The first week was easy, now things were getting hard. I always knew that being a mother was going to be hard especially with a newborn but dealing with a newborn and a teenager all while doing it with someone you feel like you barely know was a hard as hard can be. 

Liam was holding Graycie on the couch, "hey kaycie she feels really warm" he said, I went over and felt her head with my cheek, "she's a little warm, I'm going to check her temp" I said to him, I checked it she was a little high nothing to worry about. "Let’s get her in the bath, try and bring her temp down" I said to Liam. He shook his head "I'm taking her to the doctor right now, It could be an infection" he said. "Liam, they are going to try and get her temp down as well, so let me get her temp down, then if it won't go down, we can take her to the doctors" I said as calm as I could even though I was boiling inside. 

"No,I am taking her to the doctor's right now, Regardless of what you say, she's my daughter, she has my last name, I'm taking her to the doctors" he said as he grabbed his car keys and the diaper bag and left. I was furious, he took my daughter and left. Patricia came down "what's happening?" she asked. I shook my head "Liam. He took graycie to the doctor, because she was point 2 degrees up on her temp, I said give her a bath, bring it down, he refused and just took my daughter because she is his and has his last name" I told her. "Are you joking?" she said. I shook my head. "Go pack up some clothes Patricia, we aren't staying here and neither is my daughter" I told her, "you can't do that, because he took her to the doctors" she said, "no that's just the cherry on top, our parenting styles are different, too different. He does this thing where he undermines everything I say and I shouldn't have had a baby with someone I barely knew. I wouldn’t trade in Grace but I just don't know about Liam anymore" I said breaking into tears, She hugged me "where are we going to go?" she asked. "I don't know yet, Just Pack for a little while" she nodded and went upstairs. 

I grabbed the suitcases I came here in and started packing. I packed clothes and shower stuff. I went into Graycie's room, I looked around and started packing bags for her. I grabbed the next size up in clothes as well just in case. I zipped up the suitcase. Where was I going to go? I didn't know, I wanted to go to Canada, but I couldn't right away. Harry. 

"Hey Harry, how are you?" I said, "I'm okay, how's grace, and you?" he answered, "harry, I need to stay with you for a little I'll explain when I get there, its okay?" I said. "Your scaring me Kaycie, but come over" he said. I hung up. I sat on the couch waiting for Liam and my baby. 

They came home about 90 minutes later, Graycie was screaming, she was hungry. He handed her to me without a word. She stopped crying right away, and I feed her. "So what happened at the doctors Liam" I asked. "Nothing at all, she's fine, but I can and will do what I want with her" he spat towards me. I said nothing I just finished feeding my daughter while Liam sat on his phone. I finished feeding her, and put her in her car seat. 

"Liam, I am leaving" I said quietly, he looked at me confused as I held Grace in her car seat and Trish beside me. "You must be kidding, you can't take her and leave" he said. I had to stay strong. I approached him holding Graycie's car seat tightly. "this isn't working, we are fighting all the time, We shouldn't have had a baby so early into a relationship, I don't regret our daughter, but our relationship is the biggest joke on the planet, It's not working it shouldn't be this hard" I said tearfully he looked at me and grace. "I love you kaycie, we can work out whatever, is happening" he said choking back tears. "Say goodbye to Graycie-Ann, for a bit, we will work something out" I said. I was keeping myself strong.

"No, I refuse to say goodbye to you or my daughter or Patricia, this is my family and I'm fighting for it." He almost yelled.  "Liam" I whispered as I handed grace's car seat to Patricia and told her to call the taxi. I approached him, He was shaking "please don't do this babe, I don't want you to leave" he whispered, I hugged him and said "it's not working I can't, goodbye Liam" 

We got out of the car at Harry's, He rushed out to help, with our bags. I set up a playpen for Grace in the room Harry had set aside for Patricia, Grace and Me. I put Graycie to sleep and went to the living room to find harry and Trisha sitting on couches. "Soooo" harry said. I laughed, "Are you okay? and what's your plan?" he asked. "I’m not okay but I will be if think and my plan is to go back to Canada." I said, Patricia slowly nodded. I looked at her and burst into tears, "this isn't the life I wanted to give you after everyone had the accident, I wanted you to have a normal life, I'm sorry your always in the middle of everything" I said to her. She smiled and said "it's me and you and grace now, we will figure out something." I turned to Harry "thanks for letting us stay here, I don't how long we will be here" I said to him, He rubbed my back and said "anything for you, and stay as long as you need" I smiled at Harry. 

I was turning to go to sleep when my phone went off, it was a tweet from Liam.


Broken inside 

I thought to myself, that’s exactly how I feel broken inside, and the person who made it whole before, can't make me whole again. I let myself cry until I fell asleep. I woke up by the whimpering of my daughter she needed to fed, I got up and fed her, as I watched her I thought about Liam and how much she looked like him. I was broken too. 

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