Big Plans

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Liam's POV

We had a beach day today because we had the next 2 days off, I was in the water surfing with Louis, Kaycie was playing in the sand with Graycie and Eleanor. "Mate, I'm thinking of proposing to Kaycie" I said to him as we were waiting for for another surf to come in, "about time mate" he laughed, "I know,things were just crazy for awhile, now the tour is done, we will have time, I am taking her to Paris for our one year, should I do it then or later?" I asked him, "well go to paris when we get back and then do it after that, do you have a ring?" he asked, "yea, it was my grandmothers, Kaycie will love it" I told him, "good, gotta make a big propsal, like huge, when does trisha come back from gap year?" he asked, "well she leaves about 2 weeks after we get back and she will be gone for 6 months" I told him, "get her permission before she goes, it will win some points and call her dad and ask too" he said, "great ideas man, now all I have to do is wait" I said smiling at my little family. 

Niall came to the beach a little while later with Harry, Zayn and Perrie, We all stood around talking and watching Graycie who memrised by the sand and the water, Patricia,Lottie and Fizz along with the boys of 5SOS of summer came to the beach, Niall turned to me and Kaycie "can I take Grace near the water, I need to get away" Niall asked us, without a single word Kaycie handed him Graycie and patted his shoulder. 

I watched Niall carry Graycie and let her feet touch the water, she was so completly happy with him, she loved staring at him, and giggling when he lifted her above his head, he looked so happy to the untrained I but I knew he was upset. "Hey Mate, What's happening?" Ashton asked me, "nothing just watching Niall, with Graycie, he really enjoys her" I said to him, "how did you ever let Luke date Patricia?" he said laughing a little, I laughed and said "well I've learned my lesson not to mess in affairs of the heart. I mean look at Niall, He really liked her for awhile, and she wouldn't give him the time of day and I refused to let him date her", He nodded and said "ah, that explains Niall walking out yesterday and walking away today", I smiled "that would be it". We joined the rest of the group. While it was wonderful to see Patricia so happy and acting like a teenager, I couldn't help but think of the hurting Niall. 

Kaycie's POV 

We had 10 days left in austrilia and then Patricia would leave 2 weeks after that to start her 6 month long project in south america, I was so proud of her but I wondered if she knew what she was doing with Luke, would she end it when she had to leave or would she try doing the long distance thing while she was in south america. I made a mental note to talk to Patricia about it. 

It was a perfect day on the beach with everyone, it turns out Graycie, loves the water. When Niall had Graycie, I went up to him, Grace squelled loudly when she saw me, and reached out for me. I took her from Niall, "are you okay?" I asked him, he nodded slowly "I just don't want to bring anything around Patricia and Luke. It wouldn't be fair to them." he told me, with a crack in his voice, This hurt him more than I knew. I Hugged him, along with Graycie and told him "if things are meant to be, they just will be, give it time", He nodded as we walked back towards the group. 

We went out to dinner, Patricia didn't come because her and Luke went out on a date together. We got a private room and everybody from the tour went. I sat beside Liam, and Graycie who was in a highchair. We had a lovely time at dinner. Zayn was playing on his phone and he yelled across the table "Kaycie, I didn't know you were Niall's girlfriend as well", I looked up from feeding Grace some chicken and said "What on earth are you talking about?", He laughed and said "on twitter, the paps saw you Niall and Graycie by the water hugging, its all over twitter". I stared blankly and saw mangament grab out their phones to check. 

I went on mine and saw it

Kaycie Bryant, Girlfriend of one direction's Liam Payne, who is currently touring Australia with the band and Liam's almost 4 month old daughter. The band has a couple of days off, so Kaycie and Liam's daughter joined fellow One Direction member Niall Horan at the beach. The Pair was caught hugging and talking in a private conversation and handing Liam's daughter back and forth. Where was Liam, you ask. He was back at the hotel. Sources say Kaycie is causing a major rift in the band, she and Niall also visited her home country of Canada earlier this month. 

 I wanted to cry when I read that, I couldn't believe it, I saw the mentions, and they were terrible. 

Is Graycie even Liam's? I mean she has the same blue eyes as Niall. 

She was also spotted with Harry a while ago, I heard they are super close 



Some fans are the nicest people you'll meet, and then there's these ones. It stung honestly, I knew no one believed it, no one I cared deeply for anyways. Management said that we could make our own statements, but they would be contacting the magazine. So after I put Graycie to bed, I joined the boys, Eleanor and Perrie in the living room and decided to make a statement. 


this is going to be a bit longer than 140 characters, so bear with me everyone. I want to comment on some stories that were released today and fan reaction to these stories. And that's all they are is stories. There is nothing will Niall and I nor Harry and I. Liam and I are completely in love and in love with our daughter who has blue eyes like her mom. Today what the pictures didn't show was everyone on the beach as well, Niall and I had a private moment because he had taken Graycie to the water. Directioners if you need to know something ask. I usually answer. And as for mine and Liam’s daughter that is what she is, mine and Liam’s, if you can’t see that, your blind, and Graycie has a special bond with all her uncles.

That was all I had to say on that subject, I wanted to enjoy, my time in Australia with my daughter and Liam. After we all sat on the Balcony listening to some music and drinking.

Patricia’s POV

Luke and I had a wonderful time touring around Australia, He showed me all the cool Local spots and where he grew up, and stuff like that. I couldn’t have asked for a better date. Tomorrow, he was introducing me to his parents. Things were exactaly the way they were supposed to be. After these last days in Australia, Luke would come to London for a week before I left on my gap year, but I would see him at new year’s because he would be at Louis and Eleanor’s wedding. We decided to go as dates.

I wasn’t going to let anything ruin my relationship with Luke, not Niall, Liam, Kaycie or my gap year. This was my real deal relationship. He made me forget everything about Josh.  

Dreams do come true (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now