Dare I say normal?

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Kaycie's POV

Grace and I had been back at home for about 2 weeks. Liam's and my relationship was top notch, we did stuff together for the house, I wasn't overwhelmed with anything. Things were finally coming together. We mostly stayed in because it was hard to get out with fan's everywhere, Liam hated it, he especially hated it when Grace was with us and fans came up to us, I didn't mind I love to show Graycie-Ann off. 

Today we were in Wolverhampton visiting Liam's family, Trisha was still in Spain she was coming back in 2 days, she was so happy to be back at her house she said, which made me happy. Liam's mom took Grace for the afternoon so Liam took me around Wolverhampton for the afternoon. We were sitting in a small restaurant having a quiet snack, "Babe, This is just so prefect, this right here is what makes all the other bull around us worth it, sitting here with you, just talking about everything under the sun" Liam said while grabbing my hand to kiss it. I blushed I absolutely loved when Liam talked to me like that, It bought me right back to my fan girl moments. "Liam, sweetheart I love you so much" I said to him, "I love you too Kaycie" he spoke softly. 

We walked back hand in hand to his parents house, They were in the living room loving up a happy baby, she was giggling as Liam's parents made funny noises, it was so nice to see, she also got so excited when she saw Liam and I, it was lovely to see. We drove home a couple hours later, Graycie quietly sleeping in the back, while listening to midnight memories. 

Patricia was coming home in a couple hours, I was cleaning up the house while Liam was at the studio recording a new album. Graycie was having tummy time on the floor when Patricia walked in, I ran to see her "Trisha, how was Spain?" I asked excietley She hugged me and said "it was so amazing we sat on beaches, swam in the ocean and relaxed. It was perfect. Now give me my niece" She said while I handed her Grace "she's so big, she's so cute" trisha beamed, I laughed "well her dad is the Liam Payne" I said, we had a great laugh over that. We went to the kitchen while I fixed dinner we talked about her trip and how Liam and I got back together. We chatted for hours while Liam was gone, it was nice. She had grown up in less than a year, in less than a year she had become a woman, she has a boyfriend and no longer depends on me, Her world was wide open and it was awesome to see. 

She hugged Liam when she saw him and asked about all the boys, and how recording was going, it was awesome. Liam and I went to bed shortly after we put Grace to bed, We sat in bed talking about everything, "so Kaycie, what are we going to do for our one year anniversary?" He said. I hadn't though about it at all "I don't know Liam, It's just before the Australian part of the tour, and just 4 days before we go to Greece, So I'm not sure maybe something a little local" I said, He nodded in agreement. 

The next days Trisha was sick she said it was jet lag and not being used to the weather, I thought the same thing, so I just made her soup and took care of her, She was feeling a little better today, but Louis and Eleanor were coming over to watch Grace and keep an ear out for Trisha while Liam and I went for a date night but she was out when the arrived. "hey Lou and Eleanor" I called from the kitchen. I was feeding Graycie she had just started on some rice cereal. Eleanor came in a hugged me, and told me to leave and go have a great date night. 

While we just arrived at home a tweet came to my phone 


Hanging out with this pretty baby tonight with @eleanorjcalder while Liam and Kaycie have a date night

It was so nice to see.

Eleanor's POV 

I just put Graycie-Ann to sleep and checked on Patricia who was in her room, refusing to open the door, nothing unusual there. I went to the bathroom and I saw something in the trash, I had to look, it was a pregnancy test that read out

Pregnant 1-2 weeks

Oh my Kaycie is pregnant again, there's going to be a new baby!!! I was so excited for her, I had to tell Louis. "lou, I just found a pregnancy test in the bathroom and It's positive, Kaycie is pregant"  I said to him, He looked shocked "what really they didn't tell us" he said, "they will I'm sure, she might just be telling Liam tonight, so don't say anything to him"

Kaycie's POV 

We said goodbye to Louis and Eleanor, and headed to get ready for bed.I was in the bathroom, when I noticed a pregnancy test in the garbage, I pulled it out and it said 

Pregnant 1-2 weeks 

Eleanor was pregnant, I would finally have someone to share my mummy moments with other than Lou and Carolyn. 

"Liam" I said excitedly, "what's up baby?" he asked while looking up from his ipad. "eleanor is pregnant!!!" I screamed. "what are you serious, why didn't tell Louis tell me?" he pouted. "she must have just found out tonight, It was in the trash, Don't say anything until they tell us, Okay boo?" I said to Liam, he agreed, but I couldn't help but be excited. 

Dreams do come true (Liam Payne)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora