Home Sweet Home?

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Kaycie's POV

Well today is the day, we are officially moving to London, to say I was excited was an understatement. Liam would be meeting Trisha and I at the airport in Toronto, we would be flying to London together. Trisha and are were just finishing packing our carryons when the movers showed up to take the bug stuff to London. We looked around at our empty house, Trish looked a little sad so I pulled her in for a hug and whispered "new beginnings", she smiled and said "I'm looking forward to it. We got into the car that was waiting for us.

At the airport, we had no bags to check so we just went though security and were waiting for Liam. He had texted to let me know they were going though security as well. We grabbed starbucks and sat down and told Liam were we would be. I asked Trisha "are you ready for this new life?", she sighed and replied "I need this, I'm really hoping that this snaps me into a new place and I can finally be happy". She confided in me that she is having problems with her friends, they were getting jealous of her, and said she was constantly lying about her new life. I told her she didn't need them and she shook her head and smile and said "that's why I need this fresh start more than anything."

I saw Liam approaching us and he had Harry with him, which made Patricia smile, I know that she did have the Harry feels, but I also knew that she say him like a brother, they loved telling each other jokes and generally laughing at life. It was good for her. Liam starting jogging towards me, I was laughing at his eagerness. He picked me up just so my feet lifted off the ground and kissed me, he pulled away and put me down and whispered "i missed you babe, I can't wait to spend some time with you in our house". I laughed and said to him "I am soo ready to just have a nice relaxing time in our house". "Hi Harry", I said from behind Liam, I slipped out of Liam's grasp and hugged Harry. "So you ready to take on London,Kaycie and Patricia?" Harry said, "absolutely" Trisha and I answered in perfect unison.

We boarded the plane, Liam did inform me that the other boys would be in London for the next 2 week as well, then they had 2 weeks to finish the tour, which I would be attending the last week of. We settle into our seats and I sit next to Liam, we watch some Halloween movies on my iPad,until we fall asleep.

Liam's POV

We arrive in London and I gently wake Kaycie up, she smiles at me and kisses me lightly and says "I'm ready to start a new chapter". I loved this feeling, all the butterflies, all the little feelings and secrets. I couldn't wait to spend my quality time with her, and Patricia even too, who hasn't quite warmed to me but in due time she will. I couldn't wait to show Kaycie what Ruth and Nicola have done to the house Kaycie is sure to love it.

I opened the door to the house and Kaycie, Patricia and Harry walked in. Harry was spending the night in the guest room, we had some photo shoots tomorrow afternoon.

Patricia's POV

Liam insisted I see my room right away, I followed Liam to the room I used last time. I walked in and to my complete shock, the room was completely different, it was full of polka dots, the walls were pale blue, with purple,pink,yellow and white polka dots all over. There was a light fixture that had the same color polka dots on it. My bed was white with polka dots on the 4 posters. I had a bookshelf full of books. That's when I noticed it a poster of one direction, that's when I heard Harry laughing. "Harry called my sisters and begged them to put the poster in the room", Harry was laughing, I laughed and said "thanks Liam regardless of the poster, I love it!" I hugged him, now that was strange. That's when I looked beside my bed and there was 2 framed pictures one of my family before they died and the selfie Niall and took. I loved it, it was a perfect room, even if I did only spend weekends there.

Kaycie's POV

Liam told Harry we were heading to bed. He was dying to show me our room. He put his red bandana over my eyes and pulled me in the room closed the door, he kissed my cheek and took the blind fold off. The room was painted a deep red, all the furniture was black, the bedding was red and black with a heart in the centre of the duvet. It perfect. The room I dreamed of. We had our own bathroom and a walk in closet. I was in love with this room. I kissed Liam deeply and whispered "Liam you seriously are the best boyfriend ever". He smiled down at me and said "thank you babe, and by the way welcome home love"

The next morning I woke up smiling, next to Liam my favorite thing ever. I couldn't wait to do this all the time. I turned towards Liam and kissed him deeply. He woke up smiling and started singing, "good morning beautiful, how was your night? Mine was just wonderful with you by my side, when I opened my eyes and saw your sweet face, it's a good morning beautiful day". "Liam" I squealed "that was so perfect, beyond words", "good" he said and sealed it with a kiss.

Trisha's birthday is tomorrow, so I had to go out to get her some things, Liam and I have already arranged to have Harry and Gemma take her out all day tomorrow, to come home to a surprise party. It was perfect. Lottie and fizzy would be over today so I could go out and get the stuff I needed. Eleanor and Ruth would be coming with me. I hated spending the day away from Liam but he had a photo shoot this afternoon anyways.

I got out of bed and got ready for shopping, it was raining so I would get to wear my boots today. Liam watched me getting dressed and said "as beautiful as you look, I would rather see the clothes going the other way", I laughed at him and said "I need to get ready El and Ruth are coming to take me shopping for a not so little girls party" "right" he said "I got her some things too, nothing huge, just some trinkets from America" I smiled at him and said "it will be perfect no matter it is".

We went out to the kitchen when we were both dressed and ready for the day. Harry and Patricia were already sitting at the table with some breakfast, of course she convinced him to buy Starbucks, only her I thought. "Thanks Harry" I said. He said to me "well this one insisted that you have to have Starbucks every morning so you wake up, otherwise you can't drag yourself out of bed" I laughed and looked and Patricia and told her "stop lying to Harry, you could have just asked", she laughed and said "but he is so gullible"

We were all laughing eating breakfast, when the buzzer rang. Liam answered it, it was El,Louis, Fizzy and Lottie and Ruth too. They came upstairs and Liam and I gave them a tour of the new places in the house. I was so excited about it. We left straight away. As soon as we got down the block, paparazzi, ugh I thought, but then I just thought to myself home sweet home.

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