Family comes in all shapes and sizes

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Kaycie's POV

I decided to make a thanksgiving supper for dinner, all the homemade yummy stuff, so I was up early, to my surprise Patricia woke up a little after me, so I was going to take this opportunity to talk to her. I asked about school, she mostly loved it still hated the uniform. I asked about boys she told me she thinks some are cute, but none as cute as Niall. I sighed and told her "Niall is apart of our family, I don't think you'll be dating anytime soon", she said "I know, but a girl can dream cant she?". I laughed and told her "of course"

I asked "how do you feel about Liam?", she answered quietly "I like him, but he can't be so strict with me, but he makes you so happy so I like him", I sighed and said "I'll talk to him about being so strict" "thank god" she said.

We had a quiet little family day while preparing for the big family to come over tonight. Liam and Patricia got along for the most part. Liam tried to help me cook, I got him to do little things and do a Starbucks run. Patricia and him were in charge of setting the table and doing drinks. It was nice to see us working out as a family.

I was reflecting on our time together as a couple, it was so nice. I knew mostly due in talking with Eleanor that having them actually at home was so rare, so you have to take it while you can, I got lucky they have time off after the tour until after Christmas.

Liam's POV

I saw Kaycie cooking, and I grabbed her from behind and hugged her tightly and whispered "I love you" and she turned around and kissed me and said "I love you too boo". The buzzer rang and I let them in. "You ready" I smiled at Kaycie, she said "never been more ready in my life" I laughed.

Everyone was here enjoying the dinner and drinks, it was awesome. Kaycie and Patricia were so star stuck over Ed it was funny. They were telling him they went to his concert in Toronto were he opened for Taylor Swift. At the mere mention of her, Harry cringed.

Patricia's POV

I was sitting like 2 seats away from Ed Sheeran, talking about when I saw him and t.swizzle in concert, life was great. I was mentioning how I would love to meet Taylor, and Ed said "I'll make it happen as a thank"

Harry groaned and looked and me and said "is that really nessacary?" We all laughed at him. After dinner I was sitting with Lottie in my room talking about boys at school and boys at him. I love Lottie she's like a sister to me, we tell each other everything, she has the same issue I do. She likes Harry, Louis said it won't happen ever, Liam told me the same. It's frustrating, not that Niall likes me or anything .

Liam's POV

I was sitting with the boys after we had cleaned up having a beer, Kaycie was with Eleanor and Perrie sitting in the kitchen. This was nice, this was family.

Patricia came up to me shortly after everyone left and hugged me she said "thanks for making Kaycie happy and for letting us live with you", I told her "this is your home too, and I'll do anything to make Kaycie happy"', she smiled and said "I know"

I went to bed to find Kaycie reading a book in bed. I smiled at her and said "hey babe, thanks for coming to live with me", she looked up and said "I'm so glad I'm here Liam, so happy, it's perfect." I moved to the bed and told her I loved her and we made love

The next few days went fast, I was leaving for 2 weeks, but Kaycie was joining me for a week as well as the other families, for the last 2 days of shows in Los Angeles. I was sad to be leaving Kaycie here alone, but I knew I'd see her soon.

Dreams do come true (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now