Everything hurts

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Liam's POV

It has been 2 days since Kaycie left, I felt numb completely numb, I had no idea where Kaycie was even staying. I have heard nothing from her. Zayn came over because he was worried about me. I opened the door. "hey man,what's up?" he said when I opened the door. "nothing at all" I said quietly. "where's my niece?" He asked. "no idea" i said trying to avoid his eyes. "what do you mean, did she go out with Kaycie or your mum?" he asked. I knew I had to tell him, It was tearing me up inside. "she left, she took grace and Trisha and moved out. I have no idea where she is" I said in almost a whisper. He stared at me for a couple minutes before asking "are you kidding?" I shook my head no. 

We talked for a little while, about everything, but he had to go to harry's but he texted Niall who was on his way over. It made me feel so alone. I went into Grace's nursery and sat there, in the rocking chair where only 3 days before I rocked my daughter to sleep. I was broken and I couldn't fix it. I didn't know what to do. 

Kaycie's POV 

I had just woken up from a small nap, Graycie was still sleeping. I tiptoed out to the living room to see Harry sitting with Zayn. "did you hear about Kaycie and Liam?" zayn asked harry, Harry nodded "i may have" he said sneakily. I couldn't have Harry lying for me, It would tear them apart. "hi zayn" I said quietly. "thank god your hear and not in Canada" he said hugging me. I nodded. "come sit let's talk about this" he said. 

I sat down with Zayn and Harry. "what happened?" Zayn asked. I grabbed at my shirt, trying not to cry. "well, Graycie was a bit warm, so I said let's give her a bath and bring it down, He yelled and said no, Said he was taking her to the doctor, that she was his kid and had his last name, and he left without another word. We haven't been getting along, it's been hard. We had a baby too early into the relationship. Motherhood comes naturally to me but Liam has a hard time with being a dad, he a great dad but he's too nervous, our relationship was going to fall apart, I love him so much I didn't want to fighting all the time. so i ended it now" I said quickly, I felt instantly better. 

Harry and Zayn and Patricia who had caught the end of what I said just stared at me. Zayn was the first to break the silence. "Kaycie you love him, you can't go back even if you wanted to, You have a beautiful daughter who is a product of your and Liam's love, she is most innocent party in all this, Do you think that she wants her parents apart?, the answer is probably no" he said, Harry added " Graycie is the most important person in all this, do you think it's going to be a fun time for her in Canada while her whole other side of her family is here. Don't you think that Liam wants to work stuff out?" I started crying, I knew what they were saying was true but I couldn't face. Zayn said | I told you before you and Liam started dating he loves and hurts deeply, He is hurting so much right now, not only is he missing his daughter, but someone he loves so deeply" I knew all this. I said simply "give me time" they both nodded. I knew we needed to get out of the one direction bubble. 

Later that night I said to Patricia "we need to get out of here, we need to be on our own for a little while" she nodded and said "I'll pack, you find a hotel" and that's what we did. Harry was out for the night so I packed everything into a cab and headed to a hotel. I told Harry where I was so he wouldn't worry. but that night when I got to bed after feeding Graycie. I had never felt more alone. 

2 weeks later

I received a text from Harry

Harry: Hey Kaycie I hope all is well. Liam really wants to see Grace and you, I know you won't see him but can i borrow grace for a couple hours, we have to be at the studio 

Me: I don't know she eats every 4 hours, so it's going to be hard 

Harry: Please? it would mean allot to all of us 

Me: Come get her at 4:00 and bring her back at 8 not a second later

Harry: I'll be there 

At 3:45 there was a knock at the hotel room door, "trisha it's harry can you get it?" she nodded and went to get the door. I picked up Graycie and put her in her car seat. She was getting more active now and responding to people around her. Liam would be happy to see her. I heard Patricia getting really giggly with Harry. It was nice to see. "hey Harry" I said, he hugged me tightly. "hey Kay, are you doing well" he said. "harry, I'm counting on you to take care of Graycie-Ann, she needs to be back here by 8:00 or if she starts to get fussy. Please don't disappoint me" I said to him, He nodded "you need to talk to him Kaycie" he said. with that I shut down. "okay harry 8 no later goodbye" 

Patricia and I did a little retail therapy and then went to dinner. We talked about the future, I had no idea what I was going to do. She wanted to either have me stay here for her or give her permission to stay here that broke my heart. "trisha I know your growing up, but I can't imagine life without you, even though now I'm a mother now, I still want you around" I told her. She smiled and said "Kaycie, you are my sister, but i need to say this i've stayed quiet about you and Liam for this whole time but not today, You love him, you love him so deeply, you created a beautiful baby with him, He loves you so much. This is it for you, this is what you wanted. Just talk to him please" She said, Tears sprung to my eyes "I know I know" was all i could say. A tweet came to my phone just that second 


This is what I lived my whole life for, cuddles with my baby girl, still missing her momma though 

Back at the hotel Harry dropped off Graycie, he didn't say much. After I fed and changed Graycie I went to the living room, Patricia was on the phone with Josh. "hey Kaycie, I know you need me, but Josh and his family are going to spain and they invited me, think I can go?" I took a deep breath I needed not to be selfish, "yea go ahead, it will be good for you" I said she beamed at me " We are leaving in 2 days, Help me shop" she said. "Yea sounds good" I told her. 

in 4 days Graycie would be 6 weeks old, we had her needles that day and my check up. after that i would know why everything hurts inside. 

Dreams do come true (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now